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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Well, she could give it to her when she meets her later on. Or maybe Sasha can already use a Dragon Flute as a princess. I'm definitely going to check that on my next run. Nothing personal Roger but you will definitely have to die for this one.
  2. Or it's simply to go along with Nosferatu being a Dark Magic spell in this game. Besides, Micaiah's final class was Shaman, which has the habit of switching magic type along with the Nosferatu tome. But personally I think that the art director merely wanted an excuse to have her drawn wearing nothing but body paint rather then with a stylish hat. Man, that would have been sooooo sweet. Mage hats make everything better. ...Aaaaanyway, given that Soren and Zelgius also have dark affinity, I would say that it's simply a Branded thing. Affinity is kind of overrated anyway. Even Calill has Dark affinity and it doesn't match her personality at all. Edit: Come to think of it, I haven't voted myself yet. Best is Ike. Admittedly, like your average Lord he is rather bland. Presumably so a player can easily identify with him. But I think he is better then the competition for the way he is used. Like, this is the first time in the series that they don't just drop a massive info dump on you at the beginning. Instead, you learn those things when they become relevant, along with Ike. It feels much more natural and makes it easy to identify with him. But more importantly, it makes perfect sense that someone as bland and uneducated as Ike would become a hero. It's not just convenience for that audience. Because it's a world that more then anything is marked by prejudice and categorization. As someone who doesn't know anything about the world, he has no prejudice. Therefore he can see the world for what it is. So he can go against the flow and actually work towards archiving change. On the downside, there are a few hickups to him that mess with PoR's otherwise excellent writing. Ike being made to lead the group like a week after he was allowed to enter the field feels rather odd. Especially after screwing up the hostage situation. And then he becomes the leader of the whole group for real after Greil dies, leaving the way more experienced Titania in the dust. Not to mention that he is so uneducated that it's seems impossible to believe. He lived 17 years and didn't even know that there were 2 species on the world? And I think that he and the Black Knight had a rather dull rivalry because they had nothing in common. Still, I say the good outweighs the bad by far. As for worst, I just keep it short and say Roy for being a bad Marth clone.
  3. I figured a threat like that might be a good idea before half the threads on this board end up being made by me. I kinda have a bit more trouble then usual and the information on this site is a bit lacking. Anyway, I'm still kinda low on money, so I figured I should try stealing. Now I noticed that you can steal weapons even if you don't hit the enemy. So I was wondering if the attacks even matter. Do you have a chance to steal for every attack you launch or if you only have one chance to steal regardless of your number of attacks? Also, does anyone have any ideas on how to use the Thieves to get them to a high enough level to get those fancy skills they have. With their non-existent Strength, I would say that killing mummies for like 2 hours is the only way. And can you steal with ranged attacks?
  4. I don't get how anyone could possibly feel "betrayed" and "upset" by male Pegasus Knights. I mean, what could gender restrictions possibly add to the game? If nothing else, they definitely should have given gender restrictions the boot once they introduced player avatars. It hardly breaks the game when males and females are otherwise identical statistically, so their is no excuse to limit character creation like that. I mean, for whose creative vision was it that important that female avatars barely stood a chance to get through FE12 lunatic?
  5. Well, what I can say for now is that if Mel is recruited but you don't recruit Roger, Mel will leave at the end of that chapter looking for him. She will also leave to bury him, should he die later. And they both have to be in the same army. So whatever the details, they probably can't be separated. So I would guess that Mel probably won't even show up if Roger is killed. But I find it hard to believe that they would deprive Sasha of her promotion, given how vital it is for her.
  6. I'm afraid I can't follow you. I would assume that I expressed my issues with Spotpass properly in the very second line in my post. They are in no way related to game progress.
  7. For one thing, I have a problem with content that needs Spotpass to be unlocked. That's just making you jump through hops in order to unlock stuff you've already pay for. Not to mention that it makes the game dependent on Internet and Nintendo's servers. With that out of the way, I find it rather disheartening how halfhearted this feature is. How can you have characters with expressive designs like the Black Knight in the game and then just give them a generic model that doesn't match them at all. Or include characters and then fail to express their abilities properly. I consider it quite a problem if a character like Ethlin, who was the original wielder of Leaf's Lightsword, a member of the Baldo bloodline, an A-Rank in swords and promoted into Paladin is turned into someone who can't use swords and fights exclusively with magic. Ethlin didn't even have a magic growth. I mean, if they can't have unique models and custom classes, then why not at least put some thoughts into which characters can actually be well expressed properly with the engine. They didn't had to use those particular characters. In the end, all that's left is some recycled art that makes it look like some cheap mod. Doesn't make me feel nostalgic at all. Just pissed, because I think those characters deserve better. And the amount of Spotpass characters is no excuse. Quality over Quantity. When you get tummy aches from rotten food, you can't cure it by eating more of it.
  8. There wasn't a lack of branded In FE10, so I am not seeing how breaking the story in order to bring her back would have added anything. She wasn't very interesting anyway. She fights for Ashnard because he doesn't care about heritage and she hates Laguz presumably for the same reason as the other branded do. Sure, they could have turned her more interesting, but I see no reason for her of all people to get such special treatment that doesn't equally apply to Aran.
  9. The best is of course Game & Watch Zelda. I wish it was more available. On a more serious note, Four Swords Adventures, the point has to go to Four Swords Adventures. Nothing beats multiplayer Zelda. Getting the hardware together is a pain though. .
  10. I have to say, I liked the way Ranulf handled things. He simply had no reason to keep it a secret. And I prefer if the heroes don't get into trouble just because they are being a bunch of fools. And if there is something I learned from the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts 3D, it's that it's really awkward when the writing goes out of it's way to pretend that something is a big reveal when it's really not. They wouldn't cheat by suddenly revealing that the Black Knight had been some schmuck we've never heard about. So you ask yourself: Big guy, heavy armor. Master swordsman? Who could it be? I would guess that most people would probably have figured out the Black Knights identity by that point because no one else is really qualified. Besides, when the identity of the Black Knight was revealed, it raised a way more important question. Namely, why would a noble knight like Zelgius do all these things?
  11. Now that I think about it, I actually always called him Myu. I just never posted it that way.
  12. Sara? You mean the one from Thracia? Because I don't think she was mentioned to have any siblings. Only that her parents got killed by Manfroy.
  13. Well, I now can add her deliberately going out of her way to piss people off with pranks, on the list of things that make me loathe her. Also, she has that bad cook thing going on. "Her cooking is so bad, it can sink battleships" and that sort of thing. Even if it was funny at some point, it's so overused these days that there is nothing left of it. Though, I can relate to how she got mixed up with Dragons and Wyvern. Anything else is pretty consistent with what I know of her. Admittedly, sometimes she is less of a pain. Especially when paired up with someone that allows her to play the straight man. I guess I could choose Yumina but she is younger, in a way worse situation then her and hardly gets any lines anyway. And Est managed to snatch one of the regalia, so she is out.
  14. A bunch of Lissa haters? There are only two votes for her yet. One of them being me. Considering we are already on page 2, that's hardly anything. Let alone a "bunch". Marcia's also has only 2 votes. Though despite the low number, I am indeed curious why anyone would even consider her for worst.
  15. Personally I was always curious why join date wasn't removed. I thought that the reasons brought up for the removal of the post count applied even more there. What better way to be elitist then to invoke seniority?
  16. The final boss was awesome. I still remember barely beating the second form just to stand in utter disbelieve at the emergence of yet another form. It's rare for a game to leave such a lasting expression on me. After the whole game was so easy, I wasn't expecting such a dramatic struggle. An unblocked hit was usually fatal.
  17. Best: Mist Worst: Lissa Mist is simply a wonderful person. She is selfless, immensely strong and overall admirable. Who knows, if I get involved in war, her example might just be what helps me through it. Her strength is shown right at the beginning when she and Rolf are kidnapped. During the whole incident, she acts confident and tough in order to keep Rolf's spirit high. This is highlighted when Ike mentions at the end that Mist is actual a complete crybaby. It shows in a subtly that she will push herself as hard as needed for the sake of her friends and family. Plus, her inclusion on the battlefield feels natural for once, since the issue of children on the battlefield is not ignored. And in her particular case: It's not highlighted but it's hardly a coincidence that Mist entered the battlefield not only shortly after the death of her father but also right after the group barely avoided a total party kill. Mist showed during this confrontation that she rather died rather then living without her family, so she just had to take action after that. Doing everything to make a difference, no matter how little. She is also allowed to desire revenge for her father's death instead of leaving the issue completely to her brother. Of course, since she is selfless, she normally doesn't show it. But she will completely loose it, if you make her attack the Black Knight. Bonus points for the Black Knight mistakenly assuming that her trembling originates from fear rather then fury. It's a small detail but I like that she isn't just limited to being the sweet, selfless girl stereotype. Lissa on the other hand, good lord... Any sentence out of her mouth might as well be "I'm a whiny brat". In fact, she is is probably the main reason that I didn't buy Awakening last Friday. Her performance in the demo made the whole playthrough highly unpleasant. Like, I was having fun moving units around for like 15 seconds, then I select Lissa and she is like: "We'll see who's delicate!" The hell? The town is on fire and it's inhabitants are in grave danger and all that's on her mind is her petty ego? This is just what I hate about this game, how everyone is so inhumanly oblivious to the death around them. Sure, it's not like she is incapable of compassion. But as shown at the end of the prologue, when things don't go her way, she will switch between caring and whiny in an instant. Like normal people are just like characters in a television show for her. Sure, you empathize with them. But then you turn off the TV and it doesn't matter anymore. I know she is spoiled and it's very hard to break habits. But unlike let's say Nalia from Baldur's Gate, I didn't get the impression that Lissa is even trying.
  18. Come to think of it, I have trouble believing that anything in the other two games could beat Last Story's Prank Bananas. And nothing is more glorious then beating opponents in mutliplayer with them.
  19. Well, my step counter is at 5000 this evening, so in my case I could just change the date and get 50 coins on my average work day. Way too troublesome though.
  20. Leaf's Lightsword. For one thing, it is so versatile that it's the Fire Emblem equivalent of a Hitchhiker's Towel. But more importantly, it's not some random sword that is restricted to him for the sheer heck of it. This weapon has weight to it. It belonged to Sigurd's wife until she gave it to her husbands sister as a present. I mean, it's not only a memento of the person that Leaf never got to meet despite loving him more then anyone else... but also a symbol of the friendship between Leaf and Celice's families. Heck, it's even a symbol of Deidre's and Sigurd's love. It's just so sweet that they let him carry his mother's sword 15 years after her dead, instead of just treating it like any other 8/15 blade that can be inherited.
  21. Thanks. How troublesome would the presence of a low level Robin be on that map?
  22. If I might ask a related question: Is it possible not to deploy My Unit at all, like in New Mystery?
  23. On the other hand, you will no longer get duplicate pieces from puzzles when these puzzles are only missing pink pieces. I really wish they would allow you to take 20 to get new pieces. Even with increased speed it takes ages to sink the 300 coins into this thing to get that one piece that you are missing.
  24. 23 pieces. No pink ones. I was lucky enough to get my first piece through Spotpass. Come to think of it, I haven't gotten any pieces for countless Streetpass exchanges now. Let alone pink pieces.
  25. Thank you. Do you know about the sharp ends too? They are what really puzzle me. Putting spiky metal near the legs seems so crazy to me that it just had to be done for real.
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