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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Based on early Hoshido, any doubling or tripling seems to be compared to Normal, not Hard. Normal to Hard has about as much increase in enemy numbers as Hard to Lunatic so it's not this huge jump. Early Hoshido is the only part I've played on Lunatic; it doesn't seem too bad but unlike with the past few games, things often do really become more challenging as the game goes on. Nohr is also pretty much a whole difficulty level ahead of Hoshido. It's also worth noting that unlike in Awakening, enemies all have set skills and often very carefully selected ones from outside their class. Lategame Nohr Hard has some pretty nasty skill selections, and I imagine it's even worse on Lunatic. I haven't seen any Nohr Lunatic for myself but I can imagine it later on having a lot of resemblance to a non-random version of Awakening Lunatic+.
  2. You don't have to, if you have a couple hundred dollars to spare.
  3. Best way to tell which stat booster is which is to look at the kanji next to the +2 or whatever and find which stat a character has that matches it. That was just explained on the previous page.
  4. Beaststone+ seems to have the usual Str/Skl -2 effect despite lacking a specific description so it's probably safe to extrapolate to other weapons if the data says they're all the same.
  5. I think it just means it makes it easier for enemies to double attack you like with the thrown weapons.
  6. How would you stack the divine weapons? Are you sure about the weapon rank for Vanished Disaster? I have a baton that seems to resemble it except it's E rank, but there are no E rank 1-10 range baton listings.
  7. In Awakening, you get starting bonuses totaling +6 for an unpromoted class and +8 for a promoted class, with a point of Move counting as two stat points. Then there are heaps of other bonuses from supports and stats that make the total go way higher, especially as you progress into the game. Fates has the same class bases, but then the bonuses beyond that are basically nonexistent. Where Awakening would give you multiple additional points per support level and then up to +3 in everything just from the supporting unit's stats, Fates seems to just give like one total stat point per support level and nothing from the supporting unit's stats. Stats are lower in Fates but the bonuses are still nothing in comparison. Guard Stance is 100% fair and primarily for defense or mobility; it now typically cuts down on your team's overall offensive abilities rather than increasing them. It's an important tactic but a balanced one.
  8. Each save file has access to two of each.
  9. Go to the blue orb in the area of My Castle with Felicia/Jacob and select the "Bonus" option on the right.
  10. Items like the Dread Scroll and Dark Falcon Wing say they don't affect level, but that's not quite right: promoted units have their level increased by 20 when switching to a non-promoting class.
  11. Silver weapons reduce Str and Skl by 2; other equivalent B-rank weapons like Ragnarok and the True Beaststone seem to have the same effect except magic weapons reduce Mag instead of Str. If there are any non-B-rank weapons with that effect they might work differently but I don't know of any.
  12. He's one of the child characters, so he doesn't have any kids assigned to him. But yeah it just wouldn't happen.
  13. Yes. Interestingly, even for games with set promotion paths, class base stats are often used for determining promotion gains. From my recollection it's FE3, FE4, FE5, FE6, and FE9 that use that system in addition to FE11, FE12, FE13, and FE14 that have to use it. There's some different weird use for base stats in FE1 and FE2 promotions while FE7, FE8, and FE10 just use arbitrary numbers. Also some games make exceptions for stats like HP or Luck.
  14. Characters can double attack by default; it's just certain weapons and one skill that can prevent it. FE4 is still the only game to use Pursuit. Debuffs do show up a lot, yeah. The whole hidden weapon type inflicts them on opponents, as do any characters with the "seal" skills, while Silver weapons and equivalents can inflict them on the user. Bows normally can't counter in melee, like in past games, but a few of them can, even player-available ones. There are more options available to enemies, along with a special enemy-only skill that lets all bows work that way.
  15. The TTYD localization did not change Vivian's gender. It did remove the dialogue indicating she was trans, but it didn't even actually add any indications that she wasn't. Vivian is a girl, Foleo is a guy; the two situations are not comparable. Given the characters the localization team has already left as is, it's hard to see what they'd change about Foleo.
  16. Randomly-activating skills like Breaking Sky and Vengeance still don't stack, right?
  17. Turrets don't seem to use their controller's Str, so it wouldn't be too surprising if they didn't use their controller's Skl either.
  18. Conveniently, Vantage and Astra show up on the same class tree.
  19. I tend to just have my healers stay busy.
  20. Voted "other" for "not skimpy enough". At least, the battle model. His talksprite looks about as expected, but his battle model doesn't really come off as living up to it, especially when compared to how ridiculous Nix is. Although Nix definitely went too far. They should've just stuck with how the Dark Mages looked in Awakening.
  21. FE13's second round of DLC had a trailer. This makes perfect sense to me. Just earlier today I was thinking I'd hold off on the third path for the English release but man now I'm hyped all over again. Still haven't finished Nohr, just Hoshido, so I think I'll wrap that up first and then most likely get this.
  22. I'm also in the crowd of finding Felicia's current voice just annoying. Was so glad when I finally got Jacob to replace her with. Oboro seems fine to me, though, at least most of the time.
  23. Azura just seems to be in a non-promoting class, like Dancer in FE13. Most of the FE13 classes like that seem to have been replaced with regularly promoting versions like Villager and the transforming classes, but Songstress and bonus classes like Dread Fighter and Lodestar seem to just go to LV40. As for Gunther:
  24. Where do you even get Eternal Seals? I don't remember encountering any. Is it just a matter of upgrading the shop enough?
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