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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. When I first saw his artwork, I assumed he was a woman until I realized that he had both an expressive pose and clothes that cover his entire body.
  2. Well, in this special case they had the benefit of knowing exactly how many portraits they needed and for what classes.
  3. My guess would be that IS simply orders a huge bunch of generic portraits for enemy officers and thugs and then uses them when needed, That would explain why they wouldn't have portraits for such special occasions, so they simply went with an generic thug. Well, whatever the case, they should have just used Chrom's portrait like you said. Or at least recolored the guy's hair. Well, we are talking about the same guys who have no problem with Tharja and Henry among their ranks. Tharja doesn't even get into trouble when she claims towards none other then Frederick, that she cursed him.
  4. Just be careful that when you lure Ayra away, you don't run right into Aideen's pursuers.
  5. 1. Ike 2. Falco 3. Altina (Who cares if two people are using Ragnell?) 4. Samus (as in: with revamped gameplay similar to Mega Man and no forced transformation into someone you never actually play in her games) 5. Isaac
  6. I guess it has to be Shihiram. A man who resisted the corrupt senators and went along with his loyal companions because of Begnion's corrupt senators and ended up in Daein, just to have to live an entirely different lie. So they ended up throwing their values away in order to be accepted and taught their children instead values they don't actually believe in. What's particular depressing about it, is that Jill being so desperate for her fathers has to be the result of her sensing his unhappiness about her actually adapting the things he taught her... resulting in her trying even harder to follow them. It's no wonder that after 18 years, he and even the generic grunts just feel tired and depressed, feeling they wasted those decades of their lives. His story also adds a lot of depth to the Daein nation, showing that while Daein officials might hate them for being immigrants, the Daein citizens he lives with don't actually care anymore and hold them in high regard. So one can't just dismiss them as a bunch of xenophobes and racists. Reality is a bit more complicated. Plus, it results in the reaction of the Daein citizens being both heartwarming and depressing, showing how much they appreciated him and his comrades and yet show his respect by suffering needlessly.
  7. I do find it surprising to see the game displayed as Feuer Abzeichen 7. Just why would their stream ever translate the title by region?
  8. It can't have been to long ago. Emmeryn knew about the Taguel but did not know about them being wiped out. Emmeryn: Brave taguel, there are not words to express my gratitude. ... Panne: Yes, it's precious little your kind seem to understand. It was man-spawn like you that invaded our warren and slaughtered my people. Emmeryn: What?! Is this true? Who would do such a thing? I don't know how the ruler of the biggest country on the continent wouldn't know about a genocide, though.
  9. For Fire Emblem 6, I would have Roy discover that the 8 heroes weren't as great as history made them out to be. (Instead of pretending the opening doesn't exist.) This would tie into Zephidel's actions, who through this truth sees his father's actions reflected on a great scale and therefore no longer sees any hope in humanity. Yahn would be hateful (I would be too after lying thousands years under rocks)and taking great glee in humanities desctrutive behavior causing a great war among themselves. The Fire Dragons back then were to prideful to leave their home to the attacking humans and therefore refused to leave Elibe along with the Divine Dragons. In Fire Emblem 7, I would the story... well, acknowledge the stuff implied in awfully hidden chapters. The conflict between Nergal and Athos is personal because Nergal sees Athos responsible for the dead of his life and the loss of his children... instead of some stupid scar in some totally unrelated incident. Athos meeting those three survivor's of the war, Ninian, Nils and Nergal, results in the conflict being explored from their respective view points. In Radiant Dawn, I would use the extended script exclusively. The plot being complicated means that more text is needed so that everything makes sense. Not the exact opposite. Also, the Blood Pact needs more explanation because heroes burning thousands of people is not something to be done half-assed. And the decision of Gallia to burn down all diplomatic bridges with Begnion that were created three years needs to be elaborated more. There would be a few more chapters in Begnion, featuring the Holy Guard teaming up with the Laguz Liberation Army and Naesala, Nealuchi and Leanne in order to free Sanaki. We know Tormod and Naesala were in Begnion during that time because the extended script has Sothe say he knows about the civil war in Begnion from Tormod and Naesala was Sanaki's freaking bodyguard. Also, the Black Knight didn't loose against Ike because of what the Japanese or the English script say because both are stupid. (Well, the Japanese one is only stupid because of execution) The Black Knight lost because of exactly what was stated in PoR: Using the magic powder weakens him. That's it. That's also why he managed to screw up killing Ena. Oh, and I would use the Japanese version of Ike's Epilogue speech to Yune because that one has actually something to do with the stuff leading up to it. And last but not least: Ike is staying with the Greil Mercenaries. His father left them in his care and they stayed with him when he was incapable and inexperienced. Ike would not abandoning them just because he is bored. Part 1 will not bring up all the time that Micaiah can see the future as a shortcut for more complicated explanations. It's simply not needed. Also, more chapters for Part 1. Especially one that ties into the opening cinematic and enough that the DB can be explored just as well as the mercs at the beginning of PoR. Laguz can fight even when unarmed. Speed does not get halved while untransformed. Cats get the same gauge as Tigers and Hawks. Fiona starts out as a Paladin. For Awakening I separate things. Gangrel arc The Arc is about facing the past and overcoming the scars it left. Ferox would be a proper antagonist because they were mislead by Plegia's attempts to frame Ylisse as their enemy. Gangrel holds Ylisse responsible for the actions of Chrom's father. Emmeryn dies in order to protect the capital from destruction. Valm arc The arc is about how unity by force is doomed to fall to pieces. Chrom's fleet meets the Valm fleet and wins. The burning thing is not needed for anything so it doesn't have to happen. Period. Elaborate more on the dynasties. Make sure that the point comes across that they are reason that Wallhart falls and them allying with Chrom is the reason hat his philosophy is the right one. Consequently, the dynasties are capable of taking care of the continent. Grima arc The arc is about a person's ability to do good or bad and how circumstance can lead to either of these things. Future Robin accepted Grima's power and Robin didn't. It would be explored why that happened instead of being this random, meaningless waste of time it is now. Future Robin's fixation with Present Robin is the result of him not grasping why he would do things differently then he did and to seek validation for his past actions. Chrom would actually become king. No Tanguel. They cover nothing that the Manakete already do, both gameplay wise and story wise. They simply aren't needed for anything. There would be a different art director. I do like the Victorian look, though. There would be an option to select a palette for the Avatar. Consequently, every character keeps their colors during reclassing.
  10. My fun lasted for the first few chapter before I noticed that the game was just repeating the pattern of having entirely random enemies put on random spots all over the map, forcing nothing but defense play because you can't charge forward without being immediately in the range from three other units from all directions, so technically nothing changes. Even until then, the stupidity of the script and the forcefulness of the personality substitutes of the so called characters was agonizing. . I got recently convinced to check if the DLC maps have some actual design and structure to them (future past definitely does). So currently I bore myself to death to grind so that I can take down the Vengence generals fast enough to fulfill the objective.
  11. Fire Emblem may have had evil for evils sake villains. However, they seem to be designed more like personifications of literal evil. Something that twists the good in people in order to cause bad. And those people are usually the main antagonists and receive actual development. Alvis and Manfroy is probably the best example in FE4 is probably the most obvious example. FE3 had Medeus as the final boss but the main antagonist is Hardin. FE5 had you fighting the Freedge most of the time. They Freedge only wanted to protect their people and their country. Even Reidrick seems more motivated by cowardice then anything. Tear Ring Saga went really crazy with that. Even most regular bosses are highly sympathetic. There are just a few bad people in the entire game. FE6 had Zephidel who wanted to create a better world. FE7 had the Black Fang as main antagonists. They were well intentioned but mislead by Nergal. FE8 had Lyon as a well developed main antagonist, used by the shallow Demon King. FE9 had Crimea and Daein as near identical countries... but one of them had a king taking advantage of the population's racism and nationalism to create his personal paradise. FE10 had tons of good antagonists as well as good people who did things that lead to bad things in the centuries to come. The game went as far as making a player controlled team take the role of an antagonist. Ashera? She gave up half of herself to ensure the safety of the Beorc and Laguz.The Ashera in the present is vastly different from the one in the past. Yune? Her emotional grief ended up being destructive. Sephiran? Gave up on humanity after suffering tons of grief in the milenia he tried to fix it. Deghinsea? He made people fear Yune and suppressed the the branded in the hopes of Micaiah and Pelleas? They wanted to protect there people. Naesala? Same. The rebels in Part 2? They feared that their queen would lead their country to ruin. The Begnion troops in Part 3 were protecting their country from an invasion. Hence they end up as your allies in Part 3 when circumstances change. And Lekain's troops believed themselves fighting against the dark god. Zelgius can kiss my ass, though. In the end, the Senators, Jarold (may not be intended, though) and Ludveck are the only antagonists motivated by selfishness... as individuals and not representatives of the people following them.
  12. Speaking of Lord promotion, I would like to see them handling leveling and Lord promotion like Tear Ring Saga did. In that game, Instead of resetting the level back to, the promotion will instead raise the level cap. The levels of first tier unit Tear Ring Saga still cap at 20... except for Lords. They can go all the way up to 30 before promotion. So that way, you can have Lord promotions be big events in the story and important for character development without forcing the Lord to spend like half the game with a capped level. Quite frankly, I don't get why Fire Emblem keeps that level reset thing around instead of building upon FE4's leveling mechanic like Tear Ring Saga did. Especially now that there is an item to reset the level to 1 without affecting stats. When you have infinite levels anyway, why not just raise the level cap? Anyway, I'd say Leaf's promotion is fine. He is definitely not weak and not every Lord has to be an earth shattering warrior.
  13. Chris nevertheless has the habit of shoving himself into the spotlight. Like in chapter 3, when he cuts before Jagen when it comes to calling out Lang for disrespecting Marth. He doesn't even take his place. He effectively says the very same thing as Jagen, just earlier. So the scene ends up sounding awkward. But either way, he ends up undercutting Jagen's moment.
  14. Seeing that they have the need for such an office makes me wonder what else they are usually working on. I know about Nintendo Wars but that was going downhill a long time ago and has yet to reemerge.
  15. Ragnell is one of Begnion's national treasures. That's why Ike returned the sword between the games. I find it hard to imagine that after the war Sanaki left this artifact to some mercenary who then went off to explore unknown islands and traveled through dimensional portals. Though, the scene where she gives the sword back to Ike does sound like he is supposed to keep it this time around.
  16. ...I don't quite think so since Eyvrios is likely to be intended as replacement for Olwen because the game expects you to sacrifice her in order to lure out Kempf. The dialogue at the beginning and during the talk with Kempf heavily suggests that Olwen is supposed to face certain death. Particular this line: "Lord Leaf, my part is done... I wish you luck..." So I would say that the map merely needs to be redesigned so that talking with Kempf doesn't require a Warp Staff because as it is now you can just warp someone behind Kempf and have them take out the Ballista, rendering Kempf helpless.) And the game needs to draw a connection between Olwen, Eyvrios and Karin since as it is now, the recruitment process makes no logical sense and is near impossible to figure out on your own.
  17. I guess selecting map formations and a larger item storage are pretty much all I'd like. Well, I guess I would throw out the scrolls. They make ramming caps way to easy. I don't really want to see this game's graphics overhauled. I think this game is still the most beautiful looking Fire Emblem.
  18. I don't think a single support makes up for looking down at others 99% of the time. Heck, there are even lines from here that are directly in conflict with her "everyone should be equal before the law" statement: Like in chapter 5, she catches herself saying: "Wait. Am I really justifying myself to a commoner?" So yeah, she thinks she can do what she wants because she is holier then you and you don't have to question it, just like a Begnion senator.
  19. Well, among the cast there is definitely a special place in my heart for Robin. You know a character is a extraordinary kind of Mary Sue when he gets to burn 100.000s of people alive... ...not to make a statement about the responsibilities of leadership... not to illustrate the cruel realities of war... ...but just to have yet another reason to have everyone praise how awesome he is... and to have them crack puns about cooking while they are at it. The rest of the writing is crap too but... wow, to have a player avatar who gets illustrated as sooo inhuman. I mean, he has no real personality beyond being loyal to Chrom. So there are no signs that show that he has any empathy towards people he doesn't personally know. Nothing that suggest he was even the slightest bit affected by the decision to end so many lives in such a cruel way. And there is of course my second favorite Robin scene. The one where she has the gall to claim towards Vallidar that she changed the world for the better... right after finding out that her and Chrom's indifference lead to the population being feed to Grima... and shorty after leaving the country of Valm in the hands of a bunch of feuding dynasties, who only care about their own benefit. Maybe she changed the world for the better on a technical level ...but man, does this arrogance not suit her. At least she could stop the evil dragon god cultists before praising herself to the heavens. The "Everything is about Robin" ending has her also drag everyone else down. People would have vastly varied opinions on the topic of "the needs of the many vs those of the few"... but everyone just praises him no matter what he does because apparently no one objects to a future where their children have to live in fear of the return of the dark dragon. They don't matter. It's all just about Robin, the center of the personal universe of every single character. But what ultimately makes her my least favorite character in the franchise for me, is that it equally disgusts and scares me to think that I am supposed to identify with this uncaring, self-righteous psychopath.
  20. Just because we never seen any, doesn't meant they can't use magic. Galdrar are magic for one thing. Nasir described it as seid magic, And he said that the herons never developed combat skills and that even if they had such means, they wouldn't have used them because it's against their nature. Considering that the Heron's had access to the "dirge of doom" and didn't use it when facing genocide, that's probably true. Unfortunately RD decided to ignore that with the introduction of the magic cards. As for the other tribes, I am not surprised we never see any mages, since they follow a culture of strength. So it wouldn't be a surprise if they don't respect such skills. If someone wanted to do magic anyway, they would require access to Tomes and knowledge of the Ancient Language, making things even more complicated. Plus, the Galiean's in particular are quite stubborn and inflexible. Since they never needed to do anything but defend their home, when they went to war, they were completely clueless on how to deal with a simple castle. Ranulf flat out stated that it doesn't even occur to his fellow Beast Laguz that they couldn't just power through anything. In that environment, a mage would be something quite out of the ordinary. As for dragons, they have magic items at least. Given how the country is extremely secluded, they must create items like Kurth's sending stones with their own power. And during battle, the canonical power of a dragon beats anything that a mage could pull, so there is little need to show it during gameplay. But I would like to note that Deghinsea was using a powerful area effect attack just like Sephiran and Ashera. But admittedly, I don't remember if the graphic effect looked a lot like magic or not. Also to note, the attack that Raven's gain though the Occult scroll works and looks exactly like Elwind when used.
  21. Thank you for the advice. I will definitely give it another shot once I get a few points. And sorry that I was so aggressive. I am really the last person to call out others for sarcasm.
  22. One thing to consider is that the birth of a branded causes the Laguz parent to loose it's power. Tibarn even states legends that describe the parents of Branded as turning into something that is neither Beorc or Laguz. Now, in the case of Lehran this happened after the birth of the baby. But in Almedha's case, she said she "became useless to him" after becoming pregnant and loosing her powers. Which sounds like she lost her Laguz powers during the pregnancy, maybe as a side effect of being the mother of the child rather then the father. So the duration of her pregnancy isn't bound to the usual standards of dragons. It might well be a normal Beorc pregnancy.
  23. This is your second post in this thread and both times you were resorting to demeaning sarcasm just because you disagreed with someone over the subject of a mere game. What is the point of that? Do you want people in this thread to start shouting at each other? Over something so banal no less? Anyway, on topic. if nothing else I would advice against CoY1. I only bought it because it was initially free and consequently didn't buy anything else because I figured that this DLC would be representative of the quality of the rest. Maybe it helps when I elaborate on my issues: Eirika behaved awfully out of character, Nanna forgot that she is better with the sword then with a staff ("I can't fight but my staff can protect my friends"), the scenario was effectively to team up with the other Lords in order to kill their girlfriends on the first FE1 map and the map design was immensely dull. It's just all the girls charging at your position from their starting position with 3 or so staying behind until you get in range. Of course others might disagree with my issues but either way I am curious if the rest of the DLC is better then this one.
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