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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. I like Mia cause she has a cute smile. But the RNG in my game doesn't like her too much which causes me not to like her as much as I probably would <_<. Why is this poll multiple choice?
  2. It took me a lot longer than I expected. There were so many times where I wanted to quit playing hard mode but I slowly got through it and I'm very proud of myself. After selling a whole bunch of stuff at the endgame base, I was so filthy rich. I forged a bunch of silver weapons and handaxes with max strength, hit and crit. I took ALL 11 GMs to endgame for the third time and benched Sothe, Sanaki, Ena and Kurthnaga on all the maps. I actually finished endgame faster than previous normal playthroughs, probably cause this was my 8th playthrough. Only Boyd and Rhys got to level 20 in third tier cause I spread the exp around everyone I normally use. Top 5: 1. Boyd - 155 kills. The RNG loves Boyd in my game. He maxed speed at ??/20/8 and usually gets awesome level ups. 2. Ike - 108 kills. Not much to say about him except that his bases are awesome and his growths suck. 3. Rolf - 108 kills. Once he got his speed up, he was awesome. 4. Mia - 96 kills. She refuses to be good in my game without adept so I took it off Soren and gave it to her and she was awesome. 5. Haar - 95 kills. Would've been 2nd if I took him to endgame. It was a nice experience though I'm probably not going to play hard again anytime soon. I'll probably take a break from RD to play older FEs. How can Ike double Ashera without Nasir when she has 40 speed and his max speed is 37? And why doesn't she double some of the characters when they attack her? I didn't look at her AS so either she loses a ton of AS using Judge or that's a glitch in the game.
  3. No, we've never seen Lorazieh. Lillia is Reyson's older sister, the one who gave the song and medallion to Elena.
  4. Can it activate in this game using ranged weapons other than bows? I know it can't in RD.
  5. That's interesting. I'll have to try it sometime.
  6. It's tied between Raven and Dart.
  7. Ena does the same thing when you kill her in Ch 21. They're tied for worst but Ilyana's could be a little worse since you can see it more than once.
  8. I've used her a few times just to get support convos. She wasn't that bad but Guy and Karel are better. I don't like Bartre that much so I had to force myself to use him to get all her support convos. I got all her supports now so I probably won't use her anymore.
  9. Edward, Nolan, Jill and Zihark are all good. Aran's also good but his lack of a personality makes me not want to use him. Heal your guys often cause most of them can't take more than 2-3 hits. Ilyana leaves after part 1 and joins a superior team in part 3. She keeps whatever items she has so feel free to stock her up with items to take to the other team.
  10. I never get the seraph robe cause I don't really need it. I've sent all the brothers at least once and it's one of my favourite base convos in the game.
  11. I don't think he does. I took him to endgame once but that was a couple of months ago and I don't remember him saying anything. He does say something in 3-7 if he attacks BK or vice versa.
  12. Same characters that you posted. Add Ludveck to FE10.
  13. I play Brawl when my cousins come over. We have a lot of fun times. If online was as good as offline, this topic would not exist.
  14. I don't really have a main but if I had to pick one, it'd be between Luigi and Yoshi. I can never decide between those two. Ike would be third, Samus 4th, Link 5th. I usually switch between my favourites.
  15. Nope, never needed to. All the lives go back to their default stock when you lock off the game anyways unless you're using save states in a ROM.
  16. Wow, guess I totally copied the ending. Honestly, I wasn't thinking about Star Wars when I typed that.
  17. Lol. It's really similar to yours, which sounds a bit cooler. But how does Ike get BK's helmet to fall off?
  18. Don't use too many characters in the Dawn Brigade. There's not enough exp to go around. Focus on 3-5 of them. If you use prepromotes, give them bronze weapons so they can weaken enemies for your weaker characters. Tauroneo, Nailah, Tormod, Muarim, and Vika leave after part 1 and don't return until later in the game. Try not to use them too much. Play smart and battle save often. This game is harder than most FEs. Have fun experimenting with different characters and skillsets.
  19. In his final moments, BK takes off his helmet to reveal his true identity. Or if he's too injured to remove it himself, he asks Ike to.
  20. I don't like Meg. Too much trouble to make her decent. Sucks without Brave weapons, Luna, and bexp.
  21. 1. Speed 2. Strength 3. Defense 4. HP 5. Skill 6. Luck 7. Resistance 8. Magic (switch magic and strength around for magic users)
  22. Renault. He's only useful for the fortify staff. He sucks at healing and attacking.
  23. Males: Boyd, Ike, Gatrie, Kieran, Edward, Tormod, Raven, Sain, Kent, Eliwood, Harken, Dart Females: Mia, Nephenee, Mist, Titania, Elincia, Lucia, Calill, Jill, Marcia, Lyn, Pricsilla, Fiora Classes: Warriors/Reavers, Wyvern Lords, Sages/Archsages, Heroes, Swordmasters/Trueblades, Paladins
  24. She also has horrible strength. It's like one point higher than Heather's. She can't kill anything without criticals/adept/etc.
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