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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Nothing beats the Gamecube. it's such a slim, sexy, durable beast. It even has a crip for easy transportation. And it makes it easy to use the console as a weapon. The main menu design with the spinning logo was also stylish. Heck, even the logo cutscene at the beginning was stylish. And the sounds during the logo and when opening the menu are just pure pleasure to the ears.
  2. Because Sephiran said that Greil's death was the result of Zelgius' own goals. And given how close the two are, I am pretty sure Lehran would know if someone else ordered him to do it. Not to mention that the phrasing implies that the Black Knight wasn't even following Ashnard's orders at the time. Which would make sense, since it was Petrine who was ordered to chase the mercs. Sephiran: Sir Ike, I'm afraid your father's death was an unfortunate result of Zelgius's own personal agenda. I did not order Sir Gawain killed. However, I must admit that I did ask him to seize the medallion and hand it over to King Ashnard.
  3. Definitely the Generation 2 Rival known as "???". Generation 2 really know how to up the ante with pretty much anything and the Rival is no exception. I mean, Blue was just a prick. Silver stepped up the game by being a criminal and extremely hostile. And he gets some sweet character development along the way. And it was pleasantly unexpected that he wasn't the champ. Stuff like that helped to keep things fresh. After dealing with these douchebags, the Gen 3 Rivals were pretty boring by comparison.
  4. Personally I don't even feel like holding Lehran's plan against him. It is at least understandable that someone would believe that killing everyone is the only way for the people of Telius find salvation. That way no one would have to suffer anymore. It could be considered merciful. Though, I wish we would have heard what Zelgius thinks about that issue... I focused on the thing with Greil simply because I don't see how these actions could be defended at all. He killed people and ruined lives just because of his own ego. Don't forget that he was stupid enough to believe that contract signed with blood was normal. In the extended script, Lekain even notes how stupid that is, Lekain: Would an ordinary loan contract really require a signature in blood? Did you truly not suspect a thing?
  5. Well, it's a lost cause but I guess I throw another vote to Briggid. I mean, Briggid is pretty awesome. She has a strong sense of justice and the power to enforce it. She is a bit too aggressive for my liking. But that's not really a bad thing as you don't end up being a prick. She defiantly cooled down a bit over time anyway. And without getting any less badass. I mean, she did an awesome job to protect the area around Fiana from the chaos of war and the rule of the empire. And she protected the Leaf gang as well. And she reached entire new levels of awesome. She is so badass that her wrath managed to get Reidrick to piss his pants in feat. Well, granted Reidrick IS a coward. But she was trapped in an arena and Reidrick was protected by the Manster military, a sword that even Holsety can't overcome AND one of the most powerful Mages of the Loptu church. And she didn't seem blinded by rage. I think that if Berdo didn't have that cheap "no saving throw" spell, nothing in Manster would have stopped Eyvel to avenge Mareeta. So I say he was right on the money. After all the things she did, I always find myself incapable not to save her in the end. Even if that chapter is a massive pain. Yeah, I know that has nothing to do with her looks but... all the woman in fiction look kind of the same to me anyway. So stuff like that makes her come across as more attractive by comparison.
  6. Oh, I wouldn't quite say that. I find the question somewhat interesting. Sure, the script doesn't want us to dislike either one. But for my part, I have little sympathy for Zelgius. He murdered his mentor and threatened the live of both of his kids. And the rest of the mercenaries didn't exactly take it well either. Shinon and Gatrie left immediately, for starters. He casually ruins the lives of so many people... All all of that just to feel the thrill of a fight that forces him to his limits. Honestly, if you even get someone like Mist to say "I'll kill you!", you should know that you've gone too far. This guy's priorities are epically messed up. Pelleas on the other hand didn't do a bad thing ever. His actions in part 3 where for the sake of the people under his authority. It is his responsible to keep his people save at all costs. You can definitly blame him for his stupidity. But he always tried to fulfill his responsibilities to his people to the best of his abilities.
  7. Probably Trickters. I love to be able to help friends by healing them and kicking the ass of those who hurt them in the first place. I don't use War Monk because besides the female version being so visually unappealing, having Axe's as a weapon is kinda impractical because the last thing i want to happen when sending my frail healer to the front line, is that they miss their target and have to eat a counter. Not to mention that Tricksters can effectively fight immediately while War monks can only scratch enemies with inaccurate Bronce Axes. But even an E-Rank in staffs gives Healing and Teleport right of the bat.
  8. Well, Akaneia and Jugdral are part of the same world and continuity. So they kinda have to be dragons. Such big near divine powers can't just be ignored when designing new continents in the same world. Funnily this apparently even applies to Tear Ring Saga. In the interview to Emblem Saga on this site here, Kaga and the interviewer pretty much talk about Emblem Saga as if it was set in the same world too. From http://www.serenesforest.net/general/emblemsaga.html Unless I am missing some context here, I think I have rarely seen someone begging this desperately to be sued. Anyway, as far as I know, Magvel and Telius games aren't set in the same universe. (What's a Priam?) So they are free to be their own worlds without having to worry about divine dragons or that their own gods should have had some effect on Akaneia and Jugdral. But then gain, who knows if Kaga would have ever did entirely different worlds if he was still around. But if nothing else, I don't see a problem with a different setting.
  9. Best: Gothic II: Night of the Raven Just as atmospheric as it's processor but plays a lot smoother. And Night of the Raven just has to be one of the best expansion packs ever. Well, Frozen Throne can probably rival it. Worst: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion I can't find a reason to do anything in this game because no matter where I go, I find the same level scaled enemies and level scaled loot.
  10. Well, Chrom... "He was courageous, and kind, and everyone spoke fondly of him... blahblahblah." Generic good guy. Not much to say about him. Well, if he would still have the role of your usual Fire Emblem Lord. I don't consider these generic good guys not all that bad. Especially for Fire Emblem. Even when they have no character growth, they can serve to reflect other characters instead and inspire goodness and bravery in those who submitted to cynicism through the hardships of war. The thing is: Chrom doesn't do any of that. He just plays second fiddle to Avatar, who already serves as the person with the bare bone personality. That makes Chrom kind of redundant. He is just another member of the Avatar worshipers. Oh, wait... he has more depth to him. He... breaks stuff during training... And I observed that he has the habit to mess up peoples gender. But despite it showing up so often, I doubt that one was even deliberate. And he is kinda uneducated. But without it getting much acknowledgement. And it really doesn't help that as the theoretical leader of the Ylissean army, he is kinda responsible for the army's irresponsible behavior. Like the fact that after destroying the government and the army of Plegia, he just left the now destabilized country and considered it no longer his problem. This lead to Jaffar taking the crown and feed the population to Grima by the truckload. He did the same thing again in Valm, when he destroyed the one force that stabilized the country, leaving no one left to rule the continent but a group of feuding dynasties only concerned for their own profit. So how many seconds after Chrom left, will they have started their next war? What I also find annoying about him, is that he insists to everyone that his sister's death was an influence and powerful sacrifice... ...rather then a mere suicide for no visible benefit other then speeding up her death by 10 seconds tops. So by talking like that, he personally contributes to glorify a pointless suicide. Because we apparently back to thinking that suicides are great and soooo inspirational, just because they are an "selfless act" rather then mere cowardice. But hey, maybe it works. I wonder if I can inspire people just like Emmeryn did by throwing myself in front of a car. Not really Chrom's fault, though. It's like with Micaiah. The Blood Pact was a pretty weak explanation for the events of chapter 3. But that doesn't change the purpose of the story device: That Micaiah would have to go to great lengths to avoid the death of the entire country. So no one in-universe questions the necessity of her actions. So Chrom's problem is, that Emmeryn just isn't given a sacrifice worth a damn. But it's still irritating.
  11. And the replacement unit who gets all the EXP Cordelia would have gotten to catch up, will also be kind of badass. Look, I was exaggerating to be sure. But just because Cordelia isn't unusable like her daughter, doesn't make her better then Sumia. Sumia contributes for longer and will be stronger by the time Cordelia joins. And her level is a just reward for her contributions. That's all there is to it And after chapter 7, the desert is calling. And for that, I prefer a flier who can already hold her own due to having to survive ahead of the other units.
  12. It was just after Final Fantasy VII, that Cloud ended as such an angsting caricature. I mean, the original Cloud used "let's mosey" as a battle cry for the big showdown. The guy was cool. Besides, what we do see of Cordelia's survivor guilt is just as overplayed as post-FFVII Cloud.You know, the supposed ace openly crying and whining in front of her superiors. They didn't even use the scene in order for the supposed kindhearted Emmeryn to show some open empathy and compassion. She would have needed that. (Lower herself by personally comforting the improper behaving commoner... that kind of stuff would be befitting for someon of her reputation. But her saint-ness just stays an informed attribute. She is a good person because we were told that she is a good person. *urgh*) It's such a waste. A stupid scene for no reason.
  13. ...So I go through the effort to cripple myself through 5 chapters and waste tons of resources to dig out an underleveled scrub... And in exchange I merely get a unit who might be a slightly better version of that other unit, should they be on the same level (which they wouldn't be) and get another useless, undereleveled scrub thrown in for free. Awesome. I do agree with the "Black Hole of Pies and Idiocy" though. But that doesn't affect stats.
  14. How do you consider Sumia less shallow and awful then Cordelia? Comparatively, I mean. I do find that such a perspective hard to imagine.
  15. Sumia's personality is so bad, she is literally to exist. I mena, she has tripping as a character trait. Mathematically, she should die from falling of her Pegasus or stabbing herself with her own lance. Doesn't help that even by stats, she is frail. So she isn't all that likely to survive the logical injuries. Edit: How does "kicking tons of ass for 5 chapters" translate to "wasting resources"?
  16. Personally I find it difficult to believe that so many people even used Cordelia, let alone consider her to be superior. By the time I was in chapter 7, Sumia was laughing at Cordelia's low level butt and lack of supports.
  17. Using Cordelia just isn't feasible. She is just way to weak to compete... Though I do find it funny that an underdeveloped scrub like her is supposed to be so skilled and talented. So I see Sumia winning that one by a mile. She gets a great 10/10 for any rating not featuring Avatar solos. In terms of personality... Sumia is a piece of cardboard. And even that is stretching it since cardboard is usaully three dimensional. Like most of the class/stats/quirk combinations in this game, she can't get through her introduction seen without getting boring and annoying. Not that Cordelia has the best introduction either, with Redshirt commander introducing her like she is reading right from her character sheet. That line was so awkward... Still, Cordelia just has more to her: Survivor guilt aspect, talent, a crush on her Lord that she can't actually marry. I mean, not that it's good but she at least has stuff to her that has potential.
  18. People always act like RPGs are solely defined by the existence of a leveling system rather then levels just being a mechanic for a specific aspect of Roleplaying, namely that a character gets stronger through training and experience. What's so special about that mechanic, that it's considered the sole requirement of an RPG? I mean when thoughtlessly implemented, they are just meaningless numbers. Might as well say that every game with magic is an RPG. Or every game where you can buy stuff. Maybe Mega Man is an RPG, just because enemies drop loot on the floor. Or is there something else that Zelda 2 has that the other games are missing? Anyway, in my case it's either Pokemon Blue, Baldur's Gate or Gothic. I find it hard to narrow that down. For the date, I assume 2001.
  19. Well, I guess the thing with Def based classes is, that the Defense ends to be high enough to take a significant greater amount of hits. However, most characters in this game pretty much grow defense at the same rate. So the difference lies mostly in their class' base stats, which grows insignificant over time. In the end they pretty much survive the same number of hits as everyone else. Maybe even less, when mages, effective weapons and speedy enemies are involved. And they always are. And I would say they just look really bad. They either have a jetpack on their back (which would be awesome) or the designers figured that the knights would have to fear attacks from behind into their neck more then anything coming up from the front or below their neck. I mean, the front looks really thin and skintight compared to that. It's really awkward. Especially for the females, since the armor is apparently so skintight, the blacksmith needed to beat it out to such a degree that it ended up visibly empathizing the users breasts. It doesn't help that the style of the game's models empathizes the shoulders so much, so the massive shoulder plates appear even larger. Well, at least their shoulder plates don't look like they are just for decoration, not like all the other classes that have massive shoulder plates with holes in them.
  20. Well, Ike's sexuality never came up in the games. So he could be anything. Priam is a pretty bad indicator for anything, though. If he was a descendant, he shouldn't even have Ragnell since Ike would have returned it just like he did after PoR. So the blade is actually more evidence that he is a thief rather then a relative. And that he looks like one of the fake Strawhats compared to the real deal, isn't doing him any favors either.
  21. I got to say, I am kinda surprised that the two consoles are even. I mean, the 3DS does a lot better then the Wii U. And even if I wouldn't prefer the handheld version anyway, I wouldn't buy a different console for a game which has a port of a console I already own.
  22. Maybe it could probably be interesting. I guess it would depend on how it is played. If it's merely done for cheap fetish appeal, I want no part of it.
  23. Look, I am sorry for bringing up Flames on the Blue. The morality of the act isn't really related to how shocking it is for a viewer. So it makes no sense discussing it here. If i could bring up a different WTF moment: When Frederick saved some poor low Def schmuck (probably Sumia) from Astra through a lucky Dual Guard activation. That would have been shocking enough on it's own. But I didn't even know if Dual Guard would protect from more then one slash. Thankfully It did, but then things got really weird. The camera went kinda messy during the act and the mounts were clipping into each other so I am not sure what exactly happened. But it came down to Frederick going through his intercepting animation and voice tracks before ...every... single... slash of the foe.
  24. Any time Miracle activates. It always takes a while to sink in that Lissa didn't actually kick the bucket for once.
  25. Frederick Dual Guarding another mount from Astra. It's truly a sight to behold. Everything else is from teh story, starting with chapter 7: Robin, let me introduce you to totally trustworthy priest guy. *10 seconds later* OMG, we have been betrayed by totally trustwothy priest guy. Teleporting Risen archers. Comedy or a genuine attempt at drama? I still can't tell. Flames on the Blue. Did I know what would happen? Yes. Was I completly unprepared for everyone cheerfully padding themselves on the back for the biggest massacre in Fire Emblem history? Fuck, no! For the record: The so called "Great Purge" from the Loptu Empire killed 100.000 people. Wallhnarts army was stated to have a million troops. So an invasion force of that army would consist easily of several hundredth thousands. Micaiah's pathetic kill count of 5000 doesn't even compare And then again when they indirectly confirmed that we were taking no prisoners here and everyone diet pathetically in the burning sea by stating that the fleet was now just the right size for the whole army. I just couldn't believe how that whole scene went down. Lucina figuring that matrecide is a better solution then simply asking Robin to stay home. Even better, that I hadn't even come up with the obvisious. Robin said to Chrom that she shouldn't come along right before that scene. The sheer bluntness with which the script acknowledged how cheap it's attempts at drama is, truly astounded me. The completely unexplained appearance of the Crusader's weapons in ch 22. Vallidar just kinda standing there after being supposedly killed in chapter 23, with no explanation given to what happened to him in the cutscene. Since he kinda got killed and used this big desperation move and all. Mercenary Robin shooting lightning. Robin's completly nonsensical plan. Afterwards, I immediately restarted and set the language to Engish. This HAD to be a translation error. Turns out, it makes just as much sense in English. Grima pulling a Barlowe and reviving himself without the MacGuffin. Again: No explanation given on how this makes any sense.
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