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Everything posted by Saria

  1. My store won't even have enough to cover their pre-orders so I'm pretty sure all gamestops are supposed to be getting just enough to cover theirs. I guess they've been calling around my whole valley to other gamestops to see if they've been delayed too and they all are. I just really hope tomorrow is the day I can at least get my cartridge, I'm kind of sick and tired of this whole drama you know? Hopefully all the other stores will at least be able to cover theirs out here.
  2. Yeah I'm not blaming gamestop, but it's still just unsettling to think I might not get my copy if I'm not there sooner than the others. Why is Nintendo screwing up this bad, geesh..
  3. Update for me: went to my game stop because I was already in town, they don't have their shipment yet; I was told tomorrow is when I can get it. However, I got this lovely gem of a story: 'Yeah, we have four pre-orders at this store, but according to our order form from nintendo when they shipped the games to us, we're only getting sent three copies.' Are you shitting me. There's still a chance I might not get my damn game if I'm not there before the other three people that pre-ordered. And they don't have any confirmation on my friends bundle either so I'm not expecting to see it until friday, even though I'm supposed to see her thursday. I'm seriously done with this whole fiasco, can it be over already.
  4. Ugh I'm in SoCal too, that kind of worries me. I'm north of LA though so I might be clear, but damn, I don't see any reason for it to be THAT delayed. You weren't the only person to order in your whole town/city were you?
  5. You have amazing taste, A+ and all the awards
  6. Ooooh I forgot about Emmeryn. As soon as her spotpass chapter is released my ass is marrying her. I will keep a male avatar laying in wait just for it
  7. No I do not unfortunately. Lonqu's birthday is five days before mine and Cherche's is two after = v= I'll just have a week long party with them
  8. Stahl's where it's at. I'm totally going to be all over him as soon as the game shows up... As a dude for my first run I'm still unsure. Say'ri was my original planned waifu, but then Sully turned out so amazing. And there's also Cherche...
  9. I wish it was already tomorrow so I could call and ask about Awakening again. I don't think my store has realized that I'll keep doing that until they give me an actual date.
  10. Seems to be a general idea though maybe not. Up until today my store said their shipment would be in tomorrow (now it's just a question mark). I was also told they're pretty much just getting enough stock to cover pre-orders and nothing else
  11. Yeah me personally I like a little more chemistry than what was shown in their supports. I don't think a relationship needs to be overly exciting but theirs just doesn't cut it for me. Then again I think I was ruined for it because I read Chrom/Sully first and they're just ridiculous. But just because I dislike their supports doesn't mean I dislike Sumia that's dumb (but all too common)
  12. Probably would happen. I don't really dislike Sumia but I really do think her support with Chrom was a major let down, especially when compared to his supports with Sully and Maribelle? I'm hoping her supports with Frederick are more exciting since I'm pairing them... But really, between her dull supports with Chrom and the game telling me to pair her with him I just have a natural reaction to go 'nope won't do it'. It's nothing against Sumia, it's just not handled well imo so Chrom/Sumia will not be happening in my file.
  13. You mean Chrom x Sully isn't canon? My life has been shattered But yeah, the fact that the game tries so hard to make her seem like who you should shove Chrom with is like, really dumb.. I didn't take any liking to their supports (is it just me or did they manage to make both characters seem overly generic and boring??) so I'll probably pair Chrom off with every other bachelorette before I ever pair him with Sumia. If I ever do.. I'll make my own decisions Awakening, but thanks for trying
  14. Good advice. My local target says they're not selling it until tomorrow even though their website says it's available today. Calling ahead saves a trip Also when I checked WalMarts website they said the 11th is when it could show up in store but maybe I read it wrong
  15. I think being more careful with their sales would sound/apply better to this situation if it wasn't for all these shipping delays. Limiting the amount they're selling initially is a good enough idea! Having problems getting the orders out on time is bad. That's the real problem here, that they're having problems getting their initial batches out on time. I'm going to go ahead and call my gamestop again between 1 and 2 pacific time since that's around the time they get their shipments in. I know they probably won't have it today, but I'd like to see if they're still holding onto their 5th release date at least. EDIT: Just got off the phone with Gamestop. Now I have no official date to expect it in and got a simple 'Whenever it comes in'. That's more aggravating to me than having to wait until friday.
  16. Holy cow that sounds awful (no offense yo). My parents 4 bed, 2 bath was only like $130,000 USD but if we were in like, LA our house would be more like $600,000 at cheapest but closer to a million or sure. But since I live in a little desert town no one cares and prices are cheap. We also live on an acre of land and own it too, so it's a pretty good deal. Haha well, I'm also worried because my friend pre-ordered the bundle at my store and has it in my name and I have plans to go visit her at college on Thursday, the only day she really has free this week. It's already nearly 2 hours to drive down there (she's sending me gas money) and I'd rather not have to change plans last minute because I don't have her bundle with me you know? I forgot about that until she reminded me just twenty minutes ago whoops..
  17. The closest thing to me is a gas station that's 2 miles away. I don't have an actual store that's any closer than 10 or so miles away xD Yay backwater towns Wheels: If anything I feel more bad about Australia and game delays because you guys have to wait long for things to come over anyways (if they even do??), I'd never doubt your suffering xD When I was going to college and stuff out here it was a 45 minute drive by car to get to either of my schools and taking the bus was out of the question because I had morning classes and they don't even run that early. Also I get that, the only reason I have a gamestop within 12 miles of me is because Palmdale got an expansion budget in the last 4 years and it came closer to me. Before that it was nearly 25 miles away to the closest one ugh. Boo to spread out towns and cities. I just want consistent information about all this is all, I don't care if I have to wait longer. Just not a lot of 'he said she said' stuff
  18. My issue is gas, even if I have 48 hours to come get it (I also mentioned earlier in either this topic or another that I never get calls from gamestop saying my order is in so I have to call frequently to make sure it is in) I might have an emergency pop up and won't be able to get it. I also live outside of the city in a spread out town that requires me to drive to get to anywhere without having to walk at least 2 miles. I've barely got enough gas in my tank to get back into palmdale one more time, and public transport doesn't run into my area all that often either :/ They run every 2 hours in my area and since I'm stationed awkwardly in their circle, it's almost a 2 hour trip on bus to an area that would only be 15 minutes by car.. That sucks not having a license though, I'm not sure what I would do without mine. On the other hand, keeping my car up and running is killing me xD if I lived back in a more populated town like I used to, public transportation wouldn't be such an issue for me, but living out in desert country makes it a hassle
  19. I tend to go with personal bias choices as well, it's what's compelled me to use Forde in every run of SS I ever did despite the fact he usually craps out on me I'll probably use both Lissa and Maribelle healer wise. Lissa's available early on and Maribelle's a troubadour so yeah. That extra movement is invaluable to me. As for the others, I'll really have to see how they are in game. I want to use Henry since he seems entertaining as can be, but he comes in pretty late doesn't he??
  20. Aah late response but thanks to everyone who answered this for me. I'll probably end up getting Summer of Bonds and the others in the series when I have spare money, but it'll probably be a little lower on my hierarchy of wanted DLC list until then :T But by the time it comes out I'll probably be able to afford it so moot point! Thank the Maker all this DLC doesn't come out all at once.
  21. Haha possibly. I'm only frustrated about not having a set date to make plans to go into town is all. I've been busy with yardwork and some art commissions that time has been going by quickly enough anyways, but I'll start going crazy once the 5th passes and I still don't have it. Otherwise, I haven't passed my original projected date of getting it from GS :/
  22. I hope not, I just got off the phone with gamestop at most only 5 hours ago and was told the 5th. Anyways, this thread escalated quickly. While I'm jealous of the parts of Canada and US who had it a week early, I'm pretty sure this is mostly on Nintendo. They really don't handle popular games well at all. Most recent example: Adventure Time 3DS
  23. Highly possible that's what they assumed. Last time I swung by my store my friend that was working at the time assumed I hadn't pre-ordered and said I wouldn't be getting it for a while unless I pre-ordered it. And then told me the 4th or 5th when I mentioned I had already pre-ordered it a few months ago
  24. You too?? I sold mine mostly because it kept red ring of deathing on me and it would cost more to fix it than I wanted to put in it, but the money I got from it basically afforded my 3DS
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