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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. After playing RD, I'm guessing those two were Kyza and Lyre since neither of them appear in this game. Lyre is mentioned in one of Ranulf and Lethe's support convos. The tiger is a similar colour to Kyza and Lyre is Lethe's twin so it's possible that it could be them.
  2. You're really lucky with Leo's speed. He's got a 35 speed growth so most of us have low speed Leos. Even if he had good speed, I'm not sure I would use him cause he's an archer/sniper. I just hate the fact that they can't really do much on the enemy phase. You could buy him a crossbow but that costs a lot of money and I don't think it's worth it.
  3. My fave characters are Luigi, Yoshi, Ike, Samus and Link. I also like using Snake and Zelda, sometimes Ness, Lucas Wolf, Fox and Diddy.
  4. Don't use Lucia. She gains very little experience (like 1 exp per kill) and doesn't return until part 4 chapter 2. If you want, you could use her as a meatshield cause she has awesome avoid. Only use Nealuchi, Mordecai, and Lethe when/if you have to (to weaken enemies) cause they also gain very little exp. Mordecai's an awesome tank.
  5. I think you should try out each character at least once. Everyone can be at least decent with the right combination of skills, supports, strategy, bexp, stat boosters, training, etc. Whatever you do in this game, just have fun with it. If you're not failing the missions, you're doing something right.
  6. A combination of looks and personality. Looks is the main deciding factor followed by personality. Stats mean very little to me if I don't care about the characters. I usually find a way to make my faves good so I don't have to use characters that I don't care about that are statistically "better".
  7. Aran's awesome in normal mode. Cats do minimal damage to him, maybe no damage if his defense is high, and he takes less damage from tigers than most of, if not all the DB. I do think he's a little overrated cause he's not very good at dodging and he's so slow without bexp. He's an awesome tank in normal mode. I totally agree with that last part of your post about not needing bexp > needing bexp to fix stats. Sometimes, I wish there wasn't so much bexp in this game (on easy and normal) cause it's a cheap way to make characters better.
  8. I play random too. Boyd usually gets speed blessed in my game. His resistance is still horrible but it's easy to get around that.
  9. Tibarn cause he can fly. Caineghis is a close second. I try not to use them cause they make the game way too easy.
  10. Pretty much everything's been said. Focus on a few members. I usually go with Edward, Nolan, Jill, and Zihark or Aran. Laura and Micaiah for healing, Sothe for stealing, Leonardo and Ilyana for weakening enemies if needed.
  11. Clothes, money and a best buy gift card. There wasn't much that I wanted. I won $10 in the lottery card my grandma gave me.
  12. leopold, that was an awesome video. Nice strategy. Vykan, you are a speed demon. You know exactly what you're doing cause it only takes you a second or less to move your guys. Really impressive. Both of your vids are awesome. I probably couldn't even do half the things you guys have done in your vids. Well, maybe I could but it would take a lot longer and wouldn't be as impressive as your vids are. Keep up those insane videos.
  13. Oh, 3-12. Turn wise, it's pretty short. Time wise, it's quite long. I don't like the allies cause they do stupid things but its fun to watch them. Allies and other units take a while to finish their turns and that is annoying.
  14. Why not use both? Reavers are awesome.
  15. I personally dont use either of them but I like Janaff's personality better. I forgot which of them was better when I played as them.
  16. I like a lot of the chapters but these are my top faves: 1-7 might be my fave part 1 chapter maybe cause of the level design 2-E fun throwing ranged weapons down on the enemies and defending is awesome 3-3 burning things is a unique objective and I like the level itself 3-5 fun defend chapter, GMs FTW 3-9 nice level, a little frustrating at times but I still like it 3-13 fun defend chapter and DB gets to shine 4-4 gives lots of exp, I like the mansion 4-5 also gives lots of exp, killing laguz is hella fun 4-E awesome way to end the game Any level where you can get a height advantage on the enemy is awesome. 3-E would be up there if it wasn't for the stupid other units.
  17. Marcia's good too. You're last sentence sums up my feelings about generals in this game.
  18. Well, it's just our playstyle and its different from yours. I've never really liked warriors either (as a class they were good but I didn't care about most of them as characters) but I like Boyd. He fits right into my strategy. Yeah, Edward does take some work to be good but he's good once he gets going. Of course, this is just my opinion.
  19. So would there be timed attacks where you press the attack button at the right moment to do more damage? It sounds like an awesome system. Sorry, I missed the smash attacks on the first post. How about skill points? They'd be like badge points from Paper Mario and would determine how many skills a character can equip. Maybe after every level up, you can choose to increase HP, smash points or skill points by a set amount like in SMRPG and Paper Mario.
  20. FE10 bexp for being able to make anyone good or at least decent and "fixing" low stats.
  21. They are that bad. They don't miss in FE10 though (at least I haven't seen anyone miss a sleeping person in that game). In FE10, does the BK still use warp powder to travel around? If he does, why does he if it drains his strength? If he doesn't, what does he use to teleport? If he uses rewarp staves, why doesn't he have at least an A rank (rewarp's rank) in staves? In FE10, why are Sothe, Sanaki, Kurthnaga and Ena forced into endgame if they're not forced onto any of the maps? They could've just changed the dialogue if you didn't choose to bring them to endgame and there's no point of forcing them in if you're not even going to use them.
  22. I wish. Honestly, I wish all the forced characters could be switched out in place of other characters cause sometimes I don't feel like using Ike and Micaiah and I don't use the other 4. Herons are okay since you can choose between the 3. It's stupid how they give us 70 something characters and we're only allowed to choose 10 of them for the final mission. It wouldn't be so bad if the final mission wasn't 5 chapters.
  23. That's what happened on my last two playthroughs and I think its cause he gets a lot of kills in his chapters. He's also got all of part one save 1-9 to get a lot of kills. Edward's one of my fave DB members.
  24. Sometimes the 3-13 archer is stupid enough to get himself surrounded by all 3 laguz and he'll die if he's not healed. He's a combination of bravery and stupidity. Him jumping down into the laguz pit is one of my fave moments of the chapter. Why is 3-13 archer top of the epic tier? Is it because there's a high chance that he won't die while the others are guaranteed to die? I'm guessing BK's only lower than him cause of his embarassing "fight" with Ike in 4-E-2.
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