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Everything posted by Nimue

  1. Ever since I first saw Kaze, I knew I'd like him. I just didn't know he'd turn out to be an absolute dreamboat <3 Same goes for Hinata. For Elise, I though I'd be neutral, since I don't care much for the cutesy-bubbly archetype, but I was suprised to see how kind and mature she can be, especially after she helps Sakura when she sees how much she's suffering after chp. 23. Charlotte ended up not being as annoying as I thought she'd be, and some of her supports are actually quite amusing. When I played the game during the Japanese release I forgot Benny existed, but then I started reading his supports and he's easily one of my faves as well. I especially like pairing him with Camilla. I also thought Mitama wasn't anything special when she was revealed, but I like some of her supports and she's crazy good with Effie as her mother. I also like her dynamic with her father. She along with Kagero, Siegbert and Shigure get extra points for being artists. I suppose Forrest fits in with that too, huh? For the not so favorable opinions, top honors go to Oboro. I was already unimpressed with her design and character bio. I expected the writers to be a bit more careful in how they handeled her vendetta against Nohr, but all of her supports with Nohrians gross me out in some way (as I explained in the bad supports topic) and they're repetative as hell. I especially can't take her plight seriously with her "Nohr-Hater" face since it comes off as a comical way to "lighten" up the supports and not make her ridiculous attitude seems too harsh, but it does anyway. I also felt confused when people started claiming her use of derogatory language and threats was acceptable, when it wasn't for other Hoshidans, who have suffered just as much as she has. Long story short, benched on every playthrough :/ Also, I like Jakob and Silas design-wise, but not so much personality-wise. They're pretty mean for no good reason.
  2. Endless praise for Takumi. I love his design and personality. Plus he rocks on the battlefield. Embarrasingly enough, I might have been one of the first, if not the first, Takumi fangirl. As soon as they revealed his character sprite in one of the earlier screenshots and everyone was debating over whether he was a girl or not, I decided I was gonna marry my avatar to him in my Birthright playthrough no matter what.
  3. I like Joshua and Guy equally, but since Josh is in the lead, I'll give my vote to Guy. He always turns out great for me and I really like his design. It's really a shame he doesn't get much praise. As for Joshua, there's no need to explain how awesome he is.
  4. True, his supports with the sisters were actually pleasant to read. I really enjoyed them. At least in his support with Sakura, his embarrasment at slipping up is tied to how he wants his image to reflect his liege. Too bad I can't say the same for the others.
  5. It's not the whole support I dislike, just the eyeroll-worthy conclusion. It made no sense for Beruka to offer Oboro any compensation, especially her life. At least Oboro notes that Beruka had nothing to do with the incident, but she still has to make a remind the audience that she hates all Nohrians, including the one who showed her some kind of sympathy, just because. I guess the fact that it was supposed to be one of the "good supports" of the game made me more critical of it. I dunno. My opinions about this game and it's characters usually differ from what the majority of fans on this site and others have.
  6. I share the same feelings. It's just that the one with Beruka stuck out as the worst of them all for me. When they first revealed her, I was worried the Nohr - hating aspect of her character would be overdone and poorly justified, and it turned out exactly that way. The other aspects of her character are alright, though, so I don't completely dislike her, but I'm just not fond of her in general.
  7. I've mostly read the original translated supports, but from the few localized versions I've read: Hana x Corrin Hana x Jakob Camilla X Corrin anything with Rinkah anything with Peri anything with Tsubaki anything with Jakob, really. Beruka x Oboro (it was good unil the A support) There are more, but I feel I've listed enough.
  8. Well, there's still Felicia, but I suppose there's a higher probability that Kaden will get paired with another person from Hoshido. I can see how you came to the conclusion about the culturally diverse names being a hint at the Revelation route being pushed as the "true" ending to the conflict. That's kind of how I saw it as well.
  9. This is the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the name change. I guess besides it sounding similar to "silk", it also relates to the shapeshifter theme, though in this case its a fox instead of a seal. I think it sounds cute.
  10. Flannel and Velour are perhaps the funniest and cutest father-child pair. No bias here.
  11. I'll be getting all three routes again. That's gonna be a lot of files to mess around with. I'm glad it's not releasing too close to Star Fox so I can save up for that, too.
  12. Most of my votes are going to Flannel, but Suzukaze, Takumi, Kisaragi and Grey have each gotten at least one vote from me. I might give Silas, Aysura and Hinata votes, too. I really hope Velour places well! (Been voting for her everyday)
  13. I was hoping it would release soon! I'll be sure to download it later.
  14. Gaius + MU Morgan + Gaius Tharja + Henry Sumia + Chrom Cordelia + Sumia and surprisingly, Lon'gu + Stahl ( They defend each other ALL the time, destroy everything, and display affection on the Hubba Tester everytime I check it )
  15. This is probably the first Fire Emblem where I don't loathe any of the playable characters, but my favorites are definitely Gaius(of course), Gerome, Stahl, Owain, Cordelia, Henry, Emmeryn, and "Marth"
  16. Got mine about an hour ago. All I can say is thank you, GamePlay
  17. I called my Gamestop twice today and they have no clue when the game is supposed to be released. It's listed as 12/12/12 in their system and they don't even have the game in stock. Plus, they don't even know when the shipment will arrive. Wonderful.
  18. Well, some of these are subject to change, but so far I have: Chrom x Sumia (I'm fine with this pair) Avatar x Gaius (I love that character to bits) Lissa x Vaike (got the whole "marry your brother's best friend" thing going on) Sully x Libera (Perfect) Virion x Cherche (They're familiar with each other, plus blue haired Jerome looks cool) Kellam x Panne Maribelle x Donnel (They were destined from the start, opposites attract!) Lon' qu x Olivia(With Azure as his son, there's bound to be a hilarious support) Nowi x Ricken Gregor x Miriel (It just fits for some reason) Cordelia x Frederick Tharja x Henry ( I liked their supports and Henry's support with Noire, sooo) I still haven't decided on second gen pairings, yet.
  19. While it's impossible to make the avatar look exactly like me (no skin color options) she'll have my name, so yeah I guess.
  20. I find it adorable that Donny refers to Chrom as "Your Majestyful" Also, I was pleasantly surprised by Tiamo's localized name. I think Cordelia sounds lovely and matches her character very well.
  21. I've already pre - ordered the game (payed it all off the same day), but I plan to get the bundle as well as a late birthday gift. I know my sister won't be eager to share her 3DS and play time with me. Also, I don't want her screwing around with my save file just to spite me.
  22. In order of playthroughs: 1. Gaius 2. Stahl 3. Jerome 4. Lon'qu or Chrom
  23. So Gaia's name is Gaius now, hm? Oh gosh. I'm not gonna be able to stop thinking about Merlin when I see him now. Not that that's a bad thing.
  24. Normal mode, as always. I can't imagine playing any other way but with the classic permadeath setting.
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