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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Hector or Ephraim are probably the best. Eliwood's my favourite GBA lord so I'll vote for him.
  2. I'd like to see: a female fighter/pirate a flying archer a male pegasus knight I already have Boyd so I'm pretty satisfied although shirtless Boyd would be the best.
  3. 3-3: It's got a unique objective and it's a fun map to play 2-E, 3-5 and 3-13: I really like the defend chapters in this game 3-9: It takes place in a small town and you get a lot of bexp for finishing it and saving all the houses 4-4: Battling off tons of reinforcements is pretty fun 4-5: Kicking laguz ass and killing Izuka 4-E: It's an awesome ending to an awesome game
  4. Micaiah: I usually give her Purge but give her Rexaura if you got her to SS light. Sothe: Baselard I guess. I don't use him so I dunno. Sanaki: I don't use her so I usually give her Meteor for one of my archsages. Titania: Brave Axe or forged silver axe Soren: Rexcalibur Nolan: Tarvos or a forged silver axe Zihark: Vague Katti since Alondite already has unlimited uses Nephenee: Wishblade Rolf: Double Bow Oscar: Brave Lance or forged silver lance Jill: Urvan If you have a lot of uses on your Brave weapons, then go with the forged silvers. Tarvos gives +4 defense but a forged silver axe has more mt so whichever one you think is best.
  5. I guess Mia though not by much. Calill, Marcia, Nephenee, Mist, Titania, Jill and long-haired Lucia are also beautiful.
  6. Agreed. Neither of the cat girls do much for me. They're kinda cute but there are better looking girls. Although I admit that I am biased against laguz.
  7. Every battle Boyd gets in starting from 3-2. He destroys everything in my game with steel poleaxes and hand axes.
  8. I think you'll do fine with your team. You're not forced to use Sothe, Sanaki, Ena or Kurthnaga so if you don't like them throw them on the bench. Maybe you could bench them this time cause they're not knights or flyers.
  9. My lineup is similar to yours just with a few different characters. You have a pretty good team there.
  10. 3-13 is a bitch. Just play defensively with your best DB members. Don't forget to evacuate the area when you see Ike beginning to move. Have fun until then. Part 4 is all about pwning with your best characters. It's pretty easy if you spread your good characters between the three teams.
  11. Ugh...boss abuse is so boring. I did that once with Meg and Fiona againt Jarod in RD. Most boring thing ever. If I'm going to use Rolf, I just feed him kills. It's less boring that way for me.
  12. How about giving Nolan the forged silver axe and give Titania Urvan since she has less strength than Nolan. Did you miss the Wishblade cause Nephenee or Oscar should have it and the other should have the forged silver lance.
  13. RD Mist is the only cleric that can use swords. RD warriors can't use regular bows like warriors in other FEs. RD paladins can't use two weapon types until they promote
  14. At least it has some unlike PoR. They could've had paired endings in PoR by changing the dialogue in the epilogue. Kinda like how Lethe's dialogue changes if she A supports with Ike. I guess IS was too lazy to make up a bunch of paired endings for this game. Even some of the paired endings in this game are one-sided.
  15. It's a solid team. What weapons are you giving these people?
  16. That's a good team. I don't know what else to say but you'll do good with them.
  17. In RD, Mist's horse doesn't neigh when she activates Sol. Colossus and Sol with lances are the only masteries that send the enemy flying.
  18. Either they should have physical weapons that do magic damage or get rid of the stat split altogether. Since RD didn't have magic weapons, magic was basically useless for physical units except for imbue. And Mist sucked offensively cause her strength was crap.
  19. Is there any other info for the other new characters? That stuff about Micaiah and Sothe is already in the game but it's nice to know about the other 3 DB members. Although it probably won't change my opinion on any of them.
  20. FE7 was my first. It got me hooked but I haven't played it in a couple of months.
  21. A crossover would be pretty cool. As long as the Greil Mercenaries are in I'll be happy.
  22. If Volug had a shirt on, he'd drop to the middle with a bunch of the other guys. Nailah's alright but she's far from the hottest girl. Anyways, Boyd is by far the hottest guy in my books. If he took his shirt off, we'd have a clear winner. Valtome and Oliver are both in the top 10 ugliest characters in RD along with the rest of the senators except Sephiran.
  23. Calill's pretty hot. Sanaki and Tormod will probably be hot when they grow older but Tormod's cute in RD. Nephenee, I can see her being hot if she took off her helmet. I can't call Micaiah hot anymore cause she annoys me too much. Valtome is possibly the ugliest character in RD.
  24. Right, I forgot he was an NPC in 3-P. All cats that aren't playable characters at any point in the game are yellow. Also, why aren't Lethe and Lyre playable in 3-1? Why are they even there at all? They could've used Mia and Titania to help Mist pass out the food. Is Kurthnaga the only dragon (besides wyverns) that uses his wings for flying?
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