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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. You Scored as Light You scored as having a Light Affinity. You're a kind person underneath, and you care for your friends. Light 70% Water 65% Heaven 55% Anima 45% Thunder 40% Wind 40% Fire 40% Dark 30% I got light on the old quiz and water on the new quiz. I think I'm a combination of both affinities since both of them fit me.
  2. You Scored as Water You're a little cold hearted, but your patience and determination can get you through. Water 78% Light 72% Fire 56% Heaven 53% Dark 50% Thunder 44% Anima 34% Wind 31% It's kinda true, I guess. I don't think I'm cold hearted but sometimes I just don't care about things. If that counts as being cold hearted, it kinda fits.
  3. Boyd and Nolan don't even need Colossus to ORKO most of the enemies. If they can double attack, they WILL one round (except red dragons unless they have beastfoe). Reavers are one of the best classes in the game. I personally think they're the best class but that's just me.
  4. This. I'd rather they not include it than IS executing it poorly.
  5. She should've got them when she was promoted at the end of part 1. Pelleas could give her some stars so she could command the Daein army. But IS probably wanted to screw Micaiah's team by not giving her any.
  6. That does happen if they A support each other in RD.
  7. What chapter? Do you have to use Disarm + Steal?
  8. That's pretty bad. Do they have better growths or stats that compensate for their lack of staves?
  9. There are only 7 enemies in FE10 that use dark magic. The boss of 3-3, two druids in 3-8, 3 druids in 4-1, and Izuka in 4-5. Sanaki is the only magic user that can't use staves (I've only played FEs 7-10 so I could be wrong about this).
  10. That would be an awesome addition to the FE series. It might increase replayability for people who just play through the games a few times.
  11. Nolan gets 2HKOed by tigers, maybe 3 hits. Aran dies in 2 hits. Maybe later they'll be able to survive one more hit but that's still bad cause neither of them are dodging much without an earth support.
  12. I think it'll only work if BK is holding it at the end of 3-6 and Ike attacks him before he moves. I've never tried that myself but that's what I've heard (or something like that). Anyways, I try to get Ike's speed to 27. He might need a speedwing or bexp. As long as he can survive one attack from the BK he'll be fine. Have Haar nearby to rescue Ike. Battle save before attacking BK just in case he gets a critical or activates Eclipse.
  13. I got Sain. It sums me up qutie nicely except for the flirt part.
  14. He probably got pissed off that they weren't giving him the medallion and he'd probably have to take it by force. Except by the time he says this, Daein already has the medallion so I dunno. Maybe he was just mad that they didn't give it to him sooner.
  15. You fight Jill's father in PoR. Rhys talks about his parents in one of his supports with Titania. Marcia and Makalov briefly mention their parents in a base convo in PoR. Tormod and Sothe are orphans (I think). Tormod was raised by Muarim and Sothe grew up on the streets of Nevassa. Micaiah should've gotten at least one authority star (maybe 2) for being the general of the Daein army in part 3.
  16. I usually give Nullify to Haar since there are a few thunder sages in part 3. No one else needs it until part 4 or until you get all 3 falcon knights in 3-11. You could also give it to Janaff or Ulki but they shouldn't be getting hit in the first place.
  17. Ike and Mist's parents are mentioned in their two games but they are kind of important. Boyd, Oscar and Rolf's parents are mentioned in a base conversation in RD where we find out that Rolf is Oscar and Boyd's step-brother. Rolf's mother is in that conversation. Meg's father is playable but we don't know about her mother. Soren and Micaiah were most likely abandoned by their parents They do mention the people that raised them.
  18. Haar cause I don't know the other characters and he's awesome in RD.
  19. I forgot about 4-P. HATE that chapter, mainly cause of all the paladins. That level makes me hate Canto. If you're not prepared, they'll easily gang up on your characters. And most of the reinforcements are paladins. This level wouldn't be as hard if the desert wasn't the next stop on the way to Sienne. Not a lot of characters are good on the desert and there are a lot of bow users on this level which makes it hard on fliers.
  20. Part 1 is rigged. All the unpromoted units die in 2-3 hits. And everyone sucks at dodging without supports. Good luck with part 1. By far the hardest part of the game.
  21. Sanaki's not worth training imo. All the archsages can do her job better and they got staves. If Sanaki could use staves, she'd be worth using. She does do a lot of damage in one hit. Too bad there aren't any tomes that let you double attack like brave weapons. Sanaki would rock with that.
  22. I voted for Volke only cause I don't know any of the other guys. I don't even use Volke.
  23. Part 1 hard mode is a bitch. It gets a lot easier in part 3. Part 2 is ok, I only had trouble on 2-1 and 2-E. I'm using the same characters that I usually use in normal mode with similar strategies. Just make sure you know what you're doing and don't make any careless mistakes. Make good use of Rhys and Mist in part 3. The GMs WILL be taking damage and it's nice to have healers so you don't have to waste turns using vulneraries. Just make sure they're out of enemy range.
  24. Wow, you're Jill must've been a monster. Yeah, Tibarn's chapters are definitely the easiest out of the 3 teams.
  25. I think you're talking about 4-1. 4-2 is Tibarn's group. Yeah, I hate that one too, just cause it's FoW and there are so many reinforcements that you can't even see.
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