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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Oh ok. I just looked at the map and it does sound really easy. Oscar doesn't have 3 range, does he? I'm thinking if Oscar doesn't have 3 range, he and Boyd could have Pass and the three brothers could get into position so Rafiel can vigor them. Boyd and Oscar go right down to the bottom of the screen right beside the bishops (other units can shove them if needed) and Rolf can use his 3 range to kill Levail. Wait, Oscar can use longbows!? I thought only characters with bows as their main weapon could use them (that's how it was in FE9 at least).
  2. Yeah I know but just cause Sigurd's the best (I don't know, I haven't played his game) doesn't mean that everyone has to vote for him.
  3. I picked the fire dragon. It's a pretty difficult battle without healers, Luna, and Athos. Fomortiis is insanely easy but I like how he looks. I haven't played FE6.
  4. Isn't this a FAVORITE lord topic, not a best lord topic? I see no problem with people (myself included) voting for Ike and other lords.
  5. Another insane video by the crazy ass mastermind, leopold. If your taking requests, I'd like to see you triangle attack Levail in the least amount of turns possible. Keep up the awesome videos.
  6. Ena's child seeks out Soren for revenge for what Ashnard did to Rajaion. Volug, Nailah and Rafiel return to Hatari and confirm with the others that there are countries on the other side of the desert. Hatari's part of a massive empire and they plan on invading Tellius.
  7. Shinon. He's got some of the funniest conversations in FE9 and FE10.
  8. I'm finishing my current playthrough of FE9 then I'll play FE10. I might go back to FE7 but I'm not sure. It depends how I'm feeling cause I don't want to stop in the middle of a playthrough.
  9. Ranulf has to fight Soren and Aimee for Ike. Ike will break all their hearts when he reveals that he fell in love with a girl that helped him when he was lost. They'll kill the girl and then kill each other fighting over Ike. Ike moves to Goldoa so he can stay neutral.
  10. Damage from catapults is based on a character's defense so it probably works like crossbows. Either those rocks are soft or the characters are wearing more armor than they appear cause it barely makes a dent in a character's HP unless they have really low defense. Having a boulder run over you only takes off 10 HP. Seriously, you should be severely injured, if not dead. Maybe they're soft boulders? Why are crossbows so weak? Having an arrow fired at you at top speed should take off as much damage as a normal bow, maybe a little more/less.
  11. I think IS hates Tormod. He got screwed in both FEs.
  12. Jill and Haar realized what they were doing was wrong and just remained friends. Lucia eventually married Bastian cause she couldn't resist him any longer. Ike never left Tellius. He just got lost. Boyd and Mist still marry even if they don't A support. Lyre asks Ranulf out, he accepts. They later decide that it's not gonna work cause they each have feelings for someone else...
  13. Thanks, it makes more sense now. Why don't catapults do more damage? Assuming that a pretty big rock is thrown on top of the characters, you'd think it hurt a lot more especially since most of them don't wear helmets. Maybe they're soft rocks? If ballistae can break, why can't catapults?
  14. The CRKs also have only 3 chapters to level up in before they join the GMs and they don't get a lot of exp in those chapters. Their availability screws them. At least it's not as bad as Tormod's group. IS should've thought more about character availability.
  15. Where do bow users get all the arrows from? It seems like they have an unlimited supply of arrows. Why don't you have the option of buying catapults and ballistae so you can field them to attack enemies instead of stealing theirs? How do ballistae run out of ammo if bows and catapults never run out of ammo, or, why don't bows and catapults ever run out of ammo?
  16. Ike cause he's an awesome commander and his team kicks ass. Greil Mercenaries FTW!
  17. I missed twice with 91 hit. Not consecutively, but Gatrie attacked the same thunder sage on 3-7 with a hand axe. He missed the first hit and hit on the second. The same thing happened on the enemy phase.
  18. I leave them on the DB cause almost all the GMs are good and they don't need any more units. A lot of the GM chapters don't even allow you to have the full team on the field so if I brought Jill and Zihark over, I'd have to bench two more of my characters when I already have trouble deciding who to use on the maps. Plus, I don't use many DB members in the first place so they'll help out the DB more than the GMs.
  19. But in 4-E-2, BK is listed as the commander. Do Levail's stars actually give accuracy and avoid bonuses to the enemies or is it just for show? About the forced characters comment, I meant compared to other FEs, there are more characters that are forced onto the map in FE10. In previous FEs, it was just the main lord but FE10's got quite a few that didn't need to be forced. I found it kind of pointless that Sanaki/Naesala/Nailah/etc. had authority stars but they didn't affect the game. I know why they have them, I'm just disappointed that their stars don't help out the team.
  20. Hey, welcome to the forest. Your vids are awesome!

  21. I'm pretty sure it is. I usually skip the memory scenes cause I can't take the awful VAs.
  22. The AI's always been stupid when it comes to ally units. I feel like the AI just throws their players out there without any real strategy and they end up getting killed by the enemies. It's funny to watch them get killed for their stupid mistakes and lack of strategy.
  23. I was playing chapter 4-4 in FE10. A swordmaster brought Titania down to 4 HP and she activated Sol on the counter. She would've died if that didn't happen. One time, on chapter 4-1, Rhys was attacked by a swordmaster and he dodged both times. On ch. 4-5, Bastian survived 1 tiger and 2 cats while he was holding a mend staff. A lot of my characters have had near death experiences.
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