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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Yeah, there was a lot of potential there but sadly the devs didn't take advantage of it. Did you see all those prison camps they went to? They could've gained a lot of experience in part 1. I think they forgot that most of the DB starts in tier 1 and they need way more exp to make it to tier 3.
  2. There aren't any "wrong" ones though there are some that are better than others. It all depends on the player and how the RNG likes or dislikes your characters.
  3. I guess your Zihark is getting RNG screwed. Don't worry, I know how that feels (happens to me with other characters on other chapters). This chapter's pretty cool though, it's great for leveling up lower units. First time I looked at the map, it didn't look too bad. Then I scrolled around the map and I was like WTF, this map is HUGE!
  4. This is why I love battle saves in Radiant Dawn and I wish every FE had them too. Nothing is more frustrating than restarting a chapter cause one of your characters died by pure luck (AI getting a critical) or because of a stupid mistake.
  5. I'd say Axes > Lances > Swords > Bows for weapons. For magic, Thunder > Fire > Wind > Light
  6. They're alright but playtime is definately they're main problem. There isn't enough exp to go around and you have to dump loads of bexp to make them good in part 4. I usually stick to the GMs cause they usually have a level lead on the DB and I don't feel like dumping bexp into them. Though some of them turn out amazing like Nolan, Edward, Zihark, Jill, and Aran but I usually stick to their GM counterparts. I'd like them a lot more if they got more experience in their chapters.
  7. Cool playthrough. Maybe I'll try it sometime. Are you going to get Lehran for the final mission?
  8. Yeah, Shinon and Skrimir had the best VAs. Ike's wasn't bad either but his lines sucked. All the others were horrible.
  9. A lot of them are horrible but the worst has got to be Ashera. You can't even understand what she's saying without those subtitles cause she frickin' mumbles through all her scenes. The echo doesn't help much either, it actually makes it harder to understand her.
  10. The epilogue of FE 9 where all the characters talk about how happy they are that the war is over and their plans for the future. Plus the music really fit the setting. It's also sad cause the game is over but I think it's my favourite epilogue.
  11. I've got roms of FE 7 & 8 and I own FE 9 & 10.
  12. I also hated how the laguz gain very little experience for killing and hurting enemies, even if they do less damage than beorc. They only gain experience while untransformed and their incredibly weak in that form. The transformation guage goes down a little too fast (especially for cats) so you have to use olivi grass every couple of turns. It also takes a really long time to upgrade their strike level which is the only way to make their attacks stronger without leveling up strength. They only have one attack and they can't counter ranged attacks without certain skills (even then, they don't counter much damage). I think someone on the development team really hated laguz.
  13. Also, Gatrie probably learned how to use axes from Boyd & Titania and Tauroneo could learn off of Daein soldiers but for consistency I think they should've started with lances and swords (what they used in PoR). Brom should've started with axes and lances and Meg should've gained axes after promoting then lances at 3rd tier. Yeah, this is really minor but it's just my opinion.
  14. Mist can get an A in swords and S in staves as a cleric but when she promotes she gets SS in swords and staves is still S. Ike can't use axes for the whole of part 3 then when he promotes he can get SS in axes. Swordmasters can get an SS in swords but other 2nd tier classes can't get SS in anything. Micaiah and the saints can get SS in both light magic and staves despite only being able to get A in one of those while in 2nd tier. Also, Ike, Micaiah, and the saints are the only characters, besides Lehran, who can get SS in more than one weapon type. It's just weird to me and doesn't make much sense. The only reasons I can think of are that saints would suck even more if they couldn't SS light and for Mist I guess swordfighting actually runs in the blood. Your thoughts?
  15. Yeah, this is how he is for me too. He always turns out good for me and just DESTROYS the whole map! His strength is just incredible and he dominates everything. He doesn't even need criticals or Colossus against the majority of enemies nor does he need skills like Adept, vantage, whatever cause he gets it done. I've never had to use bexp to make him good. He's just badass and is my fave character!
  16. Definately Boyd. He always turns out better for me than Ike does. Plus he uses axes, has green hair, better personality, awesome battle sprite, awesome artwork, kills anything standing in front of him, he's just badass. He's my fave character.
  17. Boyd is easily my favourite but I like all of them.
  18. Yeah, Boyd just destroys the whole map. He's my fave character cause if he has good speed, he'll one round most of the enemies and the rest will be dead on the enemy phase or next player phase. I always use him and he always turns out awesome for me in PoR and RD. Definately a force to be reckoned with.
  19. I think you should do whichever one has the most number of characters that you haven't used yet. For the I AM VERY POWERFUL one, you should add Boyd, Nolan & Haar to that since all three just destroy the enemy in one round if their speed is high enough. They're also stronger than the Marshalls and Aran (Boyd and Nolan have a 40 strength cap, Haar has 38). Though if I had to pick one, Noble Intentions cause I haven't seen too many people do that or even suggest that before.
  20. I like how characters can support whoever they want. The only thing missing from that in RD was the backgrounds for the characters. Other than that, I think it's a better system cause you can create different pairings instead of a character you usually use being limited to characters that you might not use or affinities that don't benefit them. They should of had more info conversations to make up for the lack of support convos.
  21. Nephenee's good but she's overrated. She's not that good until she becomes a sentinel then she becomes awesome. I still like her more than Aran cause he's slower and rarely double attacking anything. She's not one of my top favourites but I still like her. She's always been ok for me as a halberdier (low strength, ok defense, not blocking as much as she should, my Neph's are slightly RNG screwed).
  22. Nope, never heard of Fire Emblem before Melee. I downloaded FE7 after watching my cousin play it on his GBA and I was just addicted. It quickly became one of my favourite game series (maybe even my favourite).
  23. Yeah, F-Zero GX is one of my fave racing games for being so fast, good graphics, insane tracks, 30 racers per match, etc. Can't wait for the one on Wii to finally be announced and released.
  24. I just finished my 4th playthrough and this is my latest top 5: 1: Boyd 2: Ike 3: Zihark 4: Marcia 5: Oscar I've never gotten Nasir :( My Ike rarely activates Aether against Black Knight and the one time I'm actually going to beat him (3rd playthrough) the stupid bishops heal the Black Knight. I had Mist as a Valkyrie too and Ike had elixers but I was an idiot to heal Ike with Mist instead of going for the bishops. Maybe next time I'll finally get him...
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