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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. It would be cool to have pegasus knights wield staves but they'd have to balance them out with other healers. I don't want them to completely outclass other healers. They're already faster and have better mobility, giving them staves would just make priests/bishops/sages useless as healers (well, not useless but they wouldn't be as useful).
  2. That's pretty cool. It might be a coincidence or maybe IS knew what they were doing with that convo. Then again, Ilyana always asks everyone to spare some rations so it depends on who else Volug says that to. Still pretty cool, though.
  3. In RD, both Black Knight and Micaiah are dark affinity. On 1-9 where you play as only them, that level gives a boost (is it +5 hit and avoid?) to all dark affinity units. Was that a coincidence or was that planned? So the GBA games are actually the ones messing up the names? That's interesting, I thought it was the other way around (I only played FEs 7-10).
  4. That's gonna be a tough solo. Good luck with it whenever you get around to it. I think you could use Alondite on the auras that aren't on the cover tiles cause it's only 2 less Mt than Vague Katti. You could bring base level Zihark with an arms scroll used on him to get the Alondite blessed but that might be against the whole solo thing.
  5. The long range dark tome in FE10 and the A rank dark tome in FE7/8 share the same name: Fenrir. They're completely different in those games. The one in FE10 should've been called Eclipse even though it doesn't half enemy HP. But Eclipse is already the name of the BK's mastery skill.
  6. Another chapter I hate is 3-11. Too many enemies in one place at the same time.
  7. It was definitely the discipline skill. He owned Ike so bad with one hand in that first FMV. He was definitely holding back.
  8. Dark mages are usually slow and have trouble double attacking but they have the coolest looking spells. The only reason I'd use them is for their magic animations.
  9. Zihark, Lucia, Geoffrey, Mordecai, Ranulf, Nasir and Naesala. If you wanted to make the team a little bigger you could add purple hair which is just Ilyana, Mia and Largo.
  10. No I like it the way it is. All they needed to do was add a few more base conversations that show everyone's personality. But DB and CRK should've gotten more levels cause they're all underleveled when you get to part 4. The three groups thing makes this FE unique from other FEs.
  11. Have you gotten all the support convos for the support library? You could do a stat transfer playthrough if you haven't done one already. Have you taken everyone to endgame at least once? Have you played hard mode? There's not much else I can think of. Play through the game without trying to do anything special and you might come up with something.
  12. I think RD was the only FE game where staves were equipped weapons. All the other games allowed healers to counter with another weapon if they had one cause staves weren't equipped. It's a little annoying in RD but it's easy to get around that. Maybe they did that to make the game harder but the game's already hard without that.
  13. I like using healers. Their stats could be buffed a little but I'd rather they just gain more exp for healing. In my experience, they usually tend to fall behind the rest of the team even though they're not competing for exp. If they keep the counter attack thing with the staves from FE10, they better make them do a little amount of damage. I found it pointless in RD cause even if they could counter with staves they weren't doing any damage which is basically the same thing as not being able to counter at all.
  14. That's pretty much what I loved about RD. The gameplay was awesome, almost perfect. Sometimes, I can't go back to previous FEs cause they don't have as many options and customizations as RD.
  15. But most times they're underleveled so they'll give less exp unless you really did some serious boss abuse in part 1 or laguz abuse in 3-6.
  16. The thing about Heather is that she's only good for stealing. Her worth depends on how much you value her stealing abilities. If you don't need/want anything that she can steal, she'll be useless. If you want the things that can be stolen, she'll be useful. As a combat unit, she fails. You could build up an early support with her and Nephenee just to give Neph some extra attack power but she still takes up a better character's spot.
  17. No, they'll just retreat. You'll be able to play as them later so go ahead and kick their asses.
  18. It's just annoying cause there isn't really a fast way to finish that chapter. I guess we're just impatient with Brom and Nephenee that they're not owning the whole map as fast as we'd like them to. Just buy Micaiah a physic staff so she can heal people from up there. It's better than nothing and she gets some nice exp from healing. She can gain at least 2 levels without paragon and can gain a few more with paragon.
  19. Haar cause I don't know who Fin is. If I did, there's a good chance I wouldn't have voted for Haar cause he's overrated.
  20. Ephraim wins hands down. Eirika is miles behind.
  21. 3-13 archer is a little overrated. I find it so stupid to have a sniper who can't even counter direct attacks jump into a pit of laguz where he can get raped on the enemy phase. People just praise him for his bravery and for killing the 3 laguz on his own but that's only if he gets lucky. I still think he's cool and he's one of the few NPCs that actually does something but at the same time I still can't believe that he actually jumps down there with no way of countering.
  22. That's a stupid complaint. They look so out of place whenever they have the option to be used. I can't imagine miis in any hardcore game. There were also complaints (by IGN and maybe some other sites) that RD didn't feel like a Wii game cause there weren't any motions or gestures involved. Seriously, how would that make the game better? I personally don't care for motion controls cause games like SMG and TP would be better without them. Unless the gameplay is so much better with them, like MP3.
  23. If Elincia gave peerage to Greil, he would decline and pass it over to Ike. From the beginning of the game, Greil's been teaching Ike how to be a leader, how to take care of the company and himself, how to be a man, etc. I think that everything would've been the same except Greil would be alive and Ike wouldn't hate the BK. Ike's always wanted to be as good as his father so I don't think he'd slack off just cause he's not the commander. Even if he didn't end up being as strong as he is in the two games, he wouldn't be that much weaker.
  24. It better not be dead. I just got into this series this past summer and right now, it's my favourite series. The next one better be for Wii and if it's not better than RD it better be just as awesome. A lot of people don't know what FE is and what it's about. And even if they know what it's about, maybe they're just not interested. Or maybe people are such graphic whores that they look at the graphics and say no. FE's always been about the gameplay and I think it's one of the best series Nintendo has. It doesn't help when Nintendo does nothing to promote the series besides SSB. They don't even make a lot of copies of the games so how are new fans supposed to play them? 9 months after RD was released, I decided that I wanted it and I couldn't find it anywhere. I finally found it in Future Shop 30-40 mins away from where I live and I took the second last copy. Maybe RD would've sold more if people could actually find it. Nintendo just needs to get more people into FE without changing the things that make it good and just satify the rest of us FE fans.
  25. I personally don't use either of them. Even though Sothe is forced, I still don't use him to kill anything cause I can do without him (except on hard so far). Stealing things isn't part of my playstyle cause I can do without all those things so I have no use for Sothe (except weakening enemies and supporting Micaiah) and Heather. Besides, Heather takes up a spot on the GMs and I don't want to give up a spot just so she can steal things that I don't really need. I took Heather to endgame once and she couldn't kill anything. I felt bad for her so I fed her a couple of kills and she ended up being #3 on my top 5. I'm not using her again after that. Maybe for stealing in part 2, 3-2 and 3-5 (only the chapters where she's not taking up a space that could be used for someone better) but that's it.
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