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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. I usually have Boyd one rounding almost everything by chapter 5 or 6. Ike has trouble one rounding some enemies and he really isn't the best until he promotes. My Boyd usually turns out to be one of the best characters. His defense is a little shady but as long as he survives I don't really care cause he brings death to anyone he faces.
  2. Yeah they are expensive (8000G each) but you can find some along the way if you're lucky. If I have some lying around, I'll use them on her, otherwise I won't bother with her light magic.
  3. Yeah, can't do it without arms scrolls or discipline. Her damage output is so meh after part 1 that I usually just make her a healer. Those tomes (Ellight & Shine) are expensive and I don't think it's really worth it to raise her magic level.
  4. I ran away on my first PT cause I didn't want to lose on my first round. Didn't beat him until my 5th playthrough. I was close on my 3rd but the damn bishops healed the BK. That battle is supposed to be epic and its based on pure luck. I've gotten Luna a few times but my Ike always had Miracle.
  5. Wow, I misread the topic title. I voted for Boyd cause he's my fave but Ike is probably the best. Seriously, high HP, strength, defense, speed, skill, AND resistance (maybe its not that high but its better than most) and you got a character that just screams broken. Plus Aether and Ragnell and he'll never die. And that's why he's not my fave (I don't like broken characters). Anyways, Ike is the best because of his broken stats.
  6. Yay, I'd like a second sequel too. Mainly because there wasn't any character development in RD and I'd like to know a little more about all the characters. I like a lot of the characters and I'll miss them when we move to another continent (I'm not ready to move on just yet).
  7. Hmm, I gotta try that when I get to endgame. He turned out good for me once but I usually just have him on the field supporting Micaiah and doing nothing or I just bench him. Yeah, I share Lyle's opinion about Sothe but you have some good points. If it were up to me, I wouldn't take anyone forced into endgame except Ike.
  8. If Ike was more broken, I'd probably hate him. I hate broken units who make everyone else seem crappy in comparison. Ike is already broken (at least compared to most of the characters). He's got high stats in everything except resistance. He promotes late but it doesn't matter cause he's onerounding everything except generals as a level 1 vanguard. Giving him a fourth tier would make him a god (if he wasn't one already).
  9. I'm in the same boat. I like him as a unit but I wouldn't say he's one of the best. He gets more playtime than most of the other sages but the others could be just as good as him if given a chance.
  10. It could be true but besides that support convo, the brothers never interact with Tauroneo so they probably wouldn't know. I think that if he met Boyd or Oscar then we'd know for sure. I'm in the middle on this one.
  11. I can't stand any of them. I'd kill them all then I wouldn't have to choose.
  12. He's okay but he comes too late in the game to be of much use. Yeah, he's useful in the chapter he joins but I'd rather use the other characters that I've been playing the game with. I took him to endgame once and he was only good against generals and dragons. Yeah, I'm not a big mage fan mainly cause most of them are slow and can't double attack.
  13. Wow how long did you spend on those calculations? I usually just go by what's in the game but I guess it's intersting.
  14. I usually put all fliers and mages on Micaiah's team. It doesn't really matter to me who's on the other two teams since most characters can't go to endgame anyways.
  15. He's still searching for herons but they'd probably fly FAR away after one look at him ;)
  16. Lol, that was Oliver, wasn't it? I will say that he is the best looking senator (Sephiran not included) but that's not saying much.
  17. Ironically, he's not so "beautiful" himself IMO.
  18. The question might be confusing and I wasn't sure how to ask it but you can answer it something like this: Affinity: Names of fave characters with said affinity It's also kind of like "who do you play as" but grouped into their respective affinities. This IS NOT a best affinity topic. Dark: Calill, Soren Earth: Ike, Nolan, Oscar, Zihark Fire: Boyd, Geoffrey, Marcia, Mia, Rhys, Tormod Heaven: Elincia Light: Edward, Gatrie, Titania Thunder: Jill, Shinon Water: Mist Wind: Haar, Kieran, Nephenee, Rolf From that list, I use more fire, earth and wind and I didn't even realize that. You might be surprised by how much of each affinity you use.
  19. It's alphabetical Hot: Boyd (hottest), Ike Kinda Hot: Edward, Gatrie, Geoffrey, Kieran, Oscar, Rhys, Tormod OK: Aran, Bastian, Haar, Janaff, Kurthnaga, Leonardo, Muarim, Naesala, Nasir, Nolan, Ranulf, Reyson, Rolf, Sephiran, Shinon, Soren, Stefan, Tibarn, Volke, Volug, Zelgius, Zihark Not Hot: Brom, Caineghis, Gareth, Giffca, Kyza, Mordecai, Pelleas, Rafiel, Renning, Skrimir, Sothe, Tauroneo, Ulki Ugly: Devdan/Danved, Dheginsea, Izuka, Makalov, Nealuchi, Oliver There are so many guys in this game and I don't really care about a lot of them in that way.
  20. It took me 5 playthroughs but my Ike finally beat the Black Knight. He's never been lucky in that fight. BK usually activates Luna at least once and Ike rarely activates Aether in that fight. I was so happy when I finally beat him and so pissed at IS for making this battle 100% luck.
  21. I've never said no cause I like Ike's speech. It's pretty much word for word what Greil said when they split up in Gallia. At that moment, you really see how much he's grown since the beginning of the game.
  22. Don't you get another nosferatu later in the game (maybe in a chest in ch. 22)? It doesn't really matter anyways since only Rhys can use it but if you're not using him you could sell it for some gold. Anyways, ch. 17 is pretty epic. It's a nice way to get some lower units caught up. Always takes me 2-3 hours to beat but its fun.
  23. They're not that hard to avoid but sometimes they are annoying when they land a critical. I just use Ike or another high defense unit to take the ballista hits and try to kill the archer/sniper that's using it.
  24. I guess for Micaiah and Sothe it would be okay cause both of them are pretty mediocre in endgame. Maybe they'd actually be able to oneround enemies without thier mastery skills. No to Ike cause you might as well call him Jesus if you give him a 4th tier. He's already good as he is with his only weakness being resistance (even then, it doesn't matter much since he dodges a lot).
  25. Yeah, that's pretty much it. She's only useful in part 1 cause of Thani one rounding mounted knights and armored knights. Past that and she can't oneround anything except untransformed laguz (which most of your characters should be able to anyways). She's awesome as a healer in endgame but any stave user can be awesome if they can use physic. If she wasn't forced, I probably wouldn't use her much.
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