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Everything posted by Othin

  1. Well, I think the original text is better for comparing if there's any difference at all, which wouldn't be as clear with comparing two translations from separate people. If there are, we can identify them.
  2. Don't we just need to compare with the Japanese version of the original?
  3. If you make any Krom/Olivia supports ingame, they have to be after pairing Krom with someone else, and they're only at the CBA level. However, whoever you pair Krom with, all support levels between the two of them are added to the Support Library. So you can view Krom/Olivia S only in the Support Library, not ingame. This is because Krom/Olivia have their support level immediately raised to S if they get married; they won't have the chance to make any supports the normal way on that file.
  4. Now that's what I expected out of Gangrel. Was disappointing seeing him so serious in the support with male MU.
  5. That could be really interesting, if like the Taguels and Manakete, they were set to retain the flying classification in all classes, but in exchange for the larger weakness, actually would move as a flying unit, at least in unmounted classes.
  6. Not really. You just need to get all the supports once and then view them with different-voice MUs selected. Of course, you still need to get the supports with both male and female MU to complete the Support Library, as well as varying supports with children characters if MU winds up as their parent.
  7. For the main story, yeah. The scrolls are great for postgame grinding, though. And yeah, it is, given that LvD's 4-star maps are far more difficult than the final chapter. I'm not sure how the other maps compare on other difficulty levels, but on my Lunatic run, I had a lot of trouble completing KvK1 and KvK2 before Ch18, and those are just 2-star maps. ST3, while also a 2-star map, was of course much easier.
  8. Not about this place. Check your link: the site you took it from isn't set to provide links for other sites that way.
  9. Mark will not inherit the Lord class: as Krom's son, he'll inherit Royal Weapon, but he won't be able to get Aether.
  10. Yessssss Was disappointed when I couldn't initially find her badge after seeing you with it. But now it's here and all is good. Berwick Saga has a shortage of bad characters and you manage to make the two badges so far both from among them. Intentional?
  11. You get one for every time you play through KvK3. Of course, that requires being able to survive KvK3.
  12. HM solution was to move fast. LM solution was to move faster. As it turns out, with Rescue staffs, it's possible to reach and attack Valhart on Turn 1. With one character. That character gets one round to kill Valhart: if not, his troops kill everyone. When MU failed to kill Valhart on the first round and I tried to leave it for the enemy phase, his knights killed most of my team immediately, then killed MU as well. I was hesitant to go for it, but without having a way to survive even one turn, I decided to try. Took a few attempts, but MU with Arcthunder and carrying Sariya for an A support and her Crimson Curse skill was able to get a 14% crit rate against Valhart. No way to kill him without a crit: even with two Magnificent Flame activations, he'd fall short by four damage, and Sariya couldn't scratch Valhart with a Dual Attack. Fortunately, no Magnificent Flame activations were needed as long as Valhart didn't activate Holy Shield against the crit or dodge the other attack to finish him. Took a few attempts to get the crit, but once I did, everything worked fine with damage to spare. So with that cheap trick, it's onward to Ch20. This chapter wasn't too difficult on past playthroughs, but now, looking at the map, I'm even more scared than I was on the past two maps. Right from the start, there's a horde of enemies standing in front of my team in range to attack, and on each side of my starting position, there's four Generals standing just three squares away from some of my units. One turn isn't enough to put a dent in any of these groups, and blocking off all three sides requires blocking off seven squares from both melee and ranged attacks. I don't have seven characters capable of taking two hits at this point. And a Valhart rush isn't an option this time, either: he's way too far away, and Exceli's squad forms a solid wall of enemies at around the halfway point. For the third time in a row, I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do, and I don't think that's changing for any of the upcoming maps. --- Of course, out-of-the-box thinking is pretty much my lifeblood on Lunatic. Or in this case, out-of-the-entrance-hall. By diving into one of the side hallways, I could fit my team and only have to block off four spots, which should be feasible... I hope. This is going to take some work to get right, though.
  13. Don't have it, don't have anyone to use it, don't have anywhere to flee to. The hard part isn't killing specific enemies: MU, Krom, and Sairi can do that. It's staying alive when the enemies are everywhere and can reach every inch of the field.
  14. Only took a couple more attempts to get it with no deaths. Still didn't get any treasure, though. Who needs thieves when you have lava to destroy the treasure for you? On to Ch19, which looks as scary as I expected. There's a sea of enemies, with Valhart waiting at the end. It's a small map: I could reach him on the second turn by moving as fast as possible, but the enemies are too numerous and powerful to get away with that. On Normal, I took a defensive formation to hold them off until I could attack. On Hard, they were too powerful for that, so I had Sariya smash through with Nosferatu to reach Valhart quickly. Neither strategy is an option here: I can't go fast, and I can't go slow. I have no idea how I'm going to survive this.
  15. Yeah. Same goes for all DLC-exclusive skills.
  16. With Libera as the father, Mark will be male, and therefore unable to learn Love Cry: it can't be inherited.
  17. Luna is pretty bad, yeah. There's a sword Sol that adds the effect of the skill, so you have a chance of restoring some HP, but nothing certain like the Nosferatu spell. Other weapons for other weapon types also share those effects.
  18. Weakness to Wyrmslayers isn't a big deal, either. Talk to Vincent if you want to get the site to be more clarified.
  19. FE13's support library uses the version of the characters from the file you most recently played that had those characters. So MU's name and appearance are the ones from the last file you played with an MU of that gender: I assume the same goes for the voice patterns, and for the appearance of any children characters. Not that you mention it, it's definitely plausible that any supports modified by the story are determined the same way.
  20. Max rank is A, yeah. Passing Conqueror to Chambray isn't possible: Valhart can only be paired with MU, like the other secret characters. The weakness to Beastslayers isn't a big concern, though. And no, there's no other skill that works to protect against weakness to Wyrmslayers.
  21. Huh, that's interesting. But it doesn't seem to be the case here. FE13 sometimes lists multiple sets of supports for characters with possible family pairs, but it never lists individual supports in a set twice, so it doesn't seem like it's the case here. And hey, I just noticed your badge.
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