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Everything posted by Othin

  1. NO Stickers. Don't. Fucking. Work. Awful game. I agree that IS's best work is on the 3DS, but it's sure as hell not Sticker Star. Their best game is not one where you expend valuable items in every battle for a reward of a few pitiful coins, making the best strategic option in random encounters to just run away. Their best game is not one where boss battles are decided simply by having enough items with you to exhaust the boss's enormous HP reserves before you run out of options entirely. Their best game is not one where using abilities to progress means looking at a blank space and guessing at which valuable item to throw away in hopes that it'll be the precise one the game is looking for and not its near-identical duplicate, when the real one might be hidden somewhere in some random past level and force you to spend more time running away from enemies in hopes of finding it. Those are the characteristics of IS's worst game. Make no mistake: there were some good ideas in Sticker Star. An increased need for inventory management, when implemented properly, can add a lot of strategy, but Sticker Star completely flubbed it, making the "inventory management" primarily entail grinding over and over to get more and more stickers. It's a disaster.
  2. Normal = FE8 Hard Hard = FE10 Hard Lunatic = wat Lunatic+ = fuck you
  3. Not quite. You do need to use everyone in the first three chapters where they're all forced, but Callum joins right when the preparations screen shows up. You know those RPGs where characters can equip shields? Callum can pretty much be one of those, just sitting on an ally in Double. In Lunatic, that's better than what a lot of characters are capable of.
  4. I'm pretty sure people 2000 years ago in the real world also used different names for most if not all of the continents. It would be stranger if they kept the same names.
  5. The places where Slime tomes show up, you're not going to have time to just sit there for 10 turns waiting for them to go away even if you have a unit who would get hit every time and not care about the damage. So it's just not a viable strategy in this game anyway.
  6. And for that matter, you can (productively) pair up any other characters anytime after that point, as well, whenever you get around to it. No rush.
  7. From what I remember, we've empirically figured out the Exp formula; it matches up with FE11/12 as long as you properly take internal levels into account, and people have figured out how to do that, too.
  8. From what I remember, Velvet's transformed state is brown while Chambray's is bluish, or something like that. There's definitely a color difference.
  9. No. They function as regular weapons, losing usage for every hit.
  10. The most prominent strategic purpose is simply the ability to get extra levels beyond the "normal" 40. On lower difficulties ingame, it's not too prominent except for playing around, which is always fun. On higher difficulties, you really can't afford to play around with it, but you're going to have to end up training a smaller, more elite team which will gain excessive amounts of levels, and they'll really need the extra room to keep leveling up. For postgame, you're going to need a lot of reclassing to get the stats you'll need in order to tackle the more insane bonus levels, although if you manage to hoard a ton of stat boosters, they could work as a substitute. There's absolutely no reason to do that, though; reclassing is just a far more faster method.
  11. Nope. I'm sure I checked it to what I believed at the time were the precise parameters you described.
  12. I'm not sure, but I think the order the game sorts the skills in the "skill library" might act as a tiebreaker, since it goes along with the order of the activation rates.
  13. Yep. I've mainly noticed it happen with Noire, myself.
  14. Actually, I didn't. I'm sure i remember trying that same thing with backing out and changing skills and finding that it didn't work, but I don't have access to the game at the moment to verify. It rolls each one in succession, starting with the ones with lower activation rates, and stopping once one activates. Vengeance activates even if it doesn't do anything. If you have a character with 50+ Skl and Vengeance, they'll activate it on every hit, unless they have another skill to activate in its place.
  15. Dark Pegasus. So beautifully overpowered.
  16. Yes. And yes, it displays the number when you're at its location.
  17. I've observed the opposite: it stays the way it is when you first load the preparations screen.
  18. About the same as in the DS games. The gain is 1 per fight instead of 2, but the gains are generally cut in half, so it evens out. You don't have inbuilt WExp from any classes, though. You can use Arms Scrolls, but that's it.
  19. If he had better class options, maybe. You can toss him a Demon Fighter Scroll if/when you're grinding on DLC, but otherwise, it's his most physical class and the only one with axes.
  20. Yeah, you can buy Rescue staffs cheap anytime post-Ch12, and they're incredibly useful on higher difficulties. But the primary physical fighters will have really limited options with them: Tiamo has a range of 3-4 on promotion, depending on when you promote her.
  21. Can't speak much about it, as I haven't played much, but yeah, I've heard good things about the weapon type there, especially on the higher difficulty levels.
  22. Not for a class that already has tomes, it isn't. Regarding more general situations: with good Mag, you can use Thunder Swords; with Weapon Saver, you can use Ragnell. Otherwise, you're somewhat limited, but good thrown lances and axes aren't too common, either.
  23. There's no way to assume without knowing their growth rates. However, it's probably a safe bet that their growths are the same as that of an MU with their chosen best and worst stats, so overall none of them should have growths notably better than the others. I guess you can calculate average stats based on that if you're curious? We do know that it applies to their stat caps, which they'll reach with such grinding anyway. Really, though, the only answer to which bonus units to select is "whoever you want". The selection is so wide not for some tiny statistical differences but so you can choose units based on which ones you like from past games.
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