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Everything posted by gringe

  1. Thanks for pointing out the mistake. I guess I spoke too soon in the other thread; in my playthrough I've found a couple mistakes similar to that, so I guess at least one more minor update will be needed. :P
  2. Well, you're sure blasting through the game. I started a playthrough a little before you but you've passed me already.
  3. Thanks for playing the new patch! I always feel a little sad when I see a new LP with the old patch.
  4. The text taken directly from FE7 and 8 didn't work for some reason in the data delete screen. I shortened it a little bit and it works fine now. I didn't realize I'd changed Roy's title. >_> I thought the "Lion" title lost some kind of implication or association in English but I didn't have a good idea of what to replace it with so I left it as I found it when retranslating the titles. But if it was in Awakening, then Young Lion is fair game. I made both changes and will upload the updated version shortly. Thanks for filling in for my lackluster testing as always, bookofholsety! PS: I realize the "Bandit" thing on the snowy castle trial map isn't fixed, but I couldn't really be assed to find the right "Bandit" and figured it was minor enough that it doesn't particularly stand out anyway--even the officially translated games have a few mistakes of this sort. If you can find the correct offset, though, then I'll fix it. <_<;; Thanks! Do enjoy.
  5. New version, wooo. v0.96 changelist -"Mildain" is now "Myrddin" and "Jodel" is now "Yoder" -Fixed lots of mistakes in the Trial Map screens -Retranslated the Trial Map descriptions and titles to be more accurate to the Japanese. The maps now have scenarios as they were supposed to instead of generic descriptions -Retranslated all of the characters' endgame titles to be more accurate to the Japanese -Fixed the spacing error with the Binding Blade and Eckesachs' weapon level "-" -Changed many messages the player gets on maps to be more grammatically and visually pleasing. I don't presently know how to tinker with these messages enough to get them to be as they appear in FE7 -Changed the level up screen with animations on to be slightly more visually appealing and consistent with the level screen without animations. This is another problem I haven't been able to solve, but this is a compromise for the time being to make it less hideous -Gave most of the main script and supports another pass and fixed many minor errors including typos and misplaced [ToggleSmile] and [ToggleMouthMove] commands. Also did a lot of minor polishing and cleaning up to the dialogue here and there (fixed some capitalization, did some slight rewording, etc...) ->Reworded a single line of Sophia/Igrene's support conversation to account for Sophia's appearance in FE7 ("You've never left the village." -> "You've never seen civilization outside of Arcadia.") ->Rewrote Narcian's battle quote to be a combination of the old patch's and Awakening's ("I am strong. I am wise. I am beautiful. And most importantly, I am right! Always! ...Me! No one else!") -Fixed the "delete all data" screen -Probably some other little things I don't remember With this, I consider the script to be in a finished state. I don't plan on making any more edits. I'll still fix any reported glitches or typos or errors, but anything more than that, nope. I have to call it finished sometime, or I'll just keep going back to it again and again. All the other remaining minor issues are basically beyond my current knowledge of hacking, and I don't even know where to begin with solving them. I'll accept any offers of help, but until such offers come, except for bugfixes, the patch won't be worked on actively anymore. There's just nothing left for me to do (that I know of). This isn't good-bye or anything, though. I'm still around!
  6. The support conversations should all work (no more broken supports like in the old patch), but I haven't changed the speed in which they activate.
  7. You don't have to ask me to make comments. Feel free. I don't think I took many "liberties" overall, but I'd be happy to answer any questions about what I was thinking. Thanks! Expect a new version soon. :x
  8. I dunno, having the option for the split seems like a fairly big deal. It was one of the most limiting aspects of the GBA games compared to the rest of the series.
  9. I've called it "Tina's staff" due to space constraints. Tiina with two i's might fit, but I don't really care too much either way since the character isn't in any officially translated material and doesn't even appear in the game.
  10. Not to my knowledge. Who knows what FEditor is doing, though. >_> By the way I tested the latest version and was able to clear both 11A and 11B without issue. So, OP, there's your solution: update! If not to the new patch then at least to the newest version of the old patch.
  11. Whoa, whoa, this is the first I've heard of that occurring with the new patch. I've seen one mention of it with the old one, though (probably an outdated version). The OP's use of words like "conquer" and "Thany" lead me to believe he's using an old patch.
  12. Right now I think it's unreasonable to expect to be able to obtain those maps through remotely legitimate means. The only way I can see them plausibly being put in the game is if someone recreates them from scratch and inserts them into the game.
  13. What's the problem exactly? Having different pronunciations is basically a fact of J. I don't think the "correct" pronunciation should be forced down player's throats if there's nothing wrong with the spelling. How many people do you think pronounced "Guy" (ghee) correctly for example?
  14. I checked the Japanese script, and it is pretty heavily implied that it's Sophia's first time out of the village. I guess I could reword it to make it less definite, but I consider it an error on the part of the developers. Didn't address this earlier, but you're right. Still, when there's one that's so fitting and is an exact match to the katakana, it makes me wonder if they messed up the "l" and "r" in his official spelling. I'll probably go with Yoder to avoid the Spanish expletive association in addition to the other stuff.
  15. No, with names that don't originate from English, eru is often used for the "er" sound. Trust me, I wouldn't use a name that I believed to contradict the Japanese.
  16. I guess another question is whether Joder or Yoder is a better name. Flimsy reasoning perhaps, but there are already a number of characters that start with J and not many (none?) that start with Y so I'm leaning towards Yoder. >_>
  17. I'd like to get the script part of the game as close to finished as possible, so for the next version I'll be reading through most or all of the game's script and making corrections and revisions. There are a couple of name changes I was considering and I was curious what people think. Jodel -> Joder or Yoder The name Joder or Yoder has a lot of justification as a name for a religious man I think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoder Mildain -> Myrddin The Japanese rendering is clearly a mythological reference to Myrddin. I guess this one's kind of a no-brainer, really, but I never got around to it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrddin
  18. What bookofholsety said, basically. Still, it's worth another look. I'll consider changing it from it's current form.
  19. This is actually not true. Je isn't a natively occurring sound in Japanese and is often approximated as ze. The Japanese renderings of Los Angeles (ロサンゼルス) and jelly (ゼリー) are a couple examples, and there was a gas station called General (ゼネラル) by my old apartment.
  20. The Japanese kana rendering disagrees with the former (ディーク diiku). Names aren't a big deal. I'm curious which names it is you don't like, too, as most of the changes were simply common sense or to bring them in line with the official spellings. I'm not doing the translation purely for the sake of the "majority." I feel a lot of resistance is just because of change in general, but if it's a change for the better, then people will get used to it. Thanks! Duly noted.
  21. Well, I and others have played through the whole game from start to finish, so I can say that other than the expanding ROM size, FEditor hasn't caused any real issues after the patch. Honestly there's quite a bit that still needs to be done. Getting the ROM to a reasonable size is definitely one of the last things we'll be doing if we can do it at all.
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