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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. That sucks. I didn't even know GBA FEs had support bonuses until I looked it up.
  2. One time I took Meg to endgame cause I wanted to take everyone at least once. It didn't turn out well. She got strength screwed, 28 STR at 20/20/20 and I didn't think of using bexp to make it higher. At least she has Luna. I'm never taking her to endgame ever again.
  3. Do the GBA ones tell you what bonuses you get from supports in the game? It's been so long since I've played them. I did the PoR supports for both the convos and bonuses. I like how there's a little flash in RD that lets you know that your characters are supporting each other and those bonuses have helped me so many times.
  4. I love RD's support system, how anyone can support with anyone and no character is stuck with "bad" support options. Supports also build faster in RD than in other games which is pretty cool. The only thing it's missing is support convos. They should've just given us convos for a few pairs or add more base convos. But the system itself is my fave in the series. I think the ironic thing is RD's support command being converse with a bunch of one-liners and other FEs being support with full conversations. It should be the other way around.
  5. Naesala just got killed by a steel (or was it silver?) bow in 4-3. I didn't give him nullify cause I didn't think he needed it and I gave it to Marcia. The sniper got a critical on Naesala with 7% crit and 47 hit. I hate that chapter so much. In PoR, I've only killed the BK once out of 6 times cause Ike rarely activates Aether in that fight.
  6. Ike cause I don't like Micaiah and Sanaki. Elincia's second. Shinon cause he's awesome and doesn't need as much training as the others. Rolf's second, I have fun training him. Don't like Leo. Tormod for his personality. He could've been so good if he was around for part 3. I have fun giving him a few kills in 4-4. Calill's a very close second for being able to double where the others can't.
  7. Gatrie for his awesome personality and cause I don't really like any of the others. Tie between Edward and Mia but I chose Edward for being one of the few DB members that I actually use. Nephenee cause she's hot even though my luck with her isn't very good. If Aran had a personality, I might've voted for him.
  8. Something similar happened to me. On my second playthrough, everytime I tried attacking Dheginsea with Kieran, he always activated Ire. I also attacked him with Nephenee and he never activated Ire. Neither of them had Nihil so now I only attack him with characters that have Nihil. Thank God for battle saves. In PoR, Shinon got criticaled by a ballistae just when I was almost across the bridge and he died. I tend to get crappy level ups with Soren and Nephenee.
  9. I'm currently playing RD hard mode and Boyd just got 6 speed level ups in a row! Right now, he's at --/20/7 with 34 speed and he's one-rounding like crazy. I gave him the speedwing from 2-3 and no bexp. He's definitely my luckiest character and my fave cause he never lets me down.
  10. If you're going to use Meg in the tower, give her a brave weapon or resolve. It'll at least help her to kill things. Try and get her strength to max out with bexp. She has a 36 strength cap so she should be able to kill things with brave weapons.
  11. My favourite classes: heroes, paladins, wyvern lords, FE9/10 warriors/reavers most hated: thieves/rogues/whispers, cats, red dragons
  12. Tactics for the same reasons as everyone else.
  13. Gatrie got better. He was so slow in PoR now he's got lots of speed in RD. Too bad he has a low speed cap. Tormod, Muarim and CRKs got screwed in availability. Mist got worst cause there aren't any magic swords in RD. Lethe and Ranulf got worse cause their transformation guage runs out way too fast. Ulki and Janaff got better. Tanith got a little worse. She needs a few levels in RD before she can kill anything. At least she could kill things with the Sonic Sword at base level. Soren got worse cause his speed and cap are lower. Rolf got better, he's not crap when he starts out and isn't that hard to train in RD. Sothe's obviously better. Volke's better, he gets more criticals. Oscar and Titania are a little worse.
  14. Haar got OHKOed by a thunder sage on 3-7. The thunder sage had 39 hit and 4 crit, Haar had nullify.
  15. Thanks guys. I think I'll start with FE6. I'll get around to the others once I finish that.
  16. Thanks, I think I'll start with FE4, then I'll play FE5 after (it's the sequel to 4, right?).
  17. I've played all the english ones and I'll play FEDS when it's released in the US. I want to start playing some of the japanese ones so which one do you think I should play first?
  18. I just noticed how short Mist's skirt is. http://serenesforest.net/media/fe10illust/e/mist_en.png How old is she wearing a skirt like that? I'm surprised Ike doesn't harp on her for wearing such a short skirt. Ilyana also wears a short skirt. http://serenesforest.net/media/fe10illust/e/ilyana_en.png It's like these girls don't even care if a little wind blows their skirt up, which I have no problems with ^_^ Sentinel Nephenee also has some fine legs. Calill also shows off her legs. http://serenesforest.net/media/fe10illust/e/calill_en.png
  19. That's not good. You're gonna have a lot of trouble. Just play smart, don't take any unnecessary risks, hope you get RNG blessed, and good luck to you cause you're gonna need a lot of luck.
  20. For me, Mia's smile alone will beat whatever physical features Lucia has. Lucia's hot too but Mia edges her out by a small margin.
  21. Maybe her bases are different as an other unit than when she's a PC?
  22. Good luck with your team. I think you'll be fine for the rest of the game. You might have some trouble fighting the laguz but you'll pull through.
  23. Strength growth +5%, Defence growth +5% That's pretty good imo, at least compared to most of the other bands.
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