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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. I've killed Kurthnaga before but I forgot how I did it. Maybe with Haar and Boyd.
  2. FE10 Magic system, third tier classes, base prep, height advantage/disasdvantage, skills, bexp, forging weapons, mastery skills, promoting without weapons, support system (anyone can support with anyone), split teams giving you a chance to play as characters that you probably wouldn't, ability to see enemies movement range while you move your characters, there's more but I can't think of them right now. A lot of that stuff was in PoR but RD improved on almost everything gameplay wise and that made it my fave FE game. Also, the victory poses when a character kills an enemy was a nice touch except that you couldn't watch the whole pose unless your character was leveling up.
  3. So if Greil met Elena in Daein and they stayed in Daein, maybe Soren and Ike would still be friends. Soren would be a lot more happy unless he got annoyed by Almedha's overprotectiveness. The Dawn Brigade would be part of the Greil Mercenaries. Boyd, Oscar & Rolf would've died since Greil gave them a job, food, shelter, etc. Daein would've won the Mad King's war since they got Greil, Ike & the Black Knight. Mia, Kieran, Nephenee, Brom & Sephiran would've died in a prison cell. Shinon & Gatrie wouldn't be "wasting" their talents. Rhys would be living with his parents and unable to find work, maybe dying of hunger, etc. They'd all be calling laguz "sub-humans" & "half-breeds" I thought Soren's tactical genius came from him being kinda like Micaiah's powers. Good thing Greil left Daein cause most of the GMs would be dead (Greil Mercenaries FTW). Hell, most of the characters from Crimea would probably be dead. Oh wait, that means that Daein would conquer Tellius, the Dark God would be released cause Daein would invade every country, and Ashera would destroy them all in the end of Path of Radiance. Ashera would create a new world with new characters and Radiant Dawn wouldn't have happened. Yeah, I like how things happen for a reason cause we wouldn't be playing this awesome game.
  4. Holy shit, your Mist got strength blessed! Yeah, Shinon's bases suck but its only a matter of time til his awesome growths kick in.
  5. One of my fave Greil Mercenary moments is in PoR when they're deciding what to do with Elincia. Greil wanted to hear from everyone and it really felt like they were a team. When Ike takes over, he only wants to hear from Titania & Soren as if the other opinions don't really matter. Yeah, they wouldn't be able to do that for every mission but once in a while it would've been nice to hear what the others had to say. Instead, its kinda like the Ike/Titania/Soren show and the others are nonexistant until the battle starts. Whoever created this topic spelt mercenary wrong.
  6. Soren's good but I think most of the other sages could be good too if they had more playtime. As for his personality, its a bit depressing but he does have a good reason for the way that he is. My opinion on the magic users: Micaiah - useful in part 1, after that, she's basically a healer cause she can't one round anything Ilyana - I'd use her more if she didn't take exp away from the DB and she comes in underleveled when she joins the GMs Tormod - He should've been playable in part 3 cause he could've been awesome Calill - I like using her, even if she's a bit underleveled compared to the rest of her team Soren - Arguably the best cause he has the most time to grow and his stats are pretty good although he is a little slow sometimes Bastian - He's alright, he's just slow and can't really one round anything except generals, dragons, and a few other laguz, which is okay when he joins but other units need the exp more Pelleas - Haven't used him that much but I'll use him on my next playthrough and see how he does. Dark magic looks so cool and its powerful so I expect him to be pretty good. Sanaki - She's slow but she's really powerful. I'll use her if I feel like it if only to weaken the enemies for others to kill.
  7. Devdan, Sothe, most prepromotes I dunno. No ones really crappy unless you don't train them. Sothe is only crappy cause he can't promote. Use anyone that has low strength, speed, and defense (the three most important stats IMO).
  8. There aren't any scary moments though if I had to pick one it'd be Karel's support convo with Karla. http://serenesforest.net/fe7/support/029.html He's a fucking psycho.
  9. Iron/Steel (name of weapon) cause I'm not good at coming up with names. For magic, it's just Fire, Thunder, Wind & Light.
  10. The Reed Brothers: Lloyd & Linus. I wish they were playable characters cause both of them were hard bosses and they both kick ass.
  11. Does anyone watch The Amazing Race? There's a guy named Dallas who's racing with his mom (Toni) and his personality and looks (minus the green hair) remind me of Boyd and what he'd be like if he was alive in the real world.
  12. If I had to pick one hottest guy, it would definately be Boyd. Have you seen his character artwork (especially his Radiant Dawn one)? That guy could honestly make me go gay in a heartbeat. Other hot guys include Ike, Gatrie, Kieran, Rhys, Edward, Tormod, Raven, Eliwood, Harken, Kent, Sain, Matthew, Lloyd, Linus, can't think of anyone else. Anyone wanna start another hottest girls thread cause my list would be hella long (most of the girls in Radiant Dawn are drop-dead gorgeous ;) )
  13. I'd say lions > wolves > tigers > cats but I'd rather use beorc units over laguz.
  14. I've never gotten Nasir in PoR cause my Ike is never lucky enough to KO the Black Knight. Going by RD, Nasir is so much better. Ena does shit damage to enemies. Honestly, she is so weak and slow, she can't one-round anything. She's only useful for Blood Tide and sometimes Boon but she sucks against everything.
  15. Yeah, it's really shocking to see the enemy land a critical cause it rarely happens. Didn't know ranged swords couldn't critical in GBA (haven't played that in a long time).
  16. I think they can all turn out good if you put the effort into them. Of course, that all depends on if you want to use them in the first place. Anyways, I just use the characters I like and forget all about averages. They're more like guidelines anyways.
  17. Just finished my 5th playthrough. Here's my latest top 5: 5. Micaiah 4. Ike 3. Heather (brought her to endgame, she sucked) 2. Boyd (My fave character, didn't bring him to endgame) 1. Haar (1st place by 2 kills! Also didn't bring him to endgame) It was fun watching Boyd and Haar dominate part 3 and part 4.
  18. That's a well balanced team though it might be a little too easy if they're all supporting each other.
  19. I haven't gotten bored of it either. This game is way too fun for a little RNG screwage to ruin it. It makes things more interesting anyways though if it happens on a consistant basis I could see that as annoying. But it all works out in the end.
  20. This looks like an interesting playthrough. Hope you're having fun with it.
  21. I'm finishing up my 5th Radiant Dawn playthrough. I'm thinking of playing Path of Radiance after I'm done or I might take a break for a while. I've been playing regularly and loving every second.
  22. Axes for sure. Any axe user with enough speed will have no trouble one rounding enemies.
  23. Can't any weapon critical when ranged? The chances are extremely low but it is possible and it's really shocking when it does happen.
  24. That is exactly what I thought the first time I scrolled through the map.
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