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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Yeah, Kieran's awesome. Him and Shinon have the funniest conversations in both games. Always count on them to make you .
  2. Zihark's pretty cool. Haven't had too many problems with him except defense (but that's expected). I'm not a big swordmaster fan but Zihark can definately hold his own and that's good enough for me. He's good in both games though I haven't played as him much in PoR.
  3. Ike's pretty cool. He's got a nice balance of strength, defense, and speed. Though I think he's a bit overrated cause he's not that good until he promotes. But he's awesome once he becomes a lord. On my current playthrough, my Ike was horribly strength screwed. He had 10 STR as a level 20 ranger though his other stats were good. He couldn't kill anything except mages and priests. I hope he gets better. He always turns out good for me but now he's being strength screwed. Anyways, Ike's awesome (except this time) and he's my fave FE lord.
  4. I think you should train Boyd just a little longer. You don't get any of those people till later in the game. Marcia, Volke, & Brom you'll get soon but everyone else you won't get til you reach Begnion. Boyd has a lot more time to grow and he may end up surprising you.
  5. I think it'd be cool if they released downloadable content for this game. Like trial maps, base convos, support convos, maybe new weapons and items, etc. It probably won't happen :( but it'd be cool if it did.
  6. I took Muarim, Vika and Ranulf to endgame last playthrough. Muarim took forever to get SS in strike but Vika and Ranulf got there faster because they were double attacking though it still took a while. Best way to level up strike: general abuse (especially in 4-E-1). I hate how strike levels up so slow.
  7. Hey, thanks. Hope your enjoying yourself too.

  8. I do too. Jill and Haar have more strength and defense and about the same speed for most of the game. They also have stronger weapons (axes FTW) and they're not weak to bows.
  9. Last time I played as Edward he turned out great for me. I took him to endgame and he took on four dragons at once with Alondite. He also became #1 on my most kills list. At the same level, Edward is just as good as Zihark, it's up to you if you want to get him there. On my current playthrough, he's actually REALLY speed screwed :( . I think he's got about 19 or 20 speed and is a level 4 swordmaster. If Edward's considered "bad" then he's my fave "bad" unit but I don't think he's bad. He takes some work but turns out good (except this time) and that's good enough for me.
  10. I'd love to see another Tellius game. Radiant Dawn didn't have much if any character development and there's a lot that hasn't been told. I've gotten used to the characters and I'm not ready to leave them yet. As long as the gameplay is good, I don't care how many Tellius games we get. If anything, it should take place in Hatari and other lands beyond the desert of death.
  11. This youtube channel has a lot of cool videos of Radiant Dawn. http://ca.youtube.com/user/goldieX39 The person's name is Goldie and she's a hacker. She's made some pretty cool vids and is continuing to make more. If you already know of this channel, share it with your fellow Fire Emblem fans.
  12. I agree with your post 100%. It's okay if we disagree but we should learn to respect each others opinions.

  13. Hey, I noticed you checked out my profile. I just joined a few weeks ago so just saying hi.

  14. Not much, just enjoying Radiant Dawn. Unfortunately, I have to send my wii back to get repaired so I won't be able to play for a while :(

  15. Yeah, Oliver has one of the best theme songs in the game. I usually end up killing him cause I never really play as him and I don't want that exp to go to waste.
  16. Probably Boyd since he's my favourite character or Oscar cause he's cool. My personality is actually more like Rhys' except I don't get sick very often though I always seem to have a slight cold.
  17. For me, it's that scene in Path of Radiance with Ike & Mist at Greil's grave. The music and the dialogue just gets me everytime. I don't usually cry when I play video games but I always get teary eyed during this moment.
  18. I voted for Marcia, Jill & Tibarn. Marcia's my fave peg knight cause she usually turns out faster for me than Tanith though Elincia's a close second (she's not as strong but she's an awesome healer). Jill cause she's a bit faster and she's better in endgame though Haar's really good so it was a tough choice. Tibarn cause he's got a good combination of strength and speed.
  19. I've never heard anyone say that Shinon and Gatrie were gay (with each other or otherwise). Gatrie's definately into girls, kinda like Joey from 'Friends'. He hits on all the girls but never settles down with any of them. I don't think there's even a hint that Shinon is gay. He just has a different way of dealing with people (that convo with Lyre was hilarious). These guys have a close friendship with each other. Just cause two guys are close doesn't mean they're gay (this also applies to Ike & Soren, I found nothing gay about that convo). Where did you hear that they were gay anyways?
  20. Tanith is alright. She's not as fast as she should be and that gives Marcia a slight edge. They both do similar damage anyways when leveled up. They're both better than Sigrun for sure but I think Tanith just loses out to Marcia cause she's a bit slower. If you want to take one to endgame, take Marcia cause Tanith has some trouble double attacking some enemies while Marcia can double most enemies.
  21. I don't really like either of them but I voted for Micaiah. Both of them have speed problems and can rarely if ever one round anything in endgame. At least if Micaiah doesn't turn out good offensively you could always use her as a healer with physic staves. Micaiah can at least one round armored knights and cavaliers in part 1. If Sanaki had a better base speed and speed growth she'd be better but it takes her too long to make good.
  22. Aren't you the same guy who didn't like using more than one speedwing on a single character? I'd rather use my speedwings on characters who fit my playstyle. I've tried out Leo and he had trouble double attacking when he wasn't using his personal bow. He had to rely on it so much that I almost used it all up and had to stop myself from using it so I could get it blessed. BEXP can help any character so it really comes down to playstyle and personal preference. I'm not a fan of Leo but I can respect the fact that you are and I'm not going to knock you for using someone I don't like. There are a lot of characters in this game for a reason. Everyone's going to have characters they like and hate. Most people just don't have the patience to train Leo regardless of how much potential he has. In this game, the "best" characters depend on how you play the game and everyone plays it differently. And isn't this the Meg topic? I guess there's not much to say about her that hasn't already been said.
  23. My last top 5 was: 1. Boyd - one rounds everything when he doubles 2. Leonardo - just wanted to take him to endgame at least once. He had trouble double attacking without his personal bow 3. Brom - couldn't double attack anything in endgame without brave weapons (generals & dragons excepted) 4. Ilyana - she was pretty good against the generals and dragons. Kinda slow. i had to abuse her vs Dheginsea to max her fire and wind 5. Ike - I didn't play as him that much in endgame (wanted to try other characters) so his kills come from parts 3 & 4 I don't usually use Leo, Brom & Ilyana so they're just up there cause I had to prepare them for part 4 & endgame. I plan on taking everyone to endgame at least once. Only 20 characters left.
  24. Lol you guys are arguing about marksmen on the MEG topic Maybe you should have made a new topic for your little debate. And I agree with Fox that the stats that are important depend on how you play the game. But your debate is interesting so by all means please continue.
  25. I actually don't want that much more. Maybe if they released a few more base and support conversations as downloadable content I'd be satisfied. And trial maps so I can play as them whenever I want. That's all.
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