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Everything posted by Othin

  1. An S support doesn't give better Double bonuses than an A support.
  2. Depends on how you define "usable". With grinding, any character can be effective, but then everything can become incredibly easy in that case.
  3. I finished my Lunatic run a while ago. The thing about Lunatic is, unlike most things in FE, the enemies and maps actually get tougher as the game goes on. Much tougher. The Final was absolute insanity, with enemies so powerful most of my team needed care to so much as take them on one-on-one. MU was incredibly powerful, having capped like five stats by that point, and could kill them without too much trouble - yet he could only survive about three hits, and most enemies were impossible to dodge. Inverse, despite having lower stats, had similar offensive power, especially when buffed. The difference is, she had access to Nosferatu. And that made all the difference. With her insane offense and being able to survive just long enough on her own to use it, she could easily heal off the colossal damage from the enemy attacks. That chapter was absolute insanity - yet using the Nosferatu books she and Sarya had joined with, she took on an entire half of the map herself. And it was still insanity. Yet if I had bought more books beyond those two (which lasted about four turns together) and had reclassed other characters such as the even stronger MU to make them also able to use dark magic, it would have absolutely destroyed that challenge. So the answer is yes. Nosferatu is completely game-breaking, even on the insane Lunatic mode. Lunatic+, however, is probably a different story. Holy Shield+ lowers the damage output enough that it'd be hard to heal enough to offset the damage, and Counter does more damage than the user would heal. So while I haven't tried it myself, characters shouldn't be able to simply charge into enemies with Nosferatu and rack up easy kills on the enemy phase on Lunatic+. The player phase is easier because you can circumvent Counter with the ranged attacks, but the whole importance of Nosferatu is the easy enemy phase survival.
  4. I'm guessing they'll somehow relate to this map's talisman, but it's hard to guess how many we'll need to protect. Same story with the fleeing Revenants in the third map. Hard to guess a goal for the fourth, though. That one definitely seems different; I'm guessing it'll be a sort of conclusion for the UT maps and the first 6-star map.
  5. So has anyone read the page and figured out if this is saying anything new about the map?
  6. If we consider things, they have three Other-World Resort maps and four Ultimate Training maps. So if their goal is to get those out quickly, we should see them together on three of the first four releases and an Ultimate Training map alone on one of the four. So it's very plausible that they'll release the remaining ones over the course of the next two batches. I was hoping we'd start seeing some Future maps in with this pattern, but they may just not be ready yet. It's possible they ended up behind schedule and are stalling to get things ready.
  7. Several Annas, rather. Rescuing Annas actually happens any time you have a merchant and a skirmish in the same place, at least if you want the items. But that's just one, and not a specifically designed map.
  8. And it's up! http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/afej/dlc/dlc_0830.html Just one, oddly enough: the next Ultimate Training, with the merchant rescue. Doesn't list a reward character yet.
  9. Always after, at least recently. Probably around 2-3 hours from now if it's tonight, but it might be announced tomorrow at the same time instead.
  10. Got Micaiah, as usual. LV20 Sage with Luck Cry, no surprise.
  11. Not likely. We've already seen all four Ultimate Training maps, and they've said there will be only four. It also goes outside the limits of what the developers seem to be willing or able to pack into the DLC: just imagine how much work it would be to code in all the details for even one of those bosses, being as huge and dramatic as they are. Especially for something that would only be seen by players who bought a specific DLC, it sounds like a bit much. However, it sounds like there's a high probability that we'll see Gimle again as the final boss of the last Future DLC. Assuming he shows up all-capped with the same cap modifiers as the strongest of the enemies that appear to be his minions, his stats should be the following: HP 99 Str 80 Mag 70 Skl 80 Spd 60 Luck 60 Def 65 Res 65 If he keeps his Lunatic skills, he'll have Magnificent Flame with over 100% activation; factoring it in, he'll have 135 Atk on all hits. And Evil Dragon Scale, of course. And over 100% Great Shield backing it up. This should be interesting.
  12. I don't think the weapon triangle ever affected crit rates. Weapon level bonuses are gained at C, B, and A rank, like in the DS games. At A rank: Swords: +3 Mt Lances: +2 Mt, +5 Hit Axes: +1 Mt, +10 Hit Bows: +2 Mt, +5 Hit Tomes: +2 Mt, +5 Hit Staffs: +3 Healing I'm not sure which parts of the bonuses correspond to what levels, and I'm not entirely certain about all of this, but I know axes are changed to increase Mt now and the rest seem to be the same.
  13. dondon's FE6 strats should be doable on console with the precise right actions throughout the game. The real issue, I think, is that at that point, you're not even really playing the game at all: you're creating a performance, controlling both teams and every bit of randomness throughout the game to make some fancy videos to show off. And it's a damn impressive performance - but it's very limited in its implications. It's not like you'd want to "replay" the performance, because you'll just make the same things happen, and there's nothing really to tier because there's no room for variation. So that sort of thing just doesn't work as being relevant for tier lists.
  14. Yeah, Thorhammer is me. I had the bad timing of coming back right before NSMB2 came out, so I haven't been doing much else.

  15. It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like. I'd say it's the second best skill in the game, after Rainbow Cry.
  16. I've had issues accessing it for at least a year.
  17. A medium difficulty would definitely be nice, but Lunatic isn't too bad once you know what you're doing.
  18. Specifically, as with past-game SpotPass teams, you can buy one of each item they're holding. The team leaves afterward, though.
  19. Awakening did many things. Establishing definite connections between all FE games was one of them.
  20. I added some more numbers. If they were LV20 promoted, as it sounds like, that should hold true. The only way he should be getting 100 Exp is if the enemies were Assassins or Tricksters or something. Or if they had even a few internal levels at first, but that doesn't sound likely for this. What level was he in the Final?
  21. Valhart at 30 Overlord --> 1 Overlord will have 15 internal levels and therefore will gain Exp as a LV16 unpromoted unit, despite his high stats. That's all you were observing. What were you having him fight, anyway? Some enemies have bonuses to Exp gain, and others might have internal levels of their own. --- Checking FE12's formulae, which seem to still hold true, a LV16 unit should gain 90 Exp from defeating a LV40 unit: if you were having him fight regular LV20 promoted enemies, that should be the case. I don't know about the later gains, though; at LV20, he should be counted as a LV35 unit and therefore only gain 46 Exp from killing such enemies, unless they were Tricksters or Assassins, or had internal levels. In any case, if he had been starting from 0, he would be gaining ~80 Exp from those kills at LV20, assuming those are the enemies he was fighting. So it's really just that Overlord is a single-tier class and is therefore great for Exp gain.
  22. Ch14 and Ch19, certainly. I had to 1-turn Ch19 on Lunatic just to survive. The ST maps are all definitely possible to 1-turn with enough levels, and they can be played any number of times and anytime. IDW, as well, but if you 1-turn that, you don't get anything of note. Ch13 is probably doable with a bit of luck and craftiness at ordinary levels. For obvious reasons, I don't have any of the information needed to "assume a continuous low turns playthrough".
  23. Oh, you'll be a lot more grateful for those boss-only maps in Lunatic. I felt the same way when killing the rest of the enemies was a simple matter. Not so much in the higher difficulties.
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