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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Ah, drat. I have only played The Last Story yet. I finally need to get around fixing that. I'm European, so I really have no excuse.
  2. Okay, I think I got it now. Thank you for your patience here.
  3. What's with Lissa's dress? The way it has a cut in it and the metal web (I can't come up with a better term) with the sharp ends. Is that actually Victorian or entirely made up?
  4. I am sorry for the trouble but I am really confused now. The way it sounds to me now is that the new system goes from 1 to 100 while the old system used the numbers from 1 to 100 but could actually only be raised by 10. Did I get that right? I can't imagine that, seeing how you only gave me 1 point.
  5. "Still a 10-point system"? I know it doesn't matter anymore but out of curiosity since it was displayed as a percentage system up to 100% back then: Does that mean that it wasn't possible to raise the warning bar by less then 10%?
  6. In my case, I still have to learn for a test next week. Until then, a new game is out of the question. But I am still not done playing Tear Ring Saga anyway, so it's no big sacrifice for now anyway.
  7. Btw, how does the Warning system work at the moment?
  8. Maybe by selling a few stat-up items? They do sell for quite a bit. Edit: Come to think of it, my money situation really scares me when I think about actually investing in Repairs, Herbs and shields.
  9. If I may ask, did you get the game today? Because I do find it a bit difficult to imagine that there are enough hours in the day in order to get that far. Especially up to now.
  10. I say that If it's high by Fire Emblem standards, it should be good enough. As long as the direction is right, I don't care much about the speed.
  11. The other rapists were Narshen and Valter. Both were villains. They were treated like they deserved and didn't get to marry their victims. I didn't like it much either but it's hardly comparable in any way. Plus, Tharja makes the whole group look ridiculous because she makes absolutely no effort to hide that she is evil. She openly attacks people. She is merely creepy because the party somehow ignores a chronic backstabber. But okay, maybe there is more to the characters. I'm just not confident about that. Because Tharja is the character that everyone at IS and the fanbase loves. So I figured that I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover and read the scripts related to her. Afterwards I was in dire need of a glass water. If someone who is supposedly the best character is so god awful, (No reason for joining, No reason to be tolerated by the party, Flat as a line, Complete monster) then how can the rest of the cast be any better?
  12. In this interview: http://fireemblem.nintendo.com/developer-interview/ It's on page 3. Edit: Personally I feel that I read enough supports. And I don't see a reason why the writing should suddenly shift to good after Marth's introduction. Heck, one of the developers in that interview called it his favourite scene. And if it was considered bad, it wouldn't be in the demo, since the very purpose is to give a good first impression.
  13. Gee, I don't know... Will you quit worshipping a game that has implied rape lead right into marriage? Seriously, Tharja is pretty much a female version of freaking Valter. Come to think of it, I guess I should change it. I probably just kinda liked it because of all the time I invested in getting the font just right without resorting to copy and paste.
  14. It's supposed to reference a certain piece of promotional artwork for Dead or Alive 5. This one here to be exact: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/643186-dead-or-alive-5/images/gs_screen-128 And now that IS called Tharja the "perfect fighter", I feel even less like changing it.
  15. Character depth? The characters are onedimensional, that someone like Virion won't even stop to hump Sulliy's leg even when faced with a rain of fire and an undead invasion. He won't act like a human being, for even for a split second. And the supports read themselves as if someone is trying to tell the same joke over and over in the hope that it gets funny eventually. And then someone just slips someone a ring over the finger randomly. Yes. There is no substance to these guys. They are all unrelatable caricatures.
  16. Well, I am in my first playthrough now and the armies just meet each other for the second time and looking back, I pretty much never had any money to spare. Heck, I even did some arena grinding on Holmes route. I am that broke most of the time, that I find it difficult to imagine that I could have ever bought the first Dragon Flute. Considering that Fire Emblem games usually made me feel that there was money growing on trees, I found that to be rather surprising. Did anyone else have such trouble?
  17. Yay, Fire Emblem is finally on the rise. And all it needed to do,is to sacrifice any sense of decency. With stuff like RobinxTharja's A-support, the shameless lolicon pandering with Nowi and the lingerie brigade in general it's like IS successfully digged for a complete new level for the lowest common determinatior. Fiction may not define us but it does reflect who we are. And I don't like what this reflection shows. If this is what passes as mainstream nowadays, I find that nothing short of depressing. So please forgive me that I don't care much about the series success anymore. If the series crashes and burns now, then nothing of value will be lost.
  18. I can do without a Majoras Mask remake. As great as it was, a remake would just be like OoT 3D: The same game as the one that you can get for 10 bucks on the E-Shop. Just with better textures and less fog.
  19. I am sorry about my outbreak just now. Anyway, I got a Reeking Box. I wonder if those things would actually work if you could access your inventory.
  20. Shihiram's death. Well, anything about Talrega, really. Shihiram must have been really tormented by the fact that he raised Jill to effectively the opposite values that he believed in for so many years. It gives me shivers just thinking about it. And to rub salt into the wound, the Jill we know from the beginning was extremely dedicated to earn his affection by trying extra hard to do the very things that he didn't want her to do. But on the other hand, when facing his end he must have been really proud of Jill, knowing that she managed to turn into such a virtues person despite all his effort to the contrary with the strength to see it through. Made even sweeter by the realization that by turning into a person that can and will reject any morally bankrupt authorities, Jill has truly inherited her fathers spirit. The reaction of the citizens of Talrega to Shihiram's death is also heartbreaking. The people of Talrega show their affection to Shihiram by rejecting the help of the army who killed him, suffering pointlessly in the process. But this really goes to show, that they really embraced him. That they don't see him as some dirty foreigner like Petrine did. Heck, the very fact that Shihiram has a daughter of such a young age, heavily implies that he even found his love there.
  21. I think I will keep sticking to My Unit. Because that's all the is. A customizable unit. Avatar obviously implies that he is an Avatar for the player. But since you can't express yourself in any way, I find this term to be immensely unfitting. Edit: Come to think of it, the silent voice would have been helpful for this. That really should have been added.
  22. Lissa's voice was pure agony. I find it difficult to believe that her Japanese voice could be even worse. Granted, it might simply be the case that her actual lines are what caused my headaches.
  23. Fatigue, definitely. They need to add a mechanic to punish a player for overly relying on a low number of powerhouses. Because once your stats get high enough, strategy becomes pointless. And with the 2RNG avoid calculation and Def growths rising sky high, reaching that point becomes easier and easier. Or maybe just automatically adjust the level of the enemies.
  24. Best: Ashnard Worst: Walhart I find Ashnard's combination of armor with a fur cape wonderfully express what he is. If he wasn't as expressive as he is, it probably would look incredibly goofy but I think he makes it work. Walhart on the other hand. He looks just like he is dressed as a devil. He is only missing a tail and a pitchfork. I can't look at him without grinning. Especially with his serious face.
  25. He better not, considering the whole thing about Ike's world being created by Ashunera and every continent but Telius being drowned thing. It would underscore the weight of the events in those games. And Ike's ending was forced enough as it is. He took his responsibilities as Greil's son so serious that he took the leadership of the mercs over the way more experienced Titania. So he wouldn't just be abandoning them like that. I always feared that they tagged that on for some future crossover nonsense.
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