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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. In FE7, knight lord is the only promoted mounted class that doesn't have 8 move. In FE9, valkyries have 8 move and all other promoted mounts (horses, wyverns, pegasi) have 9 move.
  2. Maybe you're right. I've always thought they were riding a flying unicorn. Now that I think about it, the horn being part of the armor makes a lot more sense.
  3. In FE9, when mounted knights promote, their horses change from brown to white. I think it's like that in other FEs but I'm not sure. When pegasus knights promote, their pegasus gains a horn so they're basically flying unicorns.
  4. I totally agree with this. Anyways, my fave pairings are based off of the conversations and less of the actual support bonuses: Eliwood/Hector, Wil/Rebecca/Dart triangle, Matthew/Guy, Kent/Sain, a few other I can't remember. I like FE10's support system cause you can choose which characters you want to support with each other. The supports also grow at a pretty good speed, ~ 1 level every 2 or 3 chapters. It would've been a lot better with support convos but the system itself is awesome. Only one partner doesn't bug me too much.
  5. I'd be a fire mage/sage cause magic is cool. Priest/bishop would be my second choice. As much as I love axes, I probably wouldn't be on the front lines.
  6. FE1-6, DS: 0 FE7: 6 FE8: 3 FE9: 6 FE10: 7 (will be 8 in a couple of days)
  7. My perfect FE game would take FE10's gameplay and expand on it. FE10's skills, 3 tiers, the base, base conversations, different teams, support system where any character can support with any other character, if they can't have so many support convos they should create ones for characters that are most likely to have interesting conversations, awesome battle scenes and animations, forging weapons, FE7's sidequests, FE8's branched story except a little more complex, awesome trial maps.
  8. That's an awesome idea. I'll go with that for now.
  9. Yeah, weapons like that. It does make it a little easier cause it's usually the best weapon that character can use at that point in the game. It's also super effective against mounted and armored knights which are sometimes hard to kill in the early chapters. Hey, that's another strange fact. That special weapon is usually effective against both mounted and armored knights
  10. No, I try not to kill them unless they end up blocking the way. I usually kill the two crossbow warriors, the horseslayer paladin, the speedwing halberdier and the boss. 3-2, I don't have the patience to lure the boss away so I can kill those enemies. I did it once with Ike but it wasn't worth it to me. Those are the only exceptions. I wish 3-6 and 3-12 weren't defeat X amount of enemies cause the DB really needs that exp. I was disappointed when 3-12 ended so quickly. After seeing all the enemies on the map, it just feels like wasted exp.
  11. The main character usually gets a weapon early in the game that makes the following chapters a little easier.
  12. I love rout missions. It's good exp for your characters. No matter what the objective is, I always turn it into a rout mission. Arrive is basically seize with different characters but there are only like 3 arrive missions in this game. 1-2 I could understand being arrive but it could've also been seize (maybe). 2-2 should've been escape, it would've made more sense for everyone to escape the cave plus you'd get some bexp for having everyone escape. 3-4, I don't know what else it could've been besides arrive.
  13. It was good the first time around but once you know how to play it's annoying for it to come up everytime. It should've been optional. The one thing that stops me from playing Lyn mode. I haven't tried hard yet cause I usually play on normal so I skip Lyn mode just cause of the tutorial.
  14. I know, I was talking about the other FEs. One more thing I hated about FE10 was the amount of characters that were forced onto the maps. I don't use most of the forced characters and I hate having a character on the field that I don't plan on using. It just feels like a waste to have a character on the field and not be used. I'm gonna use characters because I want to use them, not because they're forced.
  15. FE7, FE10, and the one in Brawl were all really good. FE9's was ok.
  16. Begnion is the only country on Tellius that has pegasus knights in its army. Except Elincia and Marcia in Crimea though Marcia is originally from Begnion and I believe Elincia's grandmother was from Begnion as well. All the lords in FEs 7-DS wear blue on some part of their clothes except maybe Eirika but she has blue hair.
  17. Any conversaton involving Kieran or Shinon. Those two are hilarious. Any time a character activates a critical and sends the enemy flying in RD. A couple of support convos from PoR. Marcia and Makalov whenever they talk to each other. Some base convos in RD. Ally units. They're so embarassing it's funny to watch them. Tellius is filled with good times imo. Too many to list.
  18. BK's theme is almost identical to PoR, it's just not as loud. Elincia's theme from PoR is in RD when she drops her weapon in the middle of the battlefield in 3-10. The class change music is definitely different and the recruitment theme is basically the same.
  19. The bands usually don't do much for me no matter who I give them to. Maybe it's cause I play random mode but I don't see much of a change when characters level up. I'm thinking of selling them next time I play.
  20. This is the thing I hate most about most FEs. It sucks to spend an hour or so on a chapter and then having one of your characters die just when you're about to finish due to the RNG being in the enemies favor. It also sucks to make one stupid mistake that leads to a character dying. I can understand hard mode not having any battle saves but normal and easy should.
  21. Late-joining characters that suck offensively: Renault, Syrene, Ena, anyone else from the Japanese FEs
  22. Aren't the actual wyverns (from wyvern riders not lords) red on the field and black in the battles? About Tauroneo, didn't Sothe say something in RD about how only certain generals were allowed to wear that kind of armor? Then again, it is kinda weird that he's wearing white armor in PoR when he's not a general. Maybe they're not attacking cause you're hacking the game or maybe the enemies are actually smarter in those games.
  23. Oh ok, I'll change it to "most of the time" then. I wish the enemies were like that in more recent games.
  24. You never get to see Phoenicis or Kilvas besides the castle shots, probably since they're never visited. Parts 1, 2, and 4 in RD take place in one country each except two chapters in part 1 being in a desert between Daein and Hatari. The beginning of part 4 (when you're choosing your teams) takes place in Daein. The rest takes place in Begnion. In PoR, some Daein enemies are red on the field but are black in the battle scenes (most noticably soldiers and wyvern riders). In PoR, Jill is part of the Daein army but wears bright pink armor as opposed to black (maybe cause she's recruitable). Similarly, in RD Aran wears blue armor instead of red (colour of Begnion), probably for the same reasons as Jill. Most of the time the enemies will attack any character in their range, even if they end up dying or are ganged up on in the next turn. Ally units are usually significantly weaker than your team and have similar "tactics" as the enemies.
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