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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. FE1: Matthis killing Lena FE2: Clerbe: Oh, a kid with no experience. Wanna become our leader? FE3: You know Matthis, even if you have to try to kill your sister, could you at least not belittle the guy who actually protects her. FE4: Manfroy using Julia against Celice instead of killing her. 20 years, buddy... You almost made it and then this. FE5: Wiseman: Hey, Reidrick. We have caught those 2 girls we can take as hostages against that powerful swordwoman. Reidrick: Awesome. I take them with me. You take care of the situation here. Bye. And of course, Leaf only finds out after the fight that the girls were kidnapped and that he better not dare to resist. Good job getting your men pointlessly killed, Reidrick. FE6: Okay, how hard can it be to kill an imprisoned and unarmed mage girl? FE7: Lyn defeating Lundgren. Since the script specifically clarifies that the people are not rebelling and that the other duchies won't get involved, it means that Lyn literally took over an entire country with the few people she meet on her way. FE8: Eirka/Ephrahim loosing a Sacred Stone because they chased after Lyon by themselves. FE9: What better way to get new recruits but to raid an enemy prison camp? Of course, that attack is the stated reason the Daein are pursuing the group in chapter 11. Nice idea, Ranulf. FE10: The Black Knight revealing that he got himself be stabbed and let a castle drop on his head on purpose. Which was apparently a better way to avoid a fight then just teleporting away. FE11: The game embarrassingly trying to push the idea that the guy who murdered his father and sold out his sisters is totally a good guy who was just misguided. FE12: There are so many problems with making a bunch of new inexperienced recruits part of your personal guard. Katarina only demonstrated one of them. FE13: Avatar tricking Jafar in chapter 23, using a plan that Red Mage would have praised her for. Tear Ring Saga: Eugen: Axe Fighter? ehh.. Cavalier with Elite?.. I can't see what good that would do. High level Sage and the only character with both staffs and offensive magic? Pretty neat. ZOMG! What is this!? A shitty low level archer! Lord Runan, that's just what we need!
  2. The map layouts have no effect. With those high numbers in this game, it's not like terrain bonuses are very likely to make the magical difference between life and death. The classes also are also always the same and feel just as random. Except the game seems to favor sorcerers over sages later on. But the difference between individual classes in extremely meager in the first place. They kill in about the same number of hits and die in about the same number of hits. And the "different skills" literally get randomized each time you reenter the map. The fact that each map feels like it was populated by the same script that places Streepass teams is exactly my problem with it. And what different strategies are there beyond "keep a defense formation and don't die" or "munchkin so that one pair can kill anyone on the map". It reminds me mostly of FE4, except armies over there had more of a theme to it. So each one needed a bit of a different approach. As for Awakening being more varied then PoR, I'm going to quote an old post on PoR's map design: "Chapter 8 has three choke points attacked by entirely different kinds of units. Cavaliers in the south, range from the east and melee from the west. Chapter 10 Free the prisoners without getting seen Chapter 11 has a lot of stuff going on: Recruiting Zihark without killing the members of the vigilante group, beating the thieves to the houses and seizing the harbor. If you don't get these things done fast, you have the Black Knight after you. Chapter 12 has you fighting on a small ship against an entire army of fliers. Chapter 14 has fog of war, so careful movement is necessary. Chapter 15 allows you to take advantage of the enemies transformation gauge. Use it to kill the enemies while they are weak or use it to outmaneuver them and collcect tons of BEXP. Your choice. Chapter 17 is an endurance round of several skirmishes." By then, I figured I had enough examples. But just to clarify that the game didn't doesn't get any less varied for the remainder of the campaign: -Dealing with the overwhelmingly Naesala and flier-limiting ballista. -Defeating a boss in a turnlimit. -Defeating a boss without killing any of the enemy priests blocking your path. -Dealing with the holes at the great bridge and the enemy fortifications. -Prevent an NPC army from being defeated. -Reach the boss who lets defense negating rocks fall down the hill towards your army -Survive the 1 on 1 vs the Black Knight. -Defeat an army consisting entirely of Laguz. -Deal with the 10 Move Final Boss. And of course the one map that is effectively Awakenings entire map design in a nutshell: -Chapter 26. Wide open with random enemies charging at you from all directions I don't think PoR map design is all that great. Far from it. But it's miles ahead from anything that Awakening has to offer.
  3. I don't see any replay value with this game. I don't think I've every played a game that got boring as fast as this one. I can't grasp how people get through this game several times. Even going through it once, was a massive test of willpower for me. The game has barely any level design beyond putting random enemies with random weapons at random spots of the map. All they change between chapters is to raise their levels by 1-2. And I don't see how doing the same thing again with slightly different numbers does make the campaign any more interesting. Not to mention you do very little actual playing because of how defense based the game is.
  4. Btw, should Nagi even count? Narga was always referred as the dragon king. Even by Xane. Narga just has the habit to take the form of a woman or girl. While Shadow Dragon implies reincarnation of a sort, according to the "Recurring Themes" page on this site, the Japanese version of the game still refers to Narga as the Dragon King: http://www.serenesforest.net/general/theme.html
  5. Man, this poll is moving fast. I go with Midia then, since she is all knightly and stuff. Her mannerism and appearance are pretty cool in any incarnation. ...when she isn't stuck in cells or epically failing to ambush unarmed men. Well, cool doesn't have to mean competent.
  6. Jill, Titania. And admittedly, Micaiah is also pretty nice looking. I guess I am just a sucker for the darker red shades. Maroon, Crimson or whatever their names in English are. Of course, Jill and Micaiah benefit from me considering them great characters. And Jill is an extremely admirable individual. So that helps too. She also did a good job showing how side characters can have character development during the story and how you can tie support conversations into that. Also, info conversations. This things don't really extend to Titania. But she is a cool enough lady to get my vote anyway.
  7. Of course not. Beauty is also a matter of wearing as little tissue at your skin as possible.
  8. I vote for Echidna. ...well, I have to make this post since she isn't on the list.
  9. The idea is definitely great. I often get he impression that I am the only person I know, who either can see the 3D or doesn't get major headaches from it.
  10. I would say Radiant Dawn. Sure, other games have good tunes too. But often I felt myself feeling that they weren't used properly. Like FE4 playing painfully upbeat music for the first few chapters playing while armies are slaughtering each other. Radiant Dawn had great songs and used them effectively. The music went a long way to make events memorable. Like with the final chapters. They got a different battle preparations theme to really emphasize what is at stake. (whose idea was it that battle preparation screen in FE12-13 should have elevator music playing anyway?) The unnatural, peaceful sounding base theme in chapter 4 also comes to my mind. Also, tons of great character leitmotifs. Pelleas' theme and the arrangement of Elincia's theme stand for me in particular. Elincia's theme kicking in during her speech to Ludveck was particular awesome. And to think they made a battle arrangement from the peaceful Goldoa theme for the fight against Dheginsea, damn. It really nails all the emotions and the entire weight of that fight. Battle preparations (Final Chapters) http://www.serenesforest.net/media/fe10music/79%20-%20Pray%20For%20Victory.mp3 Pelleas' theme http://www.serenesforest.net/media/fe10music/46%20-%20Sorrowful%20Prince%20Pelleas.mp3 Queen Elincia's theme http://www.serenesforest.net/media/fe10music/63%20-%20Queen%20Elincia.mp3 Dhegensea battle theme http://www.serenesforest.net/media/fe10music/28%20-%20Wisdom%20Of%20Ages.mp3
  11. Man, this talk of Zelda brings back memories. Even as a kid, I was irritated how Ganondorf had this "indestructible prison crystal with infinite range" spell but it never occurred him to use it on the hero. Instead, he plays tennis against him.. Then in Wind Waker. They decide to leave Zelda under the ocean for no reason. Words cannot describe how underwhelmed I was to find out that Ganondorf napped her. I have to say: I did notice back then that Zelda got napped twice right after she put on the pink dress. It just seemed so silly. Like the dress was cursed. And Tetra's sudden personality shift was nothing short of creepy. And that game got a sequel: Phantom Hourglass. And with that game, I was nothing short of pissed. Knowing that this was going to be a Wind Waker sequel, I was hoping we would be seeing more of the pirates. I really liked them and Link ended up traveling with them. So they had to have more of a presence. But of course, Link and Tetra get separated from them in 2 minutes and the pirates are never seen again until the ending cutscene. But hey, at least Tetra was still around... except that she got kidnapped and the only thing she does is to scream "Link, save me!" literally every time the game is loaded. Until she gets rescued, except she was turned into a statue before Link got to her. So she spends the rest of the game as an inanimate object in the ships cargo hold. I still don't get why the game was even a Wind Waker sequel If the whole game takes place in another world and Link's ties to his own world don't matter at all. It could have been just another Link in another world as usual. The only thing Tetra's inclusion has over any other NPC or object was that a player would have already an attachment to her... But at least for my part, that attachment just meant that I was pissed that she technically wasn't in the game. Edit: I am sorry for pestering you with that pointless Zelda rant. If I might try to retroactively give this post a purpose, I would like to claim that all these games' stories would have better Zelda wasn't kidnapped. it was always predictable, annoying and silly. The problem I see with the trope in general is that there is no reason to care about a character that isn't developed. And a character who is developed, is simply wasted in that position. Edit: Okay, I really can't save that one. I am really sorry for the trouble. Move along please.
  12. Why would that be bullshit when you don't even need either of these things to beat the game? I mean, it's a roleplaying game. You make choices and they affect how things go down the line. As long as missing something doesn't mean you hit a brickwall at the end, I don't see a problem. Edit: I would also like to contest that the game is dependent on luck. Honestly, I consider it pretty much the least luck based game in the series. Because your average enemy simply isn't that strong. That means the biggest luck factor in the series is rather weak in this game = the level up gains. If as many as 2-3 of your units manage to grow into powerhouses, you are fine. That's all you need to take on the enemies champions or the particular dangerous areas. Contrast that with NMyster or Awakening: Because every single grunt turns into a juggernaut, those who gets unlucky with their levels simply won't be able to stay in the game. Period. And that is not something you have any control over. It's as luck based as it gets. I grant that Dalshim in Manster and Reinharts drawbridge are just bullshit. But otherwise the game is pretty straightforward or allows time to adapt to the changing circumstances. Enemy criticals can be completely negated with scrolls. Movement stars are few and far in between. So it's not too much to ask to take into account that they might trigger. So far the most part, it rewards proper planning and punishes carelessness. And I say that this is how difficulty in a strategy game should be.
  13. Playtime: 63:50 Times played: 148 Average playtime: 0:28
  14. Well, the first war is probably called the "War of Darkness" for a reason. Still, the SNES original used dark colors as well, so I always thought they wanted to be consistent with that.
  15. There is grinding but using it to the point where Donnel has everything but E-Rank in a different class would allow him to break the game like a twig. Besides, LTC and efficiency have nothing to do with not wanting to waste time on generic maps.
  16. The censorship doesn't just happen to those deliberately using dirty words. For Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded's Avatar mode, I edited my profile quote to the fancy "Justice will prevail". But the game displayed it as "??stice will prevail". Which is kinda funny because unlike every other letter combination that is forbidden, "ju" only gets censored when used in the word justice. The game is paranaoid, it's probably more likely to get a censored sentence then a working one. But maybe it's just the EU version which is so insane, since it has all the various languages to consider. Also, according to Re:Coded, Mistress is a dirty word but not Master. Which explains while KH even refers to a lady like Aqua as Master Aqua. Maleficient refers to herself as Mistress. But that's because she is evil, I guess.
  17. Well, given it's size, the Gamecube is way healtier then the N64. And it didn't stop it from having a handle to strike down the wicked. I should try that sometime. It's just that I don't have a 360. Besides, the Gamecube has been around for longer and I find it hard to break habits.
  18. As much as I love the 64 for being the first console I owned and all the great games... Visually, the thing was just a massive abomination. And it doesn't even have a handle. If you try to hit someone with it, you are likely to hurt you arm or letting it slip and hurt your feet. At least you can do some cool stuff by slowly pulling out the cartridge.
  19. No it doesn't. The original Mystery of the Emblem for the Super Famicom (SNES) featured an abridged version of the first Fire Emblem game called "book 1". But not this one. What the game does feature, are remakes of the BS Fire Emblem chapters. They are unlocked after getting through the prologue. They were originally available via an addon for the Super Famicom.
  20. The 3DS looks just like the DS Lite. Of course the 3DS was available in that amazing dark red tone. I so love that color.
  21. Tsss... the tastes of the peasants on these forums are incomprehensible for one as I. I've had enough of this foolishness. Those childish games are beneath me. I shall waste no more time on these fools and will instead pursue an activity more worthy of my valuable time.To the Forum Games sub forum!!! Also, it's the Gamecube. Goshdarnit!
  22. My birthday is four days away from Severa. Which means that it's only four days away from the release date of Monshu. That's kinda sweet.
  23. Nothing beats the Gamecube. it's such a slim, sexy, durable beast. It even has a crip for easy transportation. And it makes it easy to use the console as a weapon. The main menu design with the spinning logo was also stylish. Heck, even the logo cutscene at the beginning was stylish. And the sounds during the logo and when opening the menu are just pure pleasure to the ears.
  24. Because Sephiran said that Greil's death was the result of Zelgius' own goals. And given how close the two are, I am pretty sure Lehran would know if someone else ordered him to do it. Not to mention that the phrasing implies that the Black Knight wasn't even following Ashnard's orders at the time. Which would make sense, since it was Petrine who was ordered to chase the mercs. Sephiran: Sir Ike, I'm afraid your father's death was an unfortunate result of Zelgius's own personal agenda. I did not order Sir Gawain killed. However, I must admit that I did ask him to seize the medallion and hand it over to King Ashnard.
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