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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Elincia got herself a pretty damn great character arc in Radiant Dawn about confronting her own flaws and accepting that she may have to perform ruthless acts in order to fulfill her responsibility as a ruler. Her lessons also served as a foreshadowing to the depths to which Micaiah would go in order to protect her country. So I don't think anyone on this list really compares to her.
  2. Fire Emblem 3 definitely has one. We fortunately got the scripts on this site: Chapter 6: Trap of Lefcandy Map opening After liberating Orleans, the allied army marched south along the central road, towards Akaneia’s royal capital, Pales. Their most difficult challenge is the countless forts situated at Lefcandy Valley. As well as the guarding “Dragon Knights”; Macedonian White Knights commanded by General Minerva. At Lefcandy, the only passageway to the Kingdom of Akaneia, an intense battle is about to start.
  3. Could we maybe add Tear Ring Saga to the poll? Anyway, I guess I keep this short for once. 1. Path of Radiance Absolute unrivaled world building and character integration. Plus, beyond the quality of the story itself, the game is just so good at actually telling it. It's amazingly immersive. Removing Maniac mode during localization sucks, though. But I don't penalize games for those kind of changes. 2. Tear Ring Saga It pretty much put together all the good stuff of the past Fire Emblem games, improved it and added it's own intelligent mechanics. It even made some stuff work that was never probably done before, like weapon levels. Plus, the cast is just massive but nevertheless well integrated into the world. Every character has subplots to them and relationships with other characters. Unfortunately, it can be hard to keep track of all the stuff going on. Oh, and the map design shares Thracia's beautiful diversity. 3. Thracia 776 Like I said above, it has an unequaled wonderful diverse map design. And an amazing atmosphere. 4. Sacred Stones - As long as the game has my vote on the poll, I guess I might as well elaborate. The game has a wonderful main cast and got itself a particular outstanding villain, who is intelligent and well developed. Not that it doesn't need these elements, since the map design is pretty lackluster.
  4. Now that it's confirmed that Lucina won't replace Marth, for my part I definitely expect more then two Fire Emblem characters. Heck, if even Star Fox can have three similar characters, why not?
  5. So much betrayal, so much falsehood. I'm starting to think that the whole system is rigged and corrupt to the core. The spirit of voting for random characters in a meaningless popularity contest is betrayed by people only caring about filing their own pockets.
  6. I think Gaiden doesn't have one. Tear Ring Saga is also lacking one.
  7. ...besides that. What I am wondering is, how such a weak team could take down the spawning enemies fast enough before they reach Tiki or whatever other approach would get one through the chapter..
  8. Tiki? Hmmm, how would one even approach her recruitment chapter under those conditions?
  9. So if I would have followed your example and would have simply written "Fuck Chrom" or "that Chrom shit" like you did above about Ike, you wouldn't consider it hate?
  10. Oh yeah, we only need Chrom, who thinks himself to pretty for the title of a king and prefers to stay a prince. And who is completely indifferent about the population of a country he carries responsibility being feed to a dragon... Personally I prefer my heroes to be... well, kinda heroic. Like the guy who sees every person he fights with as family and cares just as much about the population of a hostile country like the one he tries to liberate. The guy who does good even when it's inconvenient.
  11. Yeah, such arrogance for people to express an opinion about a Smash Brothers game on a Smash Brothers board. Such entitlement! We should do nothing but opinionless fanboying here!
  12. Marth was also confirmed for Brawl before the game was released. Being a secret characters just means that you have to unlock them.
  13. No need to worry. Just because Marth is confirmed now, doesn't mean that Ike isn't going to be confirmed later on. You don't just stop to confirm new characters so many months before a game's release. And being a secret character does not mean that you can't be confirmed before a game's release either.
  14. Freaking sweet. I was worried they would use the DLC artwork since I couldn't imagine them using the old Falchion. Since I am a cynic, I just love being wrong.
  15. I would say it goes far past "mediocre". I definitely like cheesy friendship speeches like the one Sora got at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3D. But even from that level, the problem is that the game is less "I am nothing without my friends" and more "My friends are nothing without me". Sure, Grima keeps going on about why Robin won't join him. But Robin never gives an answer to that. It's only every else cheering him. And then everyone sheds tears about him, as if not a zillion other people died just as noble deaths in order to protect the world from Grima. As if they had nothing else in there life that mattered and was lost in the war. Even if we only count PCs, a lot of them might have even lost their partners and children. But those lives are apparently meaningless in the radiance of Robin. Or alternatively if the Avatar decides to merely banish Grima for a while, every single character seems to believe that Robin is more important then the future. That the inevitable reappearance of the world devouring dragon and the countless lives that will be lost, are somebody else's problem.
  16. I can't imagine that dynamic growths exist in this game. Especially since my Stahl promoted with only 8 Speed at level 15.
  17. Btw, Hellsing Abridged Episode 4 is out too. Personally I kinda had trouble understanding the minions most of the time. ...but then again, I guess I am the last person that gets to blame others for not speaking clearly. Anyway, I am really glad this movie was made since I considered Garlic Jr's performance in the main series to be a bit of a waste. It was nice to see more of him.
  18. Yeah, I can't believe that the pathetic marketing gag is a match for any of the above. Considering that the presence of a masked Marth was a big mystery or the audience, I would have expected that people would be more bothered by the lack of an actual payoff. There was nothing but a few embarrassing attempts at justifying her costume and mask. And there was literally no explanation for her attacking Chrom. But dammit, we need scenes for the trailer to fool the audience. But then again, trying to kill her parents seems to be her answer for anything anyway. Plus, you are not getting to blame fate for supposedly preventing changes in history when you make barely any effort to change events in the first place. Her excuse, that she wants to avoid making huge changes to the timeline, is completely stupid because any actions she could possible take to prevent that are dwarfed by the desired result. Because no matter how small the changes leading to it are, the prevention of the dragon apocalypse is hardly a small change in history.
  19. Come to think of it, Gharnef actually is a lot more dangerous here then he is in the original game. He has pretty much the same stats but the changed weight mechanics mean that he has a whopping 16 Agility while the old one had merely 9.
  20. Even so, the level shouldn't be too hard. All you gotta do is to find a way to slow down Garnef for a few rounds until he leaves. It might be a good idea to open a can of Pure Water for once.
  21. I don't think that enemies on Normal ever get significantly stronger, considering that even late in the game new recruits have little more then their class bases. Like how Midia is effectively base Jagen but with growths. One way or another, the arena is never necessary. Neither for gold or exp.
  22. Best: Greil Mercenaries Worst: Chrom's Shepherds The mercs have the advantage of being treated like main characters for the entire first part of the game. And with the addition of info conversations, they are all nicely developed over the course of the game. Mia and Gatrie are an exception, though. I really wish Mia wouldn't have stayed with them since she sticks out like a sore thumb, due to her lack of character development. It's also nice to see how Greil treats all of them like family, just for Ike to take these lessons to heart and treats everyone he fights with, regardless of heritage, race or social standing, just like family. Scenes like his final speech in PoR to several armies really shows why Ike is the hero of Tellius. So the Shepheard's. Talk about a badly developed group. It's far from clear what they actually are. Given how Chrom and Frederick talk in the first chapter. ("They have us, Shepherds to protect the sheep"), one could assume that they are a part of the Ylissean army or even the entire army. Yet, when we actually get to their headquarters, the whole atmosphere seems to suggest that the Shepherds are just a small group of people where everyone is best friends with everyone. Pretty much like the mercs, just dumber. The thing is that these people are no mercenaries. They have to take care of an entire country. But such a small group of people wouldn't be of much help for the "sheep". They would be incapable to have a significant affect on just about anything. Plus, the whole group pretty much consists of a bunch of bloodthirsty psychopaths. Chrom is the worst. Not only did he do jack in order to maintain order in Plegia after overthrowing the countries' king, he also couldn't even be bothered to give a shit when he learned that his irresponsible behavior lead to the population being sacrificed to Grima (as opposed to Fire Emblem's usual "being killed by bandits" routine). And as a bonus, in two years he apparently didn't bother to take the crown since afterwards he still refers to himself as "Prince Chrom".
  23. Besides, from an in universe perspective, his act was probably a lot saner. Narratively, he has an actual army (well, "a small force of knights") while Eirika has only a few companions. Anyway, he didn't know that Renais' palace had already fallen. But he also knew that it's time was running short. So the lives of family were in danger. In such a bad position, it was fairy reasonable to be a little reckless to archive the bigger goal of causing enough trouble for Grado to allow his family to escape from the capital. His real screw up was to move his forces to Grado, which he later regretfully admits to have done for mere personal glory.
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