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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Witch does have skills available outside of the class, but it also lacks the unique non-skill characteristics Ballistician has. So I don't see that part as too unbalanced one way or the other. But for practical concerns, weapon access is pretty big. Any character with access to any of the five other main offensive weapon types can jump to Dread Fighter or Dark Falcon and keep their weapon levels, but bow users are currently left without any options like that. Ballistician will add an option for male bow users, but not female ones.
  2. Witch is often used as a female-only term, but it's not unheard of for it to be used in a gender-neutral sense. Of course, Ballisticians being male only is even more ridiculous. Especially since it means that while characters can access bonus classes using swords, lances, axes, tomes, or kunai regardless of gender, only male characters can access a bow-using bonus class.
  3. Being cartridge locked is just a matter of implementation. It benefits people who would to hack to get them and gives those people less reason to buy it but for anyone else it's the same content available whether or not you buy it. It doesn't matter.
  4. There's an idea. Tested with Mighty Bow and Shining Bow which seem equivalent, and it works. The second battle isn't penalized, and then the debuff is cleared.
  5. 1) A turn is a player-opponent turn cycle. Although I was under the impression that the kunai debuffs recover 1 per turn, not entirely after a turn. 2) Next battle. The debuff takes place after the battle. 3) Yes.
  6. The best type of class is anything that uses kunai.
  7. Dark Falcons are also not gender locked, like the regular Pegasus classes in this game.
  8. Go to the blue orb in My Castle near Felicia/Jacob and select the "bonus" option on the right.
  9. Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon are not DLC. They are available in the Bonus menu after buying a certain number of routes, 2 for Dread Fighter and 3 for Dark Falcon. Witch and Ballistician are the currently known DLC classes but are not yet available. For whatever reason, both are gender-locked.
  10. Yeah the restrictions are really odd. Why would Ballisticians be male-only, too? They fix up some stuff and then do this.
  11. Okay Felicia and Jacob are NOT in Dread Fighter-like versions of their classes. Despite getting way more Exp than high-level unpromoted units or normal low-level promoted units, changing them to Dread Fighter still results in a 20 level increase. Even if this means going above LV40 as a Dread Fighter. It seems like they have some individual change in how their Exp and levels are handled.
  12. You're in the right place. I got the same error message, but it worked fine after I manually updated the 3DS firmware.
  13. Individual points matter less the more of them you have. In PvP, characters' stats are at their highest, so skills that don't scale will be at their weakest.
  14. Self-Destruct's description is incomplete. It triggers when the user begins their turn with under half HP, not at any other time.
  15. It is not. None of the Pegasus classes are this time around, nor Dread Fighter or conventional fighter-type classes.
  16. No. Dark Falcon items are available right now to anyone who's bought all three routes and they can be used on any character.
  17. Counterbombing is out. Counter no longer works when the user initiates combat, and I assume the same goes for all related skills.
  18. It's not necessarily a mistake. Often in FE, .5 is the only decimal that can come up and is expected to round down, but maybe stuff that divides by stuff other than 2 has different rules to account for the possibility of higher decimals that are less reasonable to round down.
  19. Doesn't seem that way, but it also doesn't seem as necessary here because enemies are already getting a lot of specific tricks. Plenty of set enemies will have skills as extreme as Pass and Counter even before Lunatic, at least in Nohr. So that's why upgraded shops carry like 10 copies of some basic weapons you'll never be giving to 10 characters at a time.
  20. Counter only activates on damage done by the character initiating combat. If a character with Counter initiates combat and forces the enemy to counter in melee, the skill will not trigger.
  21. Lunatic mode on the third route, Invisible Kingdom.
  22. why would someone even make a patch for a game that's confirmed for getting an official translation anyway
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