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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Shinon for having hilarious conversations in his two games and being awesome in RD.
  2. Oscar's not that bad on Tibarn's team. He does have limited movement in those few patches of grass in 4-2 but it's only a minor problem. Once he's past that, he's good for the rest of the chapter. 4-5, the laguz usually come to your characters anyways so movement's not a big problem here for anyone unless you're trying to chase down Izuka. Even if he's better on Ike's team, he's still good on Tibarn's team.
  3. Those two were pretty good but I guess they wouldn't fit as well in RD or IS just wanted new music. I can't think of many situations where those two tracks would fit. I honestly think The Enemy Approaches was overused in PoR so I'm glad they didn't bring that one back.
  4. I'd like to see them alternate between releasing new FEs and remakes. I'd like them to be on the Wii but some will probably be on the DS.
  5. You should try and focus on a few DB members. You'll run into trouble later if you try to level the whole team. There's not enough exp to go around unless you boss abuse.
  6. I agree with Red Fox's post. There are times where I feel like Haar isn't doing as good as most people say he is. They're both awesome but I feel like Ike is a little better for the same reasons as Red Fox. Haar's low speed growth and speed cap brings him down a little.
  7. I would count her as a lord cause she's the main character in all her chapters and she's not allowed to die at any point in the game. You also need her for seizing and escaping.
  8. Add Shinon to that list. He taught Rolf how to be an archer and is his teacher in the two games.
  9. I've always thought that there is possibly another continent on the other side of the desert. Of course, Nailah and Rafiel only talked about Hatari but they didn't say how big or small their country is, nor did they say what's on their side of the desert. It'd be cool if the next FE takes place on a continent on the other side of the desert in the same universe/timeline as Tellius. And they don't even need to bring back any Tellius characters. Maybe cameos from Nailah, Rafiel and Volug but everyone else could be brand new characters. Maybe a cameo from Ike to explain where he disappeared to after RD. If they do make another Tellius game, I'm down with that cause Tellius is my fave FE continent.
  10. I'm actually having a harder time with not seeing the enemy units' movements than the enemies being stronger. And really, it's only when movement changes because of water, grass, ledges, sand, things like that. That kind of stuff makes it a little hard for me to predict how far an enemy can move. I'm fine with the rest of the chapters as long as the enemy movement isn't affected by terrain.
  11. Which chapters do you breeze through without trying too hard and which ones give you the most trouble? Easiest: What I like about this game is none of the chapters are extremely easy. They're all challenging in one way or another. It's hard for me to pick an easiest chapter but I'd have to say 3-P cause the GMs kick ass and it's easy to keep everyone alive. Hardest: 1-E because Jarod's 3 authority stars make it hard on the whole team except Nailah and BK. I don't have the patience to finish this chapter without either of them.
  12. Most of my characters usually cap their strength, defense, speed, skill, and HP which is fine cause those are the most improtant stats to me. Magic and resistance for magic users. As long as they cap the important stats, it's all good.
  13. DB could've easily had a few more prison camp chapters in part 1 and some more chapters while they make their way back to Nevassa. Part 1 felt rushed. I know they can't include everything but when the narrator is telling us half the things they did that we don't get to do, there's a problem. I would've loved to rescue Lucia with the GMs. What the hell were Tormod & co. doing during the war in part 3? They should've joined up with everyone else sometime in part 3 instead of waiting one chapter before endgame to bring them back severely underleveled and useless at that point.
  14. My Haar just got killed in 3-7 hard mode by a thunder sage with 39 hit and 4 crit. WTF?
  15. I'm adding 3-7 hard mode to my most hated chapters list. I hate that chapter now cause I can't see the enemies' movements and cause it's a swamp chapter. Why does that chapter have so many dragonmasters? Where were those guys when we were playing with Micaiah's team? It's not that bad on normal mode but I HATE it on hard.
  16. FE7: support conversations, characters, challenging (a little) FE8: branched story, uh...can't think of anything else. I didn't really like this game. FE9: Greil Mercenaries, music (except battle music), characters, support conversations, skills, story, forge weapons, no promotion items needed to promote characters, nice variety of maps FE10: characters, music, battle animations (yeah, I actually LIKE watching them), skills, forge weapons, third tier classes, challenging, characters can support with anyone, bexp, paragon, characters can hold up to 8 items/weapons, switching teams (I just wish the DB and CRK could gain more exp in their chapters), don't need promotion items to promote characters, base conversatons, no zero stat-ups when leveling up, character models (how they're not just different coloured sprites of the same class), beautiful cutscenes, story, anything else I missed relating to the gameplay cause I love this game
  17. I'd like to see remakes of all the earlier FEs or at least the best ones. I don't see Nintendo doing remakes if they don't think they'll sell well. Fire Emblem's not well known outside of people who played SSBM/B, which is also Nintendo's fault for not promoting the series. Maybe if Shadow Dragon sells well, they might remake a few more.
  18. Sephiran tells Ike and Mist Sanaki's full name at the end of PoR.
  19. FE7: Most of the maps look the same, characters and enemies of the same class have the same sprites just different colours, battles animations are slow and the game is kinda boring with them off, not much diversity between enemies, promotion items FE8: Same as FE7. Too easy, don't care for any of the characters, doesn't require as much strategy as other FEs, not much diversity between promoted units since they all end up owning the enemies, fighting the same monsters over and over again gets boring, music is repetitive FE9: if you remove a skill, it's gone forever and you can't give it to someone else, no bar to show how close you are to reaching the next weapon level, battle music is too repetitive, if you give a skill to someone and it doesn't work out for them, the skill is wasted cause you can't reassign it FE10: No support convos, not enough base convos, some characters that could support in PoR don't have any conversations, Micaiah has no authority stars which makes her chapters annoying at times, forced characters into endgame when they aren't even forced onto the maps, most characters have very little availability and need lots of favouritism to be good, imbalance between classes, cat laguz transformation guage goes down too fast All FEs except 10: No battle saves. If you get screwed by the RNG, you either continue with a dead character or restart the whole chapter. Characters can level up without getting a single level up in any stat.
  20. Alternate endgame unlocked after beating the game. You can play as anyone that you left outside the tower and take on countless Disciples of Order members. Ashera ressurects some of the main bosses from the game and you have to fight them again. The fight takes place all across Sienne so it'd be a huge map filled with every enemy class. It could be a survive chapter, however many turns it would normally take to beat the normal endgame chapters. Or it could be a defeat X number of enemies, however many there are in endgame.
  21. The overleveled, unpromoted unit that comes early in the game: Oswin (if you skip Lyn mode), Gatrie, Nolan Overpowered character that can only be used in the final mission: Athos, Giffca, Tibarn, Naesala, Caineghis, Same/similar class characters that join at the same time where one of them has a huge level lead on the other: Marcus/Lowen, Titania/Oscar, Shinon/Rolf, Ranulf/Lyre, Elincia/Marcia, Geoffrey/Kieran/Makalov/Astrid
  22. In FE10, there are only two enemies you can recruit: Aran and Oliver. In FE9, everyone except Ike has 5 or less characters they can support.
  23. Does pegasus knights count as an archtype? They usually give you at least 3 in each game so you can perform triangle attacks.
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