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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Yeah, it'd still rigged. Ike wouldn't stand a chance. And he'd have to use a lot of concoctions/elixers. Plus BK has Imbue so he has to do more damage than the BK can heal. I also forgot, how is an untrained Ike going to land the finishing blow on Ashera? His accuracy is already mediocre at maxed level/maxed biorhythm. I think that battle would be very long too.
  2. Maybe I will next time. I'm kinda lazy to change the name since it doesn't really matter to me as long as my characters kill a lot of enemies with it.
  3. He doesn't have to die. You could try avoiding him in endgame if you wanted but it's just easier to kill him than running away from him. I think Bryce would lose to the other three cause he's slower.
  4. Yeah, the Paladins are too good in this game. They don't even need Sol but it just helps them survive a little better, which they have no problem doing anyways. I usually give Sol to Oscar, Kieran, or Titania depending on who I think needs it most. Generals are good with brave weapons and Luna is definately not wasted on them. Halberdiers could use Luna too cause they're not as strong as some of the others. Out of those two classes, I only use Gatrie and Nephenee and only one of them gets Luna (usually Gatrie).
  5. The story is better in this game but the gameplay is so much better in RD. The gameplay is fine in this game but RD improved on almost everything except support convos. The battles aren't as fun to watch either.
  6. Just keep Ike out of their movement ranges and you'll be fine. Don't move Ike until all the enemies have been defeated.
  7. How about playing with people with certain affinities? Or characters who only use one weapon. Or just try to get as many A support convos as you can then transfer them to RD.
  8. Yeah, it was way better in PoR but its grown on me a little (at least Reyson's version has. Rafiel...not so much).
  9. There's a halberdier in 2-E who goes to face all the enemies at the east gate. First you need to block the entrance with Haar or Mordecai and beat whoever is blocking the way on thier side. The halberdier will go down and take them on. Pure idiocy. It's kinda like this: EHE EEE EEE E=enemy H=halberdier He usually gets hit by ranged attacks also and if he's lucky he'll dodge. One time, he dodged so many attacks and he stayed there for a few turns before dying. He also gets healed by the physic healer if he's close enough. It's amazing how stupid these allies and enemies are. They'll go for anyone in their movement range even if they will die.
  10. I never change the names of my forged weapons cause I'm bad at coming up with names.
  11. Yeah, drop Oliver. He's not going to double ANYTHING in endgame (except dragons but anyone can double them).
  12. This. A lot of the guys need to smile more. That's why most of them don't do anything for me.
  13. I think anyone could be good or decent given the proper training and the right strategies. But some characters aren't worth training to be made good/decent cause there are much better units.
  14. Even with all those "safety nets", it's still arguably the hardest FE released in English cause the enemies acutally have decent stats.
  15. I've only gotten Oliver and Shiharam. I beat the game 5 times and I'm planning to beat it at least two more times for all the support convos. But I'm having too much fun with Radiant Dawn.
  16. You use Tibarn in that level? I just keep him at the beginning of the map cause he doesn't get/need the experience.
  17. Marcia. Elincia's only good at healing. Tanith is not as good compared to a well trained Marcia.
  18. Totally forgot about cats. I'm not a fan of laguz so that totally slipped my mind. Yeah, cats are pretty horrible, doing minimal damage while being unable to keep their beast form. They're like the whispers of the laguz. They have the same problems but have a transformation guage that never stays filled. Now that I think about it, cats probably are the worst. You could have both Rhys and Heather promoted in part 3 with bexp. I'd say Rhys is better than Heather cause even though she's faster, she doesn't do a lot of damage. Neither of them are onerounding anything but at least Rhys can heal. Heather can steal but I've never needed to steal anything with her. Heather's overshadowed by all the GMs cause her strength is horrible and she's not killing anything.
  19. You can't activate Aether cause BK has Nihil. It may not be impossible but it would be a lot harder.
  20. These two might not be the worst but I have to bring them up: Danved and Sigrun. Arguably the worst in their respective classes, I don't see a point in using these two over Aran, Nephenee, Tanith & Marcia. Aran has good strength and defense. Nephenee has good speed and resistance. What does Danved do that they can't? He's got more magic and luck but who cares about that? He's got the worst strength and defense of the halberdiers/sentinels. Sigrun is slower and weaker than Tanith and Marcia and has less defense than they do. She's got more luck and resistance but that doesn't help much. They may not be the worst but I'd say they're pretty bad, especially when compared to their superior counterparts.
  21. There is a way to not complete the game. If you have an untrained Ike and used all your bexp by the time you reach the BK, I don't think you'd be able to beat the game. Are you complaining that you can't lose without trying? If you are, consider this: who'd want to play a game that's impossible to beat? I think you're saying it should've been harder but I'm not sure.
  22. Thanks Thingy Person for the names of those songs. I also like BK's theme, Zelgius' theme, Galdr of Rebirth, and a couple of others. They did take a while to grow on me but I love most of the songs in this game.
  23. It's easy not to use Sothe in part 1 normal. I do it all the time cause I hate Sothe. You just have to play smart. And how would you beat the BK in 4-E-2 if you don't train Ike a little? It's gonna take a LOT of bexp to make him strong enough to fight the BK.
  24. I'd say whispers are the worst class. At least you can use saints as healers if you want. What are whispers gonna do? They have horrible strength caps and use the weakest weapons in the game. They do minimal damage compared to other classes and they rarely get criticals/activate Bane to make up for their lack of strength. Yeah, you could use an archsage over a saint but I'd rather use a saint over a whisper. They're both pretty bad but I think saints > whispers.
  25. But if you need to use a healing item, you'll be wasting that character's turn. I've never needed vulneraries/concoctions cause I just use Rhys and Mist. Yeah, the GMs don't need much healing but they're there if you need them and they are so easy to protect. I'd rather use a healer to heal a character than waste a character's turn to heal themselves but that's just me.
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