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Batter the Beast

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Posts posted by Batter the Beast

  1. But if the Lord is not very likable why would anyone join him?

    Well there are plenty of recruitment in the series that aren't done by the main lord. Plus, even if the lord is abrasive, he could use logic to convince units to join his side, not because he cares about them, but because he could use their help and they're possibly willing

  2. The hardest one blind is easily FE5 since many things like the escape chapters, Manster, expensive items with no funds and whatnot can really screw up a new player and can get the player into unwinnable situations. I always tell players who start this game to save to a different file every chapter to avoid game ending screw ups due to this.

    FE13 lunatic+ is definately the hardest hands down, no other mode even stands a chance.

    Its the only mode where you can pretty much lose right out of the gate in some early chapters and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Hardest game in general i'd say is actually FE12, even H1 isn't a total walkover, like other hard modes in the series.

    Also this, though I think FE12's lategame was just a tad harder than FE13's lategame on the highest difficulties since dragons are BS and the avatar isn't as broken

  3. Kirby's Dreamland 3 is also an amazing game which has more of a 64 feel than the others with aesthetics and everything (I believe both Dreamland 3 and 64 had a different director than the others) and one of my favorite soundtracks of the whole series. It also has co-op if you're so inclined.

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