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S.C. Amigo

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Everything posted by S.C. Amigo

  1. As the title says, this is my own unique take on the several classes usually seen in the FE games and my version of their promotions. However, classes like the dancer, or manaketes or trainee classes are not included. There is also two versions. The first is based off the more traditional weapons & magic triangle style, then the second is the new dual weapons triangles introduced in Fates. First, the traditional kind. Please comment and voice your thoughts! Original Weapons & Magic Triangle Style: *Myrmidon (Sword) **Trueblade (Sword) <-> Ranger (Sword and Bow) *Mercenary (Sword) **Sentinel (Sword and Lance) <-> Hero (Sword and Axe) *Lancer (Lance) **Slayer (Lance) <-> Halberdier (Lance and Bow) *Soldier (Lance) **Sentinel (Lance and Sword ) <-> Vanguard (Lance and Axe) *Brigand (Axe) **Berserker (Axe) <-> Warrior (Axe and Bow) *Fighter (Axe) **Hero (Axe and Sword) <-> Vanguard (Axe and Lance) *Archer (Bow) **Sniper (Bow) <-> Halberdier (Bow and Lance) *Hunter (Bow) **Ranger (Bow and Sword) <-> Warrior (Bow and Axe) *Thief (Knife) **Assassin (Knife) <-> Rogue (Knife and Bow) *Armor Knight (1/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) **General (2/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) <-> Great Knight (Sword, Lance and Axe) *Cavalry Knight (1/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) **Paladin (2/3 of either Sword [/] Lance [/] Axe) <-> Great Knight (Sword, Lance and Axe) *Pegasus Knight (Lance) **Pegasus Master (Lance and Anima Magic) <-> Pegasus Wizard (Lance and Choice of Light Magic [/] Dark Magic) *Wyvern Knight (Lance) **Wyvern Master (Lance and Sword) <-> Wyvern Lord (Lance and Axe) *Shaman (Light Magic) **Druid (Light Magic and Anima Magic) <-> Sangoma (Light Magic and Choice of Staff [/] Knife) *Mage (Anima Magic) **Sage (Anima Magic and Choice of Light Magic [/] Dark Magic) <-> Consular (Anima Magic and Choice of Staff [/] Knife) *Wizard (Dark Magic) **Sorcerer (Dark Magic and Anima Magic) <-> Enchanter (Dark Magic and Choice of Staff [/] Knife) *Priest (Staff) **Bishop (Staff and Choice of Light Magic [/] Dark Magic) <-> Abbott (Staff and Anima Magic) *Healer (Staff) **Defender (Staff and Choice of Sword [/] Axe) <-> Guardian (Staff and Lance)
  2. I want to know a bit more about these Tribes. Like why the Ice Tribe seems to be aligned with Nohr, and yet the Fire and Wind Tribes are with Hoshido, and why they seem to be semi-autonomous. Is it elaborated in the story?
  3. Don't quote me 100% Ryo, but I believe I saw on the FE wiki that she is a Strategist.
  4. I still don't see the Cordelia one. She has similar hair, but the face looks different.
  5. Hmm, I'm curious how Kamui learns about this Invisible Kingdom in the first place, as
  6. *Catches up* .....Wowzers. I mean, really, I can't say I'm liking the idea of the siblings-even-though-technically-they-aren't being romance options, but for the other characters, I find myself not caring too much of that. But yeah, no way NOA doesn't drop the Censor Hammer on this. Like maybe even removing the Amie feature.
  7. Heh, upon closer inspection, I don't think Foleo's face is any more girlier, then say Shigure, it's the princess curls that's throwing everybody off.
  8. I suppose this is proof that the parents are extra characters, ala Emmeryn and Gangrel, then actually joining you in the story.
  9. Since I have to assume some of those portraits are that of enemies, it seems unusual Iago is not in there, no?
  10. Is there any different between Azura's regular and critical portraits?
  11. Male Kanna kind of looks like a mini-Kamen Rider.
  12. This is likely very obvious, but for the threads detailing things like the storyline and the characters, since spoilers are naturally to be expected, you don't have to use spoiler tags within, but obviously, you must use tags elsewhere or not discuss it, right?
  13. Something about Hoshidoians come off to me as annoyingly self-righteous. And Nohr's campaign is something new for the series. Nohr it is.
  14. The complete opposite. I'm like the Spoiler-Hounds of Baskerville over here.
  15. If this world has an Outworld Gate (Potentially so if the characters from other games appear at My Castle are any indication), then I think it's quite possible the third path is a set right what went wrong kind of thing. Where Kamui goes back with knowledge of whoever was pulling the strings (Hopefully, just some nobles instead of another dark dragon cult), to take down those who would bring ruin to both Nohr and Hoshido and stuff. I'm probably wrong, but it seems possible enough.
  16. Combining both the Pirates idea of a sort and my idea of playing as what would normally be the villainous faction, I think would be interesting to have a Vikings-themed Fire Emblem. Like you would be a young, ambitious Jarl seeking to unite the peoples of his northern, savage lands by acquiring fame and gold to win warriors to you and a claim to become King. So, you fight other chieftains and raid stand-ins for the British Isles and France to get just that. Maybe even bonus missions where you sail as far as stand-ins for Newfoundland and Arabia.
  17. A Mage Fighter/Knight-esque class for Light and Dark Magic-using classes.
  18. Well, my first taste of Fire Emblem was in Super Smash Bros. Melee. I had no clue at all who Marth and Roy were, and I wasn't very internet-savvy at the time, so I was very curious on who they were. Then, about a year or so later, I remember Nintendo Power doing a coverage of Blazing Sword, and I was very intrested. So, I rented in at Blockbuster and that was the start of it.
  19. Ah, allow me to explain myself. I'm trying to make a class list based more off the Jugdral and Tellius games, and I remember the Bard and Shaman classes promoting to Sage, which used Light Magic and Anima Magic (plus Staves). And while the Dark Mage didn't actually promote to Dark Bishop, it was a stronger version of that class, and also used Dark Magic and Anima Magic (also with Staves), so I was basing it off those, you see.
  20. So, in Genealogy of the Holy War, the Shaman and Dark Mage classes made their debut. Shamans used Light Magic and Dark Mages used Dark Magic. Then, came the GBA games where the Dark Mages took a hike, the Shamans replaced them as the Dark Magic class and Monks were brought in as the Light Magic class. Then, in the remake of the Akaneia games, and it's sequel, Awakening, Dark Mages came back. So, clearly both classes are tied together. Now, let's say hypothetically, the next game is a whole new verse with a Light/Anima/Dark Magic Triangle. And the promotion for both Light and Dark classes would be like Awakening's Sorcerer with their own brand of magic + Anima Magic? As in, no promotions to Bishop, or something. So, I present you these options. The first would be like the Jugdral games of Shamans using Light Magic and Dark Mages or possibly being called Warlocks, if needed, using Dark Magic. 1. *Shaman (Light Magic) **Druid (Light Magic and Anima Magic) *Dark Mage [or Warlock] (Dark Magic) **Sorcerer (Dark Magic and Anima Magic) The second option is to split the Shamans into two, separate classes: 2. *Light Shaman (Light Magic) **Druid (Light Magic and Anima Magic) *Dark Shaman (Dark Magic) **Sorcerer (Dark Magic and Anima Magic) Or perhaps Monks should come back with a new promotion? 3. *Monk (Light Magic) **Abbott (Light Magic and Anima Magic) *Shaman (Dark Magic) **Druid (Dark Magic and Anima Magic) and the alternate of that. 4. *Monk (Light Magic) **Abbot (Light Magic and Anima Magic) *Dark Mage [or Warlock] (Dark Magic) **Sorcerer (Dark Magic and Anima Magic) So, please, please, and please once more voice your opinions, as I'm trying to make a class list, and the names for this issue is bugging the crap put of me!
  21. This is a question for Othin about the game.
  22. There were some storyline problems (Felt the Gangrel arc went too fast and Grima being too underdeveloped) and some of the class options bugged me, but this was a fine game all the same.
  23. It's also weird in Cherche and Gerome's supports when they talk about Minverva if either is a Griffon Rider. I mean, where they did get that thing, anyways?
  24. The best way to think of some of the chapters, like say Chapter 19, is like how the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors game cover their story modes. It's more of a highlight reel of the famous battles, so obviously there had to be more battles and skirmishes in the story, it's just not as famous or ends with Chrom's victory like said Chapter did. But, that's just me.
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