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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Why don't you use Aran to bait the boss? He takes minimal damage from the wind edge. Then you can thani him on your turn. Nolan can get doubled in this chapter? That's news to me, besides myrmidons, he should have enough speed to not get doubled by anything else unless he's been speed screwed. I don't think it's that hard as long as you know what you're doing.
  2. Dude, we're not debating here. I know how good Haar is. A lot of people don't play by tiers and if they want to use Kieran or Titania, they're gonna need the Brave Axe too, maybe even more than Haar. Haar might be the best candidate for it but he's not the only one that needs it.
  3. Two convos from RD that sum up my feelings about Makalov. It's not the full base convo but just the parts about Makalov. 1. From 2-3 "Calill's Shop" Calill: Good grief... That man's an embarrassment. Are you sure he's a Royal Knight? He's like a pig pretending to fly. Why not put a dog in armor and call it "sir"! Astrid: Miss Calill, that's not very nice! I think Sir Makalov deserves a little more respect than that. Calill: Are you blind, Astrid? It's the night before a mission, and that fool is stinking drunk. Probably gambled all his money away, too. And you! You follow him around mooning over him and cleaning up his messes! Do you have no pride, girl? What the man needs is someone to slap some sense into him. Perhaps I should-- Astrid: I've chosen to look after Sir Makalov! Nobody's forced me to do it. And it's really none of your business! Calill: You know, I'm really starting to wonder about your "good upbringing." Of all the men out there, what possessed you to place your bets on such a shabby prospect? Astrid: Wh-what did you just say!? There are no gentlemen in this land half as fine as Sir Makalov! Geoffrey: Oh my... Me: What did she just say!? That girl is so delusional. 2. From 3-9 "Calill's Shop" Astrid: Look at how calm Sir Makalov is. He never gets irritated or upset. It's the mark of a true knight. A good knight must know how to keep his cool on the battlefield. Marcia: Um. But... we're in a bar. Astrid: Oh, I hope to be as good a knight as Sir Makalov someday! How I dream of that day! Makalov: Heh. Marcia: I don't believe this. Makalov: ...You don't wanna end up like me, baby. Marcia: Oh, I completely agree! Who'd want to end up a clown-haired chowderhead? I lost a lot of respect for Astrid between these two base convos. I got this from FEPlanet. Here are all the base convos from RD.
  4. One-way cause some of the classes are already unbalanced. Branched promotions is just creating a furthur imbalance. I'd like to see a balanced FE game (no classes being absolutely superior/inferior to others) but sadly, I don't think that will happen any time soon.
  5. Tellius cause I love a lot of the characters in those games. I also love RD's gameplay and support system. I haven't played any of the japanese ones. And for some reason, the places that they traveled stuck in my head unlike in FE 7 & 8 where I didn't really know the cities/towns/etc. that they traveled through. And the music wasn't as repetitive as in the other two games.
  6. What about Titania and Soren (and maybe Mist)? They're kinda key characters but they're not forced onto every map. And besides story reasons, I don't see the point of forcing certain characters onto maps/teams if you don't plan on using them on those maps. I guess I'm just confused why there are so many forced characters in this game compared to past FEs. Usually, only the main character is forced but there are about a dozen or so characters that are forced in this game and some of them don't have a big impact on the story.
  7. I hate that chapter so much. I don't care for a lot of the characters who are actually useful on that chapter so it always takes me a while to finish it too. You got Naesala killed in 4-P? That sucks a lot cause 4-3 is really hard to finish fast without him. Good luck on 4-4. Don't forget to kill ALL the mages, especially the fire sage near the stairs where the bishops put you to sleep and the one with meteor.
  8. Why are Astrid and Makalov a pair? What does she see in that guy? Why are Jill and Haar a pair? They're probably 20+ years apart. That is SO wrong. Why is Ranulf forced onto every part 3 map that he's available in (except 3-5)? Why is Sigrun forced onto every map she's playable in before endgame? Why are so many of Micaiah's team in part 4 forced onto the map? Almost half of the available spots are used up by forced characters. Why is Volug forced onto every part 1 map that he's available in? What's the point of locking certain characters to certain teams in part 4 if you don't even need to use them on those maps? I'm talking about characters like Soren, Titania, Mist, Lucia, Tauroneo, Ranulf, etc. Why is Tauroneo forced onto 3-12 and 3-13? Yeah, I hate forced characters cause I'd rather use someone else over them.
  9. He moves?! I've never seen him move but I've only played on normal. As for the seize square, I just let whoever I'm not using much on that chapter stay on the square. I think the ravens are more concerned about the treasure than who's guarding the square.
  10. I must've done something seriously wrong on my last playthrough cause Kieran was only level 13 when he joined the GMs. He's usually higher but for some reason, he turned out a lot lower. If you're going for max bexp in 2-3, none of them should be gaining a level. Why would you put Kieran up against swordmasters? There are 3 lance users on his team who can take care of them. And the archers are easy. Kieran's got hand axes so he can counterattack. Why are you brining Oscar into this? We all know that all the CRKs will be inferior to the GMs when they join but being inferior doesn't mean they're unusable. Stick paragon on them, use bexp, give them some mooch kills, whatever. It's easy to catch them up. I got Marcia and Calill to grow 5-6 levels each on 3-11. Sure they need favouritism but its the game's fault for giving them such horrible availability. You do what you can to get them up to par.
  11. I'd say the hardest part 1 chapter is 1-E. I have trouble beating it fast without using Nailah, BK, or other overpowered units. One time, I got so impatient that I just said "F*ck it" and used a bunch of prepromos to clear the chapter. Plus Jarod has 3 authority stars which makes things even more difficult. 1-8 is also annoying cause you only get to pick 4 characters to bring on the map (everyone else is forced) and its really hard to save all the prisoners. The most I've saved is 4 on normal (I've never played easy or hard). And every character forced onto that chapter doesn't even gain a lot of exp except Micaiah. Plus the only flyer isn't even playable on that chapter and Vika has to wait till she transforms before she can rescue the prisoners. Hate that chapter. 2-E is kinda hard but I got a good strategy for it and its worked everytime. I think it gets harder when the CRKs arrive cause most of them have trouble doing decent damage to armors and a lot of enemies use range weapons. They basically have to use ranged weapons so they can counter on the enemy phase but javalins and wind edges are weak and handaxes are somewhat inaccurate in Kieran's hands. Still a fun chapter though its a bit time consuming.
  12. I saw that and it was amazing. I could never do something like that.
  13. You don't get the Brave Axe until 3-6.
  14. I'd give the Brave Axe to Haar, Kieran, or Titania. Who aren't Boyd and Nolan one-rounding besides red dragons and bosses? Brave axes are weak against enemies on defense tiles so they're better off using Urvan/Tarvos. Yeah. Colossus can activate more often but they don't need the brave axe as much as the other three do.
  15. Kieran (surprisingly) has the same speed growth as Haar and one less max speed. It's probably better to give it to Haar but if you're using Kieran, he needs it too. I'm not sure if Kieran could oneround as efficiently as Haar can with the Brave Axe so it might be best in Haar's hands. Red Fox of Fire already typed something similar to this so you can ignore this if you want.
  16. Yeah but there's like two in the whole game. Besides that, there isn't any point to having a magic stat for nonmagic users. Imbue's a good skill but they could've made it work differently. Everytime a nonmagic character levels up magic, I feel like that point could've been put to better use in another stat.
  17. Forging is not going to make Haar faster if his speed is low. He's got a 30 speed growth that's gonna catch up with him sometime in part 4 and he'll have trouble doubling some enemies. He's also having trouble doubling in endgame without brave weapons cause of his 32 speed cap. He's awesome for the rest of the game but he struggles a bit in part 4.
  18. Damn, I don't know which one to choose. I haven't played any of the japanese ones. The 4 released in english all have their sad moments. For me, its between FE7 and FE9, maybe 9 gets the edge cause I actually got teary eyed during Greil's death and I rarely cry when I play video games.
  19. Why Elincia and Mist can get SS in swords but not staves and they start with a higher level in staves than swords. Why Sothe couldn't promote in PoR but starts promoted in RD while Jill and Ilyana are the only PoR characters that start unpromoted. Why non magic users have a magic stat in RD when there aren't any magic weapons. Why non magic users have a magic stat in PoR when most of the characters have low magic and do more damage with normal weapons. Why magic users have a strength cap that is higher than it needs to be. It should only be as high as the heaviest tome they can use. Why Boyd starts so far from his tier 2 caps compared to most characters (on average, he only maxes HP before he promotes). Why Titania could use lances in PoR but not in RD. Why most of the characters have horrible availability in RD and can only be useful with Paragon and bexp. Why Laura is a priest with a 70 speed growth. Why Sanaki can use all magic except dark but can't use staves (Is she the only magic user that can't use staves?) Why Pelleas starts with a B in staves after promotion but the other archsages start with E staves (they can only use heal).
  20. Oh yeah, I forgot about Shinon. Now that I think about it, I'd probably give that award to Shinon cause he sucked ass (when he rejoins the team) in PoR. Both of them have improved a lot and now they're both awesome. Haar's overrated cause he has trouble onerounding in part 4 where his 30 speed growth finally catches up to him and has trouble onerounding in endgame cause of his 32 speed cap. He's awesome for the rest of the game but he can't be the best if he can't consistantly oneround enemies. He's one of the best but not THE best.
  21. I didn't think he was that bad in PoR. Maybe compared to Jill, he looked like shit but he's pretty good with brave weapons. He wins the award for "Most Improved Character".
  22. Nice responses, Destiny Hero. About the Urvan thing, that doesn't stop Wishblade from being ranged. Urvan has only 2 more Wt than Wishblade. Urvan could've been like a boomerang like the other ranged axes. Where does the Wishblade go when they throw it? Here's some more: Why do Rolf and Aran have the highest strength growths in the game? Why does Boyd have a higher defense growth than most of the characters despite wearing less armor/clothes? (no complaints there cause his muscles are so f'ing hot!) Why don't laguz gain the same exp as beorc even when they do less damage than them? Why was Ike made the general of the Crimean army? Seriously, a random 17 year old mercenary being in charge of an entire army makes no sense at all. Why does it take forever to level up laguz strike levels, especially when they can't use any other weapons? Why do mounted units gain -2 move while indoors?
  23. Mercenary/Hero/Vanguard Fighter/Warrior/Reaver (only like them in FE9 & 10 where they're my fave class) Pirate/Berserker Cavalier/Paladin Wyvern Knight/Draco Knight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord I'd say overall, Reaver is probably my fave class. They one-round anything they double with steel poleaxes and handaxes. That is really impressive.
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