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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Getting the input on a joystick just right, always seems near impossible to me. It usually ends with either running or standing. So I actually I prefer 3D Land's method of switching between two well designed speeds. I was really surprised how comfortable this made things compared to any other third person game I ever played. The lack of bosses is inexcusable, though. And to make matters worse, the Boomers seem to have rather glitchy hitboxes. And I really wish there was a "replace Tannoki suit with other power ups" mode. Still, the level design was beautifully diverse. After the last few New Mario bros games, I feared they could only rehash elements but there is tons of new stuff here. Plus, just getting the old stuff work in a 3D game makes it an entirely different beast. It's definitely my favorite game on the 3DS. Sure, I played more Monster Hunter. But most of that time is spend being wasted on farming and grinding. 3D Land is just pure distilled fun. And unlike Mario 64 and Sunshine, it doesn't send you like half a dozen times through every level. Well, some of them 3 times but the circumstances are always entirely different.
  2. I get the warp tiles any maybe the staffs. But everything else? For one thing, the enemy doesn't even have hero weapons. They are player only in the first place. And even if they weren't, they would be an entirely fair obstacle because you'd know in advance who has them and can plan your strategy accordingly. And I know that I am repeating myself here but: You don't need to recruit Xavier to finish the game. It's just an optional objective. If you don't have the means or the patience to recruit Xavier, then simply don't recruit him. To be sure, he is a cool guy to have around. But he is ultimately not needed for anything.
  3. Thanks for all that information. Btw, was as all of this explained in the FP DLC? Or where else is it explained?
  4. Is it explained why it didn't work? Because Lucina did not have all the gems? Or if she didn't have any, how could she have summonsed Naga at all? Anyway, Naga's power would have been needed to allow time travel in the first place.
  5. How would a partial Awakening work? The ritual simply kills the candidate if they don't prevail. Chrom: It seems that whoever attempts the rite must brave Naga's fire. If both body and spirit survive the agony, they are blessed with the dragon's power. Otherwise, the candidate...dies.
  6. Well, she beat him. But that the script felt the need to have Basillo state that he thinks that Lonqu is Lucina's equal and that he can't believe she beat him so easily, heavily implies that her curb stomping him was merely the result of his fear of woman. Basillo: ...he's peerless with a sword. As good as Marth, in my mind. To be honest, I can't figure out how Marth bested him so quickly.
  7. Personally I see a huge problem in the exp gain. Because it only rewards units who actually kill things, regardless of what the classe's role in the team is. Imagine your average Fire Emblem game, with the starting team having an archer and a duo of Cavaliers. You would use the Archer to weaken them and then have the Cavaliers finish the job without having to eat a counter. But since getting kills is the only real way for combat units to gain exp, the archer will inevitable fall behind. In order for the archer to gain exp, you would have to weaken enemies with your cavaliers and then finish them of with the archer. Which effectively kills the utility of the archer, since when he only performs the finishing blow, he might have as well have attacked with a melee weapon and archived the very same results. It's similar with Armored Knights. They aren't really designed for killing, they are merely supposed to eat hits and weaken the attackers. So they will often require being feed kills as well.
  8. Best: Flying utility Worst: Bow Utility Flying, because the ability to go anywhere you want without having to worry about that nasty terrain has always been universally. Bow utility, because those weapons have always done nothing but doing the same thing mages do, but worse.
  9. Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Iron Boots edition Play through the entire classic with no other shoes but the badass Iron Boots. Also includes new features, like the ability to use your weight to break Epona's back and legs. They can be carved for materials.
  10. I guess I will throw my vote to "Sin & Punishment: Successor of the sky". An absolute awesome rail shooter. When it was released, I was hesitant to buy it because while I enjoyed the original game on the virtual console, it had too many issues. Like it's rough controls and the god awful sidescroller stage. Well, I turned out to be death wrong. The game fixed all of the predecessor's issues and made everything about the game more awesome. The game controls absolutely amazing. The remote effectively works like a light gun and yet you can still control your character. The Wii seems effectively be made for a rail shooter like this one. And this time around, the side scrolling stage is actually my favorite level. The level design is beautiful, creative and hard as hell. (silly me, thinking I could beat Normal mode just because I beat the original on normal) It's just an absolute pleasure to play this one.
  11. Like I wrote in my last post, what kept him alive was the plot. Well, sure, everything happens because the plot says it does... What I mean is that it isn't a question if Basilio's survives but merely how the plot decides that Basilio would survive. Imagine the same scenario without Lucina. If Lucina and therefore the in-story justification of him surviving no longer exists, then he would simply survive because his injured wear so bad, he was believed to be death by Flavia and Wallhart. That's exactly what happens even with Lucina. Except without her we would be spared Basilio's absurd claim that despite him supposedly being near death, he would have totally attacked Wallhart again if he didn't suddenly remember her warning. So the Lucina-less version would effectively be the same as the one with her, but would be slightly more believable. The other timeline? This detail of the other timeline only exists because Lucina brought it up in the first place. If she is removed, then suddenly Basilio no longer got killed by Wallhart, so no justification is needed on how he could survive that encounter in one timeline but not the other.
  12. Anyway, I am really just looking for the source of that information. Once I find it, I bet I will also find answers to all my questions.
  13. Yes, but I wonder where it is mentioned. Because it doesn't make any sense to me that it was the war against Plegia that dragged on. I mean, if the war with Plegia would have continued, Wallhart would still have showed up after merely two years with an invasion force that couldn't have been stopped without the Plegian fleet. Which would have resulted in an easy victory for Wallhart long before Lucina could hold a sword. Especially with Ylisse being weakened through two years of warfare. Unless of course Ylisse defeated Plegia just in time and claimed there fleet. But if that was the case, events should have unfolded pretty much the same way, with Lucina still being way too young.
  14. Lucina mentioned in chapter 4 that her father taught her to use a sword. But how would that be possible? She must have been still an infant when he died. Now I did do some searches through this thread since this point must have come up a few times and I did see it mentioned that the war supposedly dragged on. But if that's true, where was it mentioned?
  15. That is exactly the kind of scenes I mean when i say Lucina feels tagged on. Scenes where indeed nothing would change if Lucina wasn't involved. What did Lucina actually do? She warned Basillo that Wallhart would kill him How did Basllo react? He assured her that he would survive by simply avoiding the guy who would kill him. What did he actually do when he saw Wallhart? He charged at him blindly. The whole scene played out as if she never warned him in the first place. And Basillo didn't survive because of Lucina's warning. Lucina's warning wouldn't protect him from getting an axe critical to the face. That was the plot wizard. And given that Basilio even said that he was almost dead, it's a lot more believable that he was simply unable to keep fighting rather then suddenly remembering her warning and playing possum and therefore totally only surviving because of Lucina.
  16. You mean this one?: Yuria: Just who are you? Everything changed the day Archbishop Manfroy brought that eerie black book in. That day also marks the last I saw of my dear brother... All that remained in his place was this powerful, yet demonic child. You... whoever you are... have deprived me of my mother and my brother, as well! Who are you!? Why must you put me through this agony!? Yurius: I am the inheritor of the power of the Loputo Clan. This world is my domain. And Yuria, you inherit the power of my mortal enemy... Narga. Therefore, you must die. He does sound like Loputoso for the most part. Though, he still refers to Julia as his sister and to Alvis as his father even when alone with Manfroy.
  17. They would say, they definitely be used. Items do no good, rotting in the storage.
  18. You are playing as the scientist Dr. Jekyl, who is trying to get to a wedding for some reason. Unfortunately, every person or animal on the streets seems to be determined to make you regret the day you were born Suffering enough harassment makes you turn into the serial killer Hyde. But instead of going after your tormentors, you are fighting...things, while going through the stage in reverse.
  19. It's a simply mix up of names in the heat of battle. Embarrassing to be sure, but that alone hardly invalidates what I said. But I guess getting hung up on that and insulting me is just too much of convenient way to ignore what I actually wrote.
  20. I also find it hard to get all that exited about any of them. Minerva got a dragon and axes going for her but that's about it. I guess it's Nanna then, since she got a nice skill set consisting of being a Paladin healer with ReMove, Charisma and her mother's Earth Sword. Because weapons that double as a memento are awesome.
  21. Because the player is the only trainer smart enough to realize that swimming through a sea filled with poisoned jellyfish isn't such a hot idea.
  22. To think that Ishtar is winning this one. I mean, sure I will never stop fearing the Torhammer. But I just don't see why someone as powerful as her, doesn't have it in her to oppose her murderous boyfriend when an opportunity arrives in the form of the liberation army and instead continues to support a government that sacrifices children. Well okay I can understand it. Even with her power, I probably wouldn't do it. But that leaves me without something that would allow me to call her a great character or a great person.
  23. Truly, the similarities between names warrant a poll. Anyway, Lucina is not much of a contest. Despite being big on the cover of her game and being the face of the game's marketing campaign, it feels like she is just tagged on in the story. She never really affects anything and the exposition she provides would become completely pointless if she was removed along with it. Starting with her completely unexplained attack on Chrom in Plegia, her existence causes nothing but problems to the plot. Sure, she has potential. Like, I really wish the story was focused on her instead of the Avatar at the ending. But as it, Lucina does little but further dragging the story down. Lucia doesn't have a particular big role, but then again she isn't on the cover of either game. And she plays her little role as a sister and advisor to Elincia quite well. She manages to be particular awesome in 2F, when she expresses nothing but joy upon the revaluation that Elincia is able to give her up in order to subdue the rebellion, despite that being a death sentence to her. Though, it's to bad to bad that this great moment for both characters was overshadowed by the appearance of the mercs, But either way, what would have been her final words otherwise, results in one of my favorite quotes in the series: "People of Crimea... Behold a true queen! YOUR queen! Long live Queen Elincia!"
  24. Innes won't loose. He will keep going, even if he has to crawl.
  25. BrightBow

    First Shiny?

    A Meowth in Silver edition. Looked just like a regular Meowth, though. Man, I so wished I could say it was a Ho-oh. But because it was the first shiny I encountered, I reset the game in order to recreate whatever I was doing to cause the darn thing to turn orange. And I still had my Master Ball too...
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