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Everything posted by LunaSaint

  1. Toss-up between Owain and Brady for me, with Cynthia coming up as a close third. Brady gets bonus points with me for being much like the group leader in a D&D campaign I'm in. Meanwhile, Owan and Cynthia have the best role-playing lines. I didn't like Noire and her allocated character quirk when I first saw her, but she's grown on me a lot now that she has a sister in my second run. Goodness, she needs one. - For clarification, Olivia!Lucina is great for postgame, but really bad for campaign. Class choices are fantastic, but the bases she gets will be awful. Not to mention the whole restraints put on to get Chrom to marry Olivia in the first place.
  2. Ugh, someone on my street uses awful names with apostrophes for all their tacticians. Ah well, soon enough they'll be suffering my 4xPavise/Aegis Sorc team. That'll teach them!
  3. Berserker Laurent is a thing to behold. I really didn't regret my Gregor/Miriel. Mine ended up going into a dorky Vantage/Wrath/Astra + Katarina's Bolt build.
  4. I really delight in Owain and Cynthia with their roleplaying and flights of fantasy. Then I read some of Cynthia's conversations (was it summer of bonds?). Yeah. Aside from fawning over them and reserving Morgan for them, there's a ton of characters I like. I feared this would go down the Tales avenue of character design (throw a few darts at a board of tropes and remind you of them at every moment) but a lot of the supports did a good job. Kellum is actually really likeable when the game isn't reminding you he's so forgettable. I like what they did with Tiki's supports, but I wish she had more. D: Still a few characters that could use more development but overall better than anticipated.
  5. Hard/Classic. Did stop by to sniff the roses between chapters, so I suspect I was a fair bit overlevelled at parts. Chrom/Sumia Avatar/Cordelia Miriel/Gregor (Gregor later benched, awful speed) Vaike/Lissa (Lissa later benched, underlevelled) Sully/Frederick (Fred benched, underlevelled) Anna Morgan/Owain Lucina/Gerome (Didn't really use Gerome) Early game had mostly Chrom/Avatar and Avatar/Cordelia MVPing, with Owain/Morgan towards the end. Strangely, despite never once MVPing, Miriel actually was my combat ace.
  6. With many thanks to his fans, Gheb comes to mind first. As far as actually being disturbed though, Izuka and maybe also Gangrel succeed. If I knew the plot of FE4 better, I suspect a few would show up from there.
  7. StarPeg64 sounds like my entire first playthrough. Almost every couple had a flier, and I'd just highlight every bow/rexcalibur/beastslayer and go to town. ♥ Might have to use my second File to make a 'Wings of Justice' themed spotpass team.
  8. Mechanically speaking, I vastly prefer the GBA games. Let's look at FE7, The logic and numbers are fairly intuitive, with no game-changing hidden values other than supports and growths. Skill procs are a unique exception for a gimmicky class, as opposed to a core part of the system. The weapons are the most balanced of the series, almost everything has a purpose (lol bows). The map and combat graphics are very crisp and clean. Map design is good enough that I'm not hauling my ass round huge stretches of plains, forests or long, 1-2 space wide chokes. I really prefer it when a turn based strategy has this kind of elegance. FE6 doesn't perform so well on this, but FE7 and to a lesser extent FE8 are as good at this as I've seen FE get. After that, I'd say FE9 had a some good stuff. My favourite writing in the series and the best support system by a country mile. There were some awkward elements in there, but overall the combat was fairly smart still and most skills weren't too crazy.
  9. Sap: Activated - Your attack deals 0 damage and cannot double, but puts the foe to sleep for 3 turns. Can only be used on a foe that is not within 2 spaces of an ally. Thief/Assassin ability, of course.
  10. Edit: Argh stupid autoformatting Favorite Player Map Theme: Footsteps of Fate (FE11), RU: Determination (FE8) - Footsteps is just hauntingly good, while Determination falls under the category of upbeat tunes I don't tire of. Favorite Enemy Map Theme: Nabata's Wandering Messenger (FE7), RU: The Frontier (FE6) - Hard to pick a favourite among these, there's many I like but few stand out. Favorite Player Attack Theme: Decisive Attack (FE9) RU: [FE4's] - I love the whole uppy-downy-ness (shut up, I no speak good well!) of the former, and FE4's is so relaxing. Favorite Enemy Attack Theme: The Enemy Draws Near (FE9) RU: Haha, screw the rest - no seriously, most of these I get tired of real fast. FE9's second EP combat theme is terrifying though, which makes it the best. Favorite Recruitment Theme: [FE4's] RU: Comrades (FE9) - The latter probably more the result of various romhacks. Favorite Near-Victory Theme: They can all burn in hell. They're a relief to hear after some of the longer chapters but even then they're just going to drag on if it's a map like Victory or Death. Favorite Boss Theme: Fateful Showdown (FE4) - The only one that really stands out for me. Favorite Special Boss Theme: A Mighty Foe (FE9) RU: Stalking Menace (FE10) - The former for being all round brilliant and the latter for being considerably more foreground and dramatic than anything else in the FE10 OST. Favorite Final Boss Theme: Dark Emperor Hardin (FE12), Confront Julius (FE4) - Hardin's theme has an Aaaaaaaaw yeaaaaah factor that is unparalleled in FE soundtracks.
  11. I've never completed FE4. Nor have I even played FE5. I only list FE6 as my favourite because of the kickass tunes. Otherwise it'd be FE9. My first favourite class was snipers because of those slick GBA animations. I used Ewan in my first FE8 run. I think you'll find that Gerik DOES have the CON to wield AXES. I've never used Mia or Nephenee in either Tellius game. On the other hand, I use Zihark and Ilyana almost every run. I wish you got FE10 Oliver much earlier. Barst is my Hero. What a wonderful unit.
  12. I should really use the Macross units more next time I play Alpha 3.
  13. Now I'm reminded of the day I discovered that Devil Axes gave 8 weapon skill per swing. Poor Sain died many a time that night.
  14. Hmm, you seem to be right. Changing that has removed the double FF, and a few horrible bugs have gone! EDIT: Chests finally work, too! All seems green, thank god.
  15. ....BRILLIANT. Yeah, I think for someone who can't think more than one or two steps ahead, this is the best plan for me. I had no problem with Map Changes when I did the previous chapter, which was using the old one. EDIT: @Muldur: The double FF is what caused me confusion in the first place. But even if the current method is wrong, why are there two FF00s?
  16. Aah, being in misc would explain it. :| Thanks for the help on word/short management too, I was aware of it filling the rest with zeroes, but must have overlooked good old GBA hex reversal. I miss it just being "CODE". >.< EDIT: Well, the events are trying to trigger, but after some investigation, the event assembler I'm using really doesn't seem to enjoy making map changes. It's still complaining about alignment after each short. And it's also repeating a lot of figures it shouldn't, which is really odd.
  17. Woop woop Femzerker! FE9 Icons, too. As an Axe lover, I'll have to keep an eye on this.
  18. Devdan is a pretty fun guy. Otherwise, there's an absolute ton of fun characters in FE9. It definitely contributes to why it's one of my favourites.
  19. Shon seems to be okay for me. Started soft around the edges, but I'm at chapter 7 or 8 and he seems fine. Corben, on the other hand, seems pretty damn good. Although it's gotten to the point where I'm having trouble not one-rounding guys to feed to Cia.
  20. Hmm... one for how much I enjoy using them, one for the character. Lord: Hector in each case. Cavalier-type: ZealotOscar for use, Kieran for amazement. Myrmidon: Oh crap, I don't use many of these. Stefan for usability, FE6 Karel for the loveliness. Fighter: Barst for use (crikey, he's good), Bartre for awesome. Mercenary: Dieck for use, Greil for awesome. Berserker: Toss up between Gonzo and Largo for personality, so I'll give Gonzo use and Largo personality. Pegasus Knight: I'm going to cheat and say Elincia for usability, and then Marcia for fun. Wyvern Rider: Miledy for use, Haar for being a badass. Sniper: Duuuh, well I like the GBA sniper animations, but I don't think I actually care much for any of the archers. FE10 Shinon/Shinon again? Genral: Oswin/Tauroneo (NB: Resolve General almost put Tauroneo ahead of Oswin for fun to use too) Mage/Sage/Archsage: Levin. Levin. Levin. Bishop: Ellen/Renault - Crazy luck and getting to do so much healing she promotes ages before anyone else makes Ellen very enjoyable. Valkyre: Any Valk with canto, and then L'archel. Thief: Asthol, for being a handsome devil. Utility-wise, any thief that joins early and doesn't get oneshot on the chapter they join is cool to me. Laguz/Mamkute: Giffca, in both cases.
  21. Share with some very trusted friends and create a totally cool pantheon.
  22. Well, that lasted long. Having some fun trying to work out map changes - or some location events, could be either. I thought I had it, but clearly I'm not there yet. :D In my current map, there are three different kinds of map change. Chests (There are 2) Village (Which is working!) Hidden Entrance (1x4 wall, triggered by moving to 2 tiles with switches (AREA trigger)) Also of note are a shop and armoury, both of which work fine. Currently, the chests aren't making any change, leading to them being repeatably lootable. And the AREA triggers don't seem to be showing any form of activation at all, so I don't think it's the map change there. [spoiler=Location Events] Location_events: Village(0x5,Village1,15,11) Armory(Armor,8,11) Vendor(Vendor,22,13) AREA 0x6 CheckButtons1 [4,4] [4,4] AREA 0x7 CheckButtons2 [20,5] [20,5] Chest(Mend,4,5) ChestMoney(5000,4,8) LOCA Village1: FADI 4 BACG 0x01 MUS2 0x42 FADU 4 TEX1 0x8B5 REMA MURE 6 LOU1 Flash1 ENUN ENDA CheckButtons1: TEX1 0x8B3 REMA IFEF 0x33 0x7 MAC1 0x3 0x0 ENIF 0x33 ENDA CheckButtons2: TEX1 0x8B3 REMA IFEF 0x33 0x6 MAC1 0x3 0x0 ENIF 0x33 ENDA Armor: SHLI IronSword SteelSword IronSpear SteelSpear IronAxe SteelAxe IronBow ALIGN 4 SHORT 0x0000 Vendor: SHLI Heal Lightning Vulnerary ALIGN 4 SHORT 0x0000 ALIGN 4 I'm not at all surprised the AREA codes don't work - but there's a ton of things that could be wrong about them. D: [spoiler=Tile Changes] ORG 0xC9C9C8+(4*0x14) POIN TileChanges ORG 0x1003700 TileChanges: TileMap(0x0,0x4,0x5,0x1,0x1,ChestT1) TileMap(0x1,0x4,0x8,0x1,0x1,ChestT1) TileMap(0x2,0xF,0xB,0x1,0x1,VillageGate) TileMap(0x3,0xA,0x9,0x4,0x1,ManorWall) ALIGN 4 BYTE 0xFF ALIGN 4 BYTE 0x00 ALIGN 4 BYTE 0x00 ALIGN 4 ChestT1: WORD 0x00 0x01 0x00 VillageGate: WORD 0x80 0x00 0x00 ManorWall: WORD 0x1C 0x07 0x10 0x09 WORD 0x10 0x09 0x10 0x07 BYTE 0x00 I'm wondering if the Aligns are messing with these, since I noticed the VillageGate change only worked after I'd fiddled with the positioning a couple of times. [spoiler=Map]
  23. .....I must have seen that sticky as a particularly big thread. Thank you, I'll have to remember that next time. ~_~ Also, thanks for the ID tip. I've seen a few tricks based around death quotes now, I'll have to really investigate how they work/how to fiddle with them. @NL: I don't have a problem getting the turn event to trigger, just to tell if the NPC is dead. Sorry, I should have been clearer. EDIT: After going through the Ultimate tutorial some, realised that event IDs are waaaaaay less complicated than I thought. Now to see if I can impliment this right~ EDIT2: Whoo! All clear, works now. Better note down that Event ID 66 is in use.
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