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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. That's the solution to every chapter.
  2. How many times have you played through this game? Maybe it's just not your type of game. Don't force yourself to like it if you don't. Though if you still want to like it, try out some of the suggestions that everyone's throwing at you.
  3. This game is awesome! I can't stop playing it. The gameplay rocks and there are so many strategies you can come up with. There are a lot of characters, weapons, skills, the gameplay has a lot of depth. Leveling poeple up is always fun. Battle save is really helpful and it can save you in case you make a stupid mistake. This is my fave Fire Emblem based on gameplay alone. The story's also not as bad as most people say it is, it's just not executed as well as it could be but it's still good. You should definately try it out. It will keep you busy for a long time.
  4. Let's start from the beginning. Before you got tired of this game, what did you like about it?
  5. Yep, plus a lot of themed runs would probably be really hard on Hard mode.
  6. Radiant Dawn. It took a while to grow on me but now I'm pretty much humming most of the songs when they come up. Eternal Bond is my fave map music. Just has an epic feel to it.
  7. This^ Though being in the Greil Mercenaries makes him even more awesome. I still like Nolan though.
  8. Just want to know what your favourite type of valkyrie is. I've only played the ones released in English so if there are other types, just tell me and I'll add it to the poll. I like the anima/staves valkyrie. Does good magic damage and is basically a mage on a horse. Awesome!
  9. I guess the lords having late promotions and only one dark magic using character. But it's all minor and no big deal. As long as the gameplay rocks, I'm satisfied.
  10. There aren't that many red-heads in FE are there? Each FE only has a few of them. I've only played FE 7-10 and the only redheads are: FE7: Dorcas, Eliwood, Priscilla, Raven, Jaffar, Elbert FE8: Seth, Joshua, Tethys, Ewan, Ismaire FE9/10: Titania, Caineghis, Kieran? (red/brown), Jill, Tormod, Bryce, Skrimir, Gareth, Ashera There are way more blue/green haired than red. Unless the other games have a lot of red-heads, I think the amount of red-heads is just fine. As long as the hair looks good on the character and is a colour that suits the character, all is good.
  11. Uh, I don't know. There are so many good units and none of them are perfect. I guess I'd go with the Black Knight (if he counts). He can't be hurt by anything except poison and he's got imbue to heal that very little damage. He one rounds everything and is pretty much unstoppable in the 3 chapters you get to play as him. His only downfall is his mobility. I guess it's unfair to include him but I don't think there is a best. Just a lot of units that can go on the field and kick lots of ass. This is just counting 1-9, 1-E and 3-6, not 4-E-2 where he gets his ass handed to him by Ike in one turn.
  12. WTF Neph is NOT a lesbian. I saw no indication that she's attracted to girls. On topic, Boyd is my fave. The rest of the Greil Mercenaries can battle it out for 2nd place.
  13. Exactly. Ike can sit on the sidelines with Titania and watch the battle. Ike's only needed to seize and escape. Otherwise, it's incredibly easy to keep Ike from fighting. My Ike is finally getting better :D He got incredibly strength screwed as a ranger (and he had a fighter band) but he's finally getting his strength up. Yay!
  14. Has anyone done a sword users only playthrough (anyone who starts with a sword)? I think that would be hard. For DB you only have Edward, Meg & Zihark. CRK only Makalov & Marcia. GM only Ike, Mia, Mist & Brom (w/ bronze swords unless you transfer data). Elincia soloing 2-P with a slim sword, Lucia soloing 2-2, etc. Tanith, Sigrun, Stefan & Renning round out the group though there are more than 10 so you could take your fave 10+Ike to endgame. Endgame might not be hard but getting there would be the real challenge.
  15. If you don't like hard mode, just play normal mode with the characters you like. Try out characters you've never tried before. Try different strategies. Abuse the hell out of your fave characters, max out their weapon ranks and as many stats as you can. Remember how much fun you had before and do things in the game that made you want to play it.
  16. Ike's strength and defense got better, resistance got worse, kicks way more ass than in PoR Oscar got worse cause of his horrible caps Boyd's defense got better, speed got worse, everything else is the same (he still kicks tons of ass) Rhys don't really know. I've only used him for healing and he's still good at that. Maybe worse cause he gets doubled by everything in part 3 Soren's about the same except his strength is better so no more AS loss Gatrie got better, he's faster Shinon and Elincia are so much better Mia is better. I thought she was only lacking strength and def in PoR but she dodges so much in this game and she actually does good damage Rolf, Nephenee & Reyson got better Kieran and Geoffrey are worse cause of lack of availability and caps (still good though) Tormod is worse cause of horrible availability Laguz are worse cause they gain like no experience for killing or hurting enemies. Sometimes they do less damage than other units and they still don't get experience. Everyone else is more or less the same
  17. Makalov as a unit is not that bad. He gets the job done though he's a little harder to train coming in underleveled. As a character, I like the debt thing but the pink hair and orange armor is just...ugh, disgusting, can't stand it. It's like WTF were they thinking when they designed him? Plus Oscar and Kieran have a huge level lead on him if you've been using them and if you've been abusing Astrid she catches up to him really fast and surpasses him in the next chapter or two. He's not worth it imo.
  18. That's cool. Make sure you buy daggers for Volke in ch. 18 (I know you're probably not that close but when you get there don't forget)
  19. My last playthrough had 1-Ike 2-Boyd 3-Oscar 4-Soren 5- I forgot who, maybe Marcia I stopped using Boyd, Oscar and Soren after ch.17. They had 60 something kills each. Ike had over 100. Boyd and Ike usually end up in my top 5, the other three are random.
  20. Mist will grow up to be a real woman someday. She takes very good care of Boyd and he probably enjoys protecting her and making sure she doesn't get hurt. Plus, the things they do in their sparetime...BoydxMist FTW. There wasn't enough of them in Radiant Dawn and it would have been interesting to see what other characters thought of them.
  21. But what if one of his later characters turns out bad? Its always nice to have a backup plus playing as Boyd wouldn't really hurt him much either. Ch. 9 he has Ike & Marcia (Mist for healing), Volke joins in ch. 10, Brom in 11, then he doesn't get anyone else till 14 (Makalov). If he wants to make Boyd a filler in case something bad happens, now's the best time to do it before he gains more characters that he's taking to endgame.
  22. Boyd's always turned out awesome for me. He's my fave character for the sole reason that he can one round pretty much everything he can double unpromoted while everyone else at the same level has trouble beating enemies. His strength is just incredible and he usually has enough speed to double enemies, meaning the enemy is as good as dead. He's definately my fave character in both games.
  23. I only use her if I feel like leveling her up. She turns out good for me but others do too. I'm not a fan of underleveled characters and she starts way underleveled. If it wasn't for paragon, I probably wouldn't use her. Even with paragon, it takes her 2-3 chapters to get caught up to the rest of the group so it really depends on if I feel like leveling her.
  24. I'd say its on par with HNM. I've actually had to restart a few chapters several times because I made a mistake that led to someone dying or the AI got lucky with a critical. I take battle saves in Radiant Dawn for granted way more than I should.
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