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Batter the Beast

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Posts posted by Batter the Beast

  1. FE9: 1-2 range weapon forges until I get Silvers then I just spam those. Generally every map since forging was cheap.

    FE10: I think I forged like a max might steel sword for Mia and a max might weapon for Marcia

    FE11: Win Spear/Ridersbanes/Wyrmslayers whenever I can afford them. Oh and probably a forged javelin of some kind early game.

    FE12: Dragonpikes whenever I can afford them

    FE13: No forges, I needed all the money I could get in Lunatic/L+ and didn't care enough on Hard

    Everything was max might since I didn't want to jack up the prices more.

  2. Mother 3's Chapter 2 is easily its weakest point, being a difficult chapter for newbies cause Duster is the worst solo ever and because Wes is kind of an ass, albeit useful when he joins. Mix that in with a chapter that doesn't feel like it does much for the plot as a whole and just serves to introduce Kumatora and practicing her and Duster's skills before they disappear for a whole 2 chapters and you've got a temporary stopping point for many new players, myself included.

    Melee has pretty crap single player because Smash Bros AI is and will always be horrible.

    FE5 doesn't do a good job explaining anything but that's just how things were back then I suppose. Also the end of Ch 4 and the beginning of Ch 4x can go to hell are a bit too RNG dependent.

    Dota 2 has the steepest learning curve ever for beginners though it gets much less steep as you learn what every hero and item can do (which is not as hard as it sounds) and learn general team compositions/positions. Also no one plays Shadow Demon, the best hero ever

  3. FE3: Been forever since I've played this but I remember ch 11 being dumb cause huge desert + 12 move defense piercing flying dragons with 1-2 range attacks

    FE4: Ch 10 cause Arvis is a jerk and so are the billions of units in this chapter

    FE5: Ch 4 since bad RNG in the last turn means a reset which is super dumb because this chapter takes a little while if you want 4x

  4. The Legend of the Dragoon is an old campy RPG with interesting combat mechanics. It has a mediocre at best plot but the characters are pretty memorable and its fun to tinker with all the playable characters to get their addition timings down. It's kind of in the middle in difficulty, regular battles are really easy but some bosses will give you trouble, mostly the plot important ones.

    If you want to start the Final Fantasy series, 4 is a great place to start and I think it has aged pretty well, especially the DS remake and its ports. I'd suggest moving to 5 (Advance) or 6 (SNES) from there as they are just slightly more complex and don't give you the feeling of being lost that 1-3 do. 9 is also amazing and is my second favorite in the series.

    For action RPGs, if you're into that, Brave Fencer Musashi and Terranigma are fantastic. Brave Fencer Musashi is just a massive joy ride with one of the best dubs in a PS1 game I've ever heard and its like a standard action RPG meets Kirby. A lot of the plot is filler but it never takes itself seriously until the very end which makes it super fun to play through. Terranigma, on the other hand, has some decent gameplay for a SNES action RPG and a mediocre translation but the plot is incredible and will probably leave you thinking about it for a while.

  5. Mother 3: Chapter 2 just sucks cause Duster is the worst solo ever and is a stopping point for most people, including myself at first

    Smash Bros. Melee: The AI is atrocious, probably the worst AI in the entire series

    Megaman X: Falling into a pit to find stuff is bad design, especially with zero hints

    FE5: Reinforcement ballista that one shot your staff users on the turn they appear isn't cool

    Terraria: Not having the highest possible HP just sucks and getting life increases is a timesink

    MH4U: A lot of monsters have zero tell charges that basically make you always hit its sides, which isn't that great for blunt weapon users. Also sharpness +1 is too necessary and limiting.

    Brave Fencer Musashi: Nothing of note happens for a huge portion of the game

    Terranigma: See above

    KH2FM: Pride Lands has the worst bosses ever conceived and is hell on earth at lvl 1

  6. Shanam is good for buying a lot of stuff since he has Bargain, but if it's your first run you probably won't be buying much anyway so it's no biggie that you missed him. The characters you missed are bad or okay; you'll live without recruiting them. Sara and Linoan are amazing units at any level of play, definitely the some of the best low lvl units in any FE. In fact, you can just promote them at 10 since the stat gains of their class are bonkers and Sara gets A staves from it at base.

    Also did you consider repairing Asvel's Grafcalibur? It'll make killing some bosses a lot easier and Finn/Nanna probably don't need their weps much at this point.

  7. Terranigma

    The whole friggin ending just screams "why did I have to be the Chosen One" in an otherwise optimistic game. I can't even listen to the first village theme without crying like a baby after knowing what is destined to happen to it.

    Mother 3

    Oh god the whole game probably counts as a sad moment, especially on the second playthrough. Between Hinawa's death and Flint's subsequent breakdown, Salsa being abused, the townspeople becoming less friendly to Lucas, Flint abandoning Lucas to search for Claus, the sunflower field, the final battle, and the ambiguous ending itself, it's hard to choose just one part that's the most depressing.

    Kingdom Hearts: 358 Days Over 2

    Only this kind of game could make the phrase "Who else will I have ice cream with" one of the most heartbreaking in anything. There's a little hope for Xion after 3D but otherwise vanishing without anyone remembering you is one of the saddest things that could happen to any character. It doesn't help that they built up the friendship between her, Roxas and Axel so well by the clock tower conversations only for it to be torn apart by stuff beyond their control.

  8. 1) Pokemon Gen 2 sucks because cursespam just isn't fun to deal with or play

    2) OoT was amazing for its time but hasn't aged well at all and the 3DS remake is evident of that

    3) KH2 is the best game in the series and has the best combat system of any KH

    4) On that note, BBS and 3D have the worst fight systems in KH.

    5) Also, CoM has an amazing battle system

    6) Megaman 4 is way better than 2 or 3 and feels like a more polished game

    7) Materia is one of the worst mechanics of any FF

    8) The sphere grid is too, for that matter

    9) The Wii U gamepad is amazing

    10) Senran Kagura needs to take the focus off the boobs because there's a fun beat em' up in there

    11) Elder Scrolls games are boring. Fallout's only marginally better

    12) Minecraft is also boring. Thank god for Terraria

    13) MvC isn't fun or hype at a top level

    14) Early game is where most FEs shine

    15) Melee/PM are still fun as hell in casual play

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