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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. For my part, I am more puzzled why a generic ancient Roman civilization bothered to turn into a generic feudal Japan civilization. It just baffles me how there are characters who talk about the past of Valencia, yet what they describe has nothing to do with the continent that we are familiar with.
  2. Tear Ring Saga had a character who gave all allies around him a 50% penalty to hit and avoid. It's implied that this is because no one can stand being near him. Mechanical wise, it's the result of a skill that allows the user to take all the items of an enemy they defeat. While said guy is played for comedy, the skill is later used more seriously by a bunch of allied NPC fighters who are gladiators who want to seize an opportunity to gain the favor of the invading player army. Nobody liked those guys either. Edit: Curses! Foiled by a dastardly ninja.
  3. ^ Chapter 11 doesn't even feature Dawn Brigade members. Either way, it's not too difficult for Tibarn to die if you don't pay attention. Punishing the player for thoughtlessly relying on Tibarn is probably the sole reason that Goran is using a Crossbow. Tibarn is likely to die against the boss if his skills fail to activate.
  4. Super Mario 3D Land works well with it. The downside is that it is pretty much needed. Platforming doesn't always feel fair without it. I got the impression that it also adds a lot to Kid Icarus: Uprising and Monster Hunter 3U.
  5. It's not like the game was her idea. And making a scene around Julius probably wouldn't have been smart anyway. As a rule of thumb, nothing that that Ishtar says when she is around Julius can be taken seriously. And even if we assume that her behavior is serious, she behaves no worse about killing enemies then the average Awakening PC. And just because the empire is bad doesn't automatically mean that the rebels are good guys. She had little reason to assume they are to be trusted. But they did kill her brother, his wife, her father and Yune knows how many people that she is close too. They might very well have taken everything from her that she had. The game is ambigious about Ishtar's motivations to the very end but for my part I couldn't hold it against her even if she absolutely loved the opportunity to kill some of the people who murdered them with her own hands. But be it as it may be, the scene were we learn that Ishtar protects children from certain death doesn't work well with the image of a bloodthirsty psychopath without a consciene. And does anybody seriously expect that a little kid like her could have controlled the Freedge? What could she have possibly done?
  6. What is trash chicken and floor chicken? + Anyway, I am not so disgusting that I eat chicken out of walls. I buy my chicken from Renon. It did cost me my soul but it was delicious.
  7. I thought that Philia was at least kind of funny. Her attemps to look composed, dignified and serious are in a hillarious contrast to the fact that the design of the Falcon Knight ensures that her panties are always visible to anyone around. And her death to teleporting Zombie Archers was not only meaningless but it was also hillarious. However, I was also quite confused when I saw it happeneing for the first time. IS couldn't have intended her death to be funny but neither could they have seriously expected that anybody would be able take this sequence seriously either.
  8. Homura has still more votes then anyone but Kyoko. What's surprising is that Kyoko surpasses the others to such a degree. But maybe we just so happen to have a relatively large amount of Japanese voice actresses on this board.
  9. "Insulting" is a strong word and one I would reserve for other characters. And Pherox has nothing to do with Selena anyway. However, the comparision between Philia and Mahnya at least demonstrates how gracelessly IS killed of a recurring character.
  10. I think the fact that you can enter the canyon from the right side and can enter the Border Town from the left is more interesting. In the canyon, you can even shove that log right into that unique object below it. This could mean that you were originally intended to actually get to Bilibin and either use the bridge to get there in the first place or be able to use later in the game to return to the old areas. Personally I think that quite a few oddities could be explained if one assumes that the party was supposed to go to Bilibin before going to the southern part of the continent, starting with the fact that we actually see a man reaching the other side. You would think that would be brought up again.
  11. Just so that there is no confusion, I didn't actually write a list of examples for characters kissing the Avatar's butt. I was merely trying to debunk Shadow Knights assumption that the opposite happened and specific characters like Lissa and Frederick actually gave Robin a hard time. Though I guess I still tried to cover that ground by bringing up the final chapter so I didn't have to go through the script of every single chapter this late at night.
  12. Oh boy, Dark Dawn. I am quite frankly amazed how they bothered to make an entirely knew engine just to take the flawed mechanics 1 to 1 from the GBA games without fixing anything. So Psynergy is as useless as ever. Also, did anybody really want the "savescum until you get the item you want" forge mechanic back? The game got all the wrong ideas when it comes to appealing to nostalgia. But hey, this time the town is on fire. We start the game by introducing all these interesting stuff about the Sanctury on Mt Aleph, the howling moon and Psynergy Vortexes and then the game just completely drops it in favor of a glorified side quest that takes the whole game. And the titular "Dark Dawn" is totally wasted. It's such an awesome concept. But rather then actually fighting against those creatures and protecting the people, the rest of the game is just a boring hunt for Mac Guffins because the cities are already protected through devices that the party already activated back when doing so wasn't the least bit exiting. And there are two new PCs between the Dark Dawn and the finale but not a single boss. It's just such a boring and tedious part. Also, it's cruel to give the boat wings and then not allow the player to fly. Funny how nobody ever notices the wings but I don't want to complain about any specific bits of the story. Putting Points of no Return into the game is just such a stupid idea. You cannot let people permanently miss out on the sort of power ups that Dshinns provide. And it's such a pain in the ass to keep track of which of them you still have to get because the numbers are so uneven unlike in the previous games. It also forces you to get them all immediately, ensuring that the enemies are always even more outclassed then they already are. Speaking of easier, I was actually for a moment afraid to fight somebody who was a Werewolf like Sveta but... Sveta attacks Chaos Hound. Chaos Hound takes 562 damage. Chaos Hound attacks Sveta. Sveta takes 1 damage. Yeah... I know Golden Sun is extremely easy but this game offers so little resistance that the final boss feels downright out of place. Nothing in the game compares to that. I mean, I felt like a bully when I fought the Card Ninjas. Did somebody forget to give them attack moves or something? And then the Final Boss shows up and throws out several devastating attacks in a single round.
  13. About there supposedly even being the opposite of asskissing for Robin in the game. First of all: Frederick never mistrusts Robin. He explains as much before the first battle even starts: Frederick: I have every wish to trust you, stranger, but my station mandates otherwise. Besides, once the battle starts the mistrust almost completely disappears. And the few times it does show up, it's specifically to give everyone else the opportunity to express how noble, skilled and trustworthy Robin is, all the while assuring us that Frederick doesn't actually mean it and is just cautious. Frederick: Indeed. Perhaps you might even be capable of an explanation for how you came here? Chrom: You fought to save Ylissean lives. My heart says that's enough. Frederick: And your mind, milord? Will you not heed its counsel as well? Chrom: Frederick, the Shepherds could use someone with Robin's talents. We've brigands and unruly neighbors, all looking to bloody our soil. Would you really have us lose such an able tactician? Besides, I believe his/her story, odd as it might be. (as a sidenote, the first chapter isn't even over and Chrom already makes Robin already out to be the factor that might just decide the outcome of this conflict. But back to the topic.) Frederick: Forgive me, Your Grace, but I must speak. Robin claims to have lost his/her memory, but it is only that: a claim. We cannot rule out the possibility that he is a brigand himself/herself or even a Plegian spy. Chrom: Frederick! Emmeryn: Yet you allowed him/her into the castle, Chrom. Does this man/woman have your trust? Chrom: Yes. He/She risked his/her life for our people. That's good enough for me. Emmeryn: Well then, Robin... It seems you've earned Chrom's faith, and as such you have mine as well. And it's not like Frederick is above praising her either. Frederick: Might I advise patience, milord? Robin is a fine tactician, but we have been working him/her mercilessly. Even the best of us needs rest. I guess those other guys dodging axes are just slackers. It's the guy who moves a cursor around the map who is the real employee of the month. As for Lissa, she is obsessed with Robin from the get-go and keeps her lips glued tightly to Robin's rear until she pretty much disappears from the script. Lissa: But holy wow, Robin! You were incredible! Swords, sorcery, AND tactics! Is there anything you can't do? ... Lissa: But allow me to introduce Robin! He/She just joined the Shepherds. Chrom's made him/her our new tactician. You should see all the tricks he's/she's got up his/her sleeve! Maribel's disrespect takes the form of telling Robin not to encourage Vaike. Otherwise she is just being Tsundere to Robin. In other words: She totally likes her. Robin: Yes. I know you're not especially fond of me, but it's a relief just the same. Maribelle: Oh, it's not a question of fondness. I am simply protective of Lissa. My treasure is very sensitive, and... Wait. Am I really justifying myself to a commoner? Gods... Yes, well, I do...apologize for being curt. And... And... And you have my thanks for your part in the rescue. There, I said it! That leaves us with Lucina, who along with EVERYONE ELSE will just gladly risk the future so that Robin can live, despite knowing better then anyone else what Grima is capable of. And it really is everyone else. Isn't that right Chrom? Chrom: And the good you bring to the world will more than make up for it. You made the right choice, Robin. Everyone agrees. And quite frankly, I don't get how anyone could not think that Robin is the most important person to literally everyone in the army after the final chapter. That one was really just embarrassing. Those quotes of the other characters, they are not about comradely and friendship. There is no "we" in them. There is only Robin. They are just about how important Robin is to them and to remind her how amazing she is. Even Kingdom Hearts handled that theme a lot better. As much as Sora is chilled, he would have died countless times ago without the help of his friends. He needed his friends when he lost his Keyblade. It turned out he needed his friends after all when he abandoned them in Castle Oblivion. He needed them to protect him during his sleep. He needed them when he was stunned by Xemnas in KHII. He needed them when he got trapped in his dreams. Robin needs his friends for nothing but to stroke his ego and then just frees herself from whatever the heck was even going on in that scene. I consider Sora an awful Mary Sue but that only shows how bad Robin is by comparison.
  14. There is a C-Rank Light tome later in the game. One exemplar is carried by Seti, the other appears in the final chapter. It's a basic damage spell but it is a lot stronger then the rank suggest. And as a Light element spell, it also has WTA advantage against any other type of magic but Dark. Of course, the tome is still useless for Leaf and Lachesis. But that is not because of the class but because the growths of those two are entirely physical. The Master Knight class has the exact same bases and caps for every state and therefore would work just as well for a magic user.
  15. The villagers do in fact tell you just that. Villager: The drawbridge over Thove River is under the control of Lord Maios. If it's not down, and you don't have a key, you're not getting across. But I bet if you had someone handy along like a thief, you might be able get it down.
  16. I am not sure if it would even be that much of a bad idea. It depends on how expensive these kind of rereleases are. I would imagine that most of the development costs have already been paid for. Either way, obviously I would buy it. Along with the console while I am at it.
  17. It doesn't matter if they die in this chapter. They will be properly playable later on. So don't worry. It's thankfully not like in PoR, where Lethe or Mordecai dying as allies does in fact mean that they will never be playable.
  18. Fairly indifferent, I guess. I often think that I should maybe get over there and contribute to a proper welcome for them but I always end up being too afraid of messing it up with my poor English and general clumsiness. I guess I also feel a bit sorry for the mods, since they might have to take care of a lot of necro posts in the following hours.
  19. Actually you can keep the Falchion and go to Nagi's chapter. That's part of the trick. You just need to give the Falchion to Tiki and then have her die in chapter 24. Items of dead characters get transferred to your convoy after the battle. So this way you can meet the requirements to enter chapter 24x while still keeping the Falchion in your possession.
  20. How is that a good thing? It's not like the stats and caps of those enemies had to be as high as they are except for making grinding mandatory in the first place. Just because IS could have made grinding even more tedious and boring as they already did, doesn't change the fact that they made it tedious and boring.
  21. Do you take into account that the script we got in the international version is solely based on the shortened down script of the Japanese version? From what I've seen from the extended script, it seems a lot less awkward.
  22. That's entirelsy new to me as well. I think the Telius games are the least despised games in the series. They are definitly not the most loved but rarely the ones that people put on the very button. I think the last time we had a pool for the most and least favorite Fire Emblem games, PoR ended up with the least amount of votes for least favorite but also a meager amount of votes for favorite.
  23. So does that mean that that woman was in games before Awakening? Because I would think I would remember a character who does nothing but saying money related puns and has greed as the sole element of her characterisation. Unless of course, NoA called her Pablo back in Sacred Stones. That happened to other characters too. Like with Aimee/Larabel, so it might well be the case.
  24. And Baldur got his sword from a dragon too. So it's pretty much the same thing. Now, the weapons are described more vaguely in FE4. They are merely said to be "weapon sealed with the power of their respective tribesmen". So technically we don't know if the weapon is made from a fang like with the Falchion. But since they look exactly the same, there is no reason to assume that the most obvious answer isn't the right one. But the way of it's creation is a trivial difference either way. One way or another, it is a weapon containing the power of a dragon.
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