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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Ironically, I'm actually planning on going female Corrin first. I intend to go one male and one female for my opening pair of Hoshido/Nohr runs, and since I'm saving Nohr for second since that's my main focus, I may as well make that one be my "self" run.
  2. Oh, that's good that it mentions Lunatic mode; I don't know if it's been known but I'd been worried because I only heard about Normal and Hard previously. Hopefully Lunatic+ is still in, too.
  3. Probably by making sure the people they eat are enemies instead.
  4. Swordmasters getting Astra at LV5 is the same as in Awakening, along with Skill +2 and Strength +2 as starting skills for Archers and Dragon Knights. And Defense +2 for Knights, for that matter. But at least we have confirmation now.
  5. http://awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=052515
  6. I've used each about half the time in Awakening, and I see no reason to do any different here.
  7. So we still don't know much about class skills, huh?
  8. It's varied between the games. Maybe other Dragonstones will have range?
  9. I wonder if the kids have the same expanded reclass options and personal caps as in Awakening. Or for that matter, if personal caps are in the game at all. I hope so; they're a pretty sweet feature and important for making reclass work.
  10. I intend to download the Japanese version right away, but I don't know much Japanese so I'll have to check here a lot to make sense out of the story and mechanical stuff I'm seeing.
  11. That's the first source I heard for it here but then someon said the magazine backed it up? I haven't verified, though.
  12. Reviewers say they played through the game without marrying and nothing came up with respect to the children, so it sounds like they fortunately did not decide to mangle the story with a 15+ year timeskip for no reason. Most likely it's Outrealm stuff with absolutely no main story relevance.
  13. It removes eight pairings. That's not particularly relevant at this scale.
  14. If a given route has 10 male and 10 female parent characters, and any male/female combination can marry and produce a unique kid, that route would require 100 unique kids. Seems unlikely.
  15. If there's fewer playable characters per version, that might help the conversation density since a bunch of combinations will never be playable at the same time and therefore be unable to support. But yeah after Awakening, universal conversations don't sound especially wonderful.
  16. Because I feel like tallying up weapon selections of the known standard promoted classes: Sword: 1 (Hoshido) Lance: 1 (Hoshido) Axe: 1 (Nohr) Bow: 1 (Hoshido) Magic: 1 (Nohr) Staff: 0 Hidden: 0 Sword/Lance: 1 (Nohr) Sword/Axe: 2 (Hoshido/Nohr) Lance/Axe: 2 (Nohr/Nohr) Sword/Bow: 1 (Nohr) Lance/Bow: 1 (Hoshido) Axe/Bow: 0 Sword/Magic: 1 (Nohr) Lance/Magic: 1 (Hoshido) Axe/Magic: 2 (Hoshido/Nohr) Bow/Magic: 0 Sword/Staff: 0 Lance/Staff: 2 (Hoshido/Hoshido) Axe/Staff: 0 Bow/Staff: 2 (Hoshido/Nohr) Magic/Staff: 2 (Hoshido/Nohr) Sword/Hidden: 1 (Hoshido) Lance/Hidden: 0 Axe/Hidden: 0 Bow/Hidden: 1 (Hoshido) Magic/Hidden: 0 Staff/Hidden: 1 (Nohr) Sword/Lance/Axe: 2 (Hoshido/Nohr) Hidden weapons seem pretty uncommon. Is it really just Jonin, Puppeteer, and Maid/Butler out of promoted classes? Other than that, it's interesting that Sword/Staff, Axe/Staff, and Axe/Bow all seem to be dropped, at least outside of Corrin. And of course Bow/Magic continues to get no love.
  17. Alright so we don't really know how good those stats really are, do we. That'd be bordering on reasonable for GBA caps but this is probably higher, although with no indication of infinite leveling I doubt they're Awakening level.
  18. So is that saying he has capped Str, Spd, and Res at just LV5? Or does the green just mean boosted stats from his weapon and Pegasus Knight ally, since his Def is red and is likely reduced by his weapon.
  19. Weapons and classes in past translated games have been rather uniform; there's a billion new ones here with no precedent at all.
  20. Languages often do not translate precisely. I remember confusion back in Awakening when there was no way to tell whether Alm's DLC class translated to "Demon Fighter" or just "Magic Fighter".
  21. Well, the Levin Sword is meant to be difficult to use, barring a good reason. It also illustrates the fact that you'd expect someone who just swings a sword around to have nowhere near the magical proficiency of someone who trains as a mage, and might be relevant for other stuff too.
  22. Corrin and Azura having access to both would make sense given their status, but I wonder if the weapons are as restricted as we thought. Is that out of the ordinary for Suzukaze? Most likely, Sorcerer is just a specialist class, like Berserker for axes. "Dark" magic seems to just be a regular part of the Nohr type of magic, like how all tome users could use dark tomes in Marth's games.
  23. He gives up his Nohr swords? Interesting.
  24. http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/wp-content/gallery/dengeki-nintendo-20-06-2015/DN0815-46.jpg If it's the one that Hinata has 0 or 2 in after promoting on this page, it's Magic. It's often about that extreme.
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