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Everything posted by Gardenia

  1. Personally disagree considering in 3/4 routes, he doesn’t care about Byleth at all except his own. Edelgard, whether it be love or simply admiration, will always say something to the effect of that she wishes she could be with you and even the theme song alludes to this barring her route since well, you’re on her side.
  2. I personally think it's fine to have a sort of base of operations as others have said and really the monastery is the best place since we'll be familiar with it from the school phase. It would be cool to see changes to it (how it looks, the people and tone) when we get to the war phase though.
  3. Just wanted to say that just because someone says "I like her because she's hot" does not automatically mean "I want to bang her." But I also don't get why it's implied to be a bad thing (the way "justify" was used earlier) if they explain why they prefer one over the other, even if you don't necessarily agree with it or even believe them. They're literally just answering the question that they were asked. Some like to be verbose, others like to be short and sweet.
  4. Yeah if you really just want to avoid the chance of getting hateful comments on the video and don't want to deal with it, the best way is to just disable the comments. Even if the video is unlisted, as long as someone has the link to the video it can be accessed by anyone and it will probably be shared outside of here. It's all up to you though and thanks so much for doing this! Edit: Grammar fix because I shouldn't post when falling asleep.
  5. Thought the butt sumo was funny. Seriously ya'll make it sound like this was the worst thing ever conceived. I get not caring for these kinds of jokes (just kinda shrugged at the boob one admittedly) though and feel it's more an issue of the portrayal of women in anime for example: every friggin' comedy-harem anime conceived.
  6. Thank you for all your hard work Rena! I'm sorry your introduction to the fanbase was hmm... Let's say less than favorable to put it mildly but a majority really do appreciate all the work and it looks like a lot of people are coming around as we get closer to release. Don't let that small vocal minority get you down, you don't deserve any hate. Good luck in future endeavors and I hope to hear you in more roles as well~
  7. Yea considering they're also a pretty popular singer. From what I've seen usually (not always) it's someone who is a very well known singer where issues arise.
  8. The NA version does have dual audio though I'msorryIjustwantedtopointthisout Honestly, I'm hoping it's in simply because Miyuki Sawashiro it was in for Awakening but if I had to be honest... I stopped caring which voices I was listening to after awhile. I would like them to be in but if not, no sweat. As was mentioned, the only thing I can think of that's stopping them would be licensing issues with the VAs since some of them are pretty high profile.
  9. I made a more detailed post in the "Early Release" thread but I also pre-ordered the bundle. They said that it should be in the shipments when the game comes in and that they'll be able to sell them. I'll check again tomorrow since that's when they said to call them and post an update. I'm in Florida.
  10. I wonder if it depends on the store. Apparently, one of my friends pre-ordered at a different Gamestop from me (that's still close by) and was told they're not getting/selling it till the 4th. However, the Gamestop I pre-ordered at on my University (I got the bundle) said that they MAY be getting it in tomorrow and if so, they can sell it since there's no street date. I just have to call and see if the shipment came in. The one who helped me was the manager. I'm in FL btw.
  11. I'm hoping since that since a majority of the Gamestop employees I pre-ordered it at are extremely excited for this game as well, that if they have it in on the 4th they'll be selling it. If not it's not going to kill me much since, luckily, I don't have classes the next day anyway. Which means I can play all day~ Who needs education? Priority Emblem!
  12. It depends if they get their shipment before the 4th. They usually have the high-profile games in early so that they can release it on street date. Hopefully FE will get the same treatment since Nintendo seems to really be pushing it. EDIT: Whoops people posted while I was typing this. This response is for Hawk King lol. @above: I would say just pre-order the actual bundle now just to be safe.
  13. Add spoiler tags by [spoiler*]text (Just remove the star) I thought she was interesting and was only okay with her at first but I really liked her after I read her support with Nono. It was just really sweet. I have no idea what happened with Noire though but That's the reason I like her though I can understand why people would not. She has done things that aren't really ethical by most standards but I think she's really kind (in her own very, VERY special way) from what I've seen in her supports.
  14. So apparently the US version will have dual audio. :D http://www.siliconera.com/2013/01/15/fire-emblem-awakening-has-dual-audio-voice-tracks/
  15. I was able to pre-order at Gamestop a few minutes ago. Pretty exciting~
  16. Herp I somehow read what you put wrong. My bad.
  17. But her FeMU support is exactly the same as the MaMU without the S rank and the only thing that changed was anything with lovers to friends.
  18. Thanks so much for all the work you guys have been doing for the supports! I was wondering if someone is doing the Selena x Mark one or if it's already been done but I missed it. I'm kinda interested in seeing how they interact since their personalities are kinda opposite.
  19. I've been pronouncing it the way the French say it.
  20. Since Tiamo was mentioned so much I was wondering if there was anything for Male MU x Tiamo? Or even Fe MU x Tiamo?
  21. I keep throwing my money at the screen but it won't take it! D:
  22. Nephenee, Mia, Lucia, Soren, Volke I spoiled them so much...
  23. This made me laugh more than it should have. I don't really know who I'll pair people up with. I have to see their personalities first and then work from there.
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