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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Based on the description, I'm 99% sure it's a personal weapon, so unlikely.
  2. Hmm. If the enemy bonuses are halved or something, that could explain why I got 2 for Elite Ninjas and 5 for Trueblades and Holy Lancers rather than 5 and 10. It wouldn't explain why Hinata only gets +9 crit, though. For Avoid, the Awakening formula of 1.5*Spd+0.5*Luck seems to hold. With that in mind, Trueblade Hinata seems to have a +10 bonus, as listed... and so do the enemies. So Trueblade really does seem to have +10 Avoid, but it's not changed for enemies, so I don't know what's up with the crit rates either. But it's looking to me like Trueblades have +5 Crit and +10 Avo. No Hit bonus; both Hinata and the enemy Trueblades have accuracy consistent with the Awakening formula without any modifications. The Holy Bowman enemies don't seem to have an Avoid bonus, but their Hit is 15 more than calculated with the Awakening formula. Assuming +5 hit from B rank bows, that leaves them with a bonus of +5 Crit and +10 Hit. They have +1 Mt, so that weapon rank bonus fits, whereas the Trueblades have +3 Mt and +0 Hit at A rank swords. (Except Hinata, who has +1 Mt at C rank.) ----------- Okay, doing some playing around with Parallel Seals, I'm looking at Takumi's stats as a Holy Bowman. He's got 138 Hit and 27 Crit, while equipping a weapon with 70 Hit and 5 Crit, having 29 Skl and 19 Luck, and having B rank in Bows. 70+(1.5*29)+(0.5*19)+5=128, which lines up with getting +10 Hit from his class. Meanwhile, (29*0.4)+5=16.6; if we round up to 17 that lines up with getting 10 Crit from his class. So based on his stats rather than the enemies', it really is looking like the class gives +10 Hit and +10 Crit. So what the fuck.
  3. Interesting; I've had Takumi gain a few levels as a Golden-Kite Warrior and he hasn't learned any Pegasus Warrior skills. So is it just that they gain skills from associated base classes they have access to? What happens if a character has access to both Knight and Cavalier but doesn't have any skills from either class yet and reclasses from another class tree to Great Knight?
  4. I'm in Hoshido so I don't have Berserkers, but the other mono-weapon classes seem to have something. For most of my characters, their crit rate seems to be 0.4*Skl plus any weapon bonuses. (Yes, 0.4, not 0.5.) Oboro, as a Truespear or whatever, would have 8 crit by that calculation, but instead seems to have 18 crit with non-crit-affecting weapons, suggesting a +10 bonus. Fortunately, I'm also on a map with a bunch of generic promoted enemies with the right classes. Based on the enemies, Trueblades and Truebows both seem to have a +5 bonus. Others are consistent with 0.4*Skl+weapon, except the Elite Ninjas, which seem to have a +2 bonus? It might be from some other source, but their weapons don't appear to have crit attached and they don't have skills. I do think there could be other factors, since I have Hinata as a Trueblade and he seems to have a +9 bonus rather than +5 like the generics, so maybe he's getting another +4 from somewhere? So there's some fuzzy stuff here, but I'm definitely seeing crit bonuses for Truespears (+10), Trueblades (+5), and Truebows (+5) along with a decrease in Skl impace from x0.5 to x0.4.
  5. It's even more awkward because if Sophie hits an enemy, they're probably dead. This makes it difficult to test the duration. They do stay stripped at least for other battles that same turn; I don't know what happens past that.
  6. Can verify that Sophie's skill does exactly what those weapons were described as doing. She hits an enemy and their clothes and armor just explode off, leaving them in their underwear. I'm not sure what limits it might have beyond the requirement that Sophie initiates combat and hits. I didn't notice anything in the first few maps I used her for, and nothing happened when I tested it in a skirmish, but then in the following chapter she activated it every time. I can verify Tomebreaker on Butler and Defense Cry on Dragonmasters. So yes, it seems they did some shifting.
  7. For the Hoshido page, Silas appears on both the shared and exclusive lists.
  8. The regular Dragonstone has the following: Mt: 14 Hit: 85 Double: 0 Avoid: -10 Range: 1 Rank: E Effect: Skl -3, Spd -2, Def +4, Res +3 Also I think it gives +10 to Crit Avo but I'm not sure.
  9. I can see the point of a magic dragonstone attack, but why not make it a breath weapon? Breath weapons are sometimes range 1-2, but not always.
  10. Despite the fact that Dragonstones are currently 1-range weapons depicted as a physical ram/slash rather than any sort of breath weapon, they use the user's Mag and the defender's Res. No, I can't make any sense out of it either.
  11. Makes sense, since there is no kunai or staff exclusive class. How do caps work in this game? Are personal modifiers still a thing?
  12. Yeah 4x damage off Killer weapon crits seems to be a thing; it's what I got from a Killer Axe.
  13. Yes. It seems likely that of the conventional classes, only mono-weapon specialists like Berserker and Sorcerer can reach S rank.
  14. Cavalier and Great Knight cap swords at B. Paladin's cap is something higher but I don't know what yet. Probably A. Ninja cap knives at B. No, they have 7.
  15. Oh, I missed that. Still solid, though. Looks like other Rallies now say 2 tile radius, which is unfortunate. But Rally Spectrum now has 4 tile radius? Is that right?
  16. Rally Spectrum was one of the best skills in Awakening, if not the best. Seems solid to me; all the Amiibos seem to have sweet lineups. I want all of them.
  17. In Awakening, differently named skills would stack even if they had the same type of effect. So you could stack Rally Strength, Rally Heart, and Rally Spectrum for a total of +10 Str, but you couldn't stack multiple Rally Strength bonuses. I assume the same works here.
  18. There is no such distinction. Aside from Hector, the "Great Lord" class is just the English name for the Japanese "Master Lord" class.
  19. Tick, tock. tick, tock. Less than 12 hours left. Guess I'd better pre-buy and make sure I have space on my SD card.
  20. Well, it's a step in the right direction. I'm definitely not satisfied, but I can understand the value in moving slowly on things that will risk backlash, so I just hope this paves the way for a better selection in future titles.
  21. FE2 had Witches but they couldn't warp, right? If that's the case, they're completely taken from TRS. Amazing.
  22. I'm sure Galeforce is nerfed if it's still in.
  23. Foleo being a guy would not indicate him as transgender. And if it was the devs' intention to depict a trans female character, classifying her as "male" would be a pretty shitty way to do it and not at all be evidence of that kind of progressiveness.
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