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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Dude, that is so wrong. I can think of a few classes that are easily worse than paladins. Cats have transformation problems so they won't be killing anything. Every 3 or 4 battles they need to fill up on olivi grass. The rest of the team can clear the enemies while they're filling up their gauge. Not cool. Ravens are good at dodging and they're very fast but they can't kill anything. Their gauge goes down almost as fast as the cats' gauge. Plus, the only ravens in the game have horrible availability (Naesala doesn't count). Whispers have horrible strength cap and use the worst weapon type in the game. Completely inferior to trueblades and Volke. They're only good for stealing and have trouble killing things. Plus bane sucks cause it never works the way its supposed to. Saints have a low speed cap and are frail as hell. They're good for healing but not as attackers. I've got no problem defending them and they're good at what they do. Paladins have canto and pretty balanced stats except defense and speed are a bit low. Yeah, they get slowed down by terrain but that's only on a handful of maps. They're good on all the other ones.
  2. Thanks Lance. So my Ike had maxed defense so Luna would do about 30 something damage. So BK has never activated Luna when my Ike was low enough that Miracle would have to activate. If the defense is an odd number, is the damage rounded up or down? Ike's max defense with Ragnell is 29.
  3. Shinon's a funny prick, Soren's a serious prick but that's justified knowing what he went through growing up. Shinon's got some of the funniest lines in this game and in RD. Poor Soren had a crappy childhood and now he can't trust anyone except Ike. If Ike didn't help him so long ago, he'd probably be alone for the rest of his life.
  4. Wow, that was almost identical to my last PT except there are a few differences. 1st turn: Same except Mist healed Ike after he attacked BK. 2nd turn: I risked Ike attacking BK without healing him and he activated Aether, thankfully BK didn't activate Luna. Mist healed after. 3rd turn: Ike attacked, BK activated Luna 4th turn: Ike kills BK (finally) This happened on my fifth playthrough and its the only time where my Ike was lucky enough to kill BK. Does anyone know how much damage BK usually does with Luna? I keep thinking my Ike is getting saved by Miracle when he activates Luna but maybe he'd still be alive anyways without Miracle.
  5. Pegasi are pretty weak in FE10. The only one I actually use is Marcia cause she's faster and you have a little time to train her. Tanith and Sigrun can't double anything when you get them and by that time, most of your team should be able to kill the enemies in one-round. Kieran and Geoffrey are better than Marcia in those few chapters and Titania and Oscar can be promoted/close to promotion before the CRK join the GMs. Paladins have some terrain issues but they usually do more damage than pegasi do. Pegasi are inferior to wyverns in almost every way. They're weaker, have less defense, less skill, and less HP. They're a little faster and might be doubling more but they have trouble one-rounding anything that doesn't have low defense cause they're strength sucks. And axes > lances. So I'd say wyverns > horses > pegasi
  6. Wow, your Ilyana must've been awesome. Did you give her all the stat ups or were you REALLY lucky with the RNG? Going by average stats, she doesn't even cap anything as a thunder mage (but she's really close to capping STR).
  7. Divide and conquer. I try to kill as many enemies as I can before I end the chapter. I tend to put my best units in range of a bunch of enemies and watch the destruction unfold on the enemy phase. Stave abuse so my units are as close to max HP as much as possible. I put my characters against as many enemies as I think they can take.
  8. Couldn't list 5 so this is everyone I use: FE9. Boyd, Ike, Oscar, Kieran, Jill, Soren, Nephenee, Marcia, a few others FE10: DB: Micaiah, Edward, Nolan, Aran, Jill, Zihark, Laura Crimea: Nephenee, Haar, Kieran, Marcia, Calill, Elincia GMs: Boyd, Ike, Gatrie, Oscar, Shinon, Rolf, Mia, Soren, Rhys, Mist, Titania (I switch between all of them but main Boyd) Silver: Micaiah, Haar, Jill, Marcia, Calill, Naesala, Laura Greil: Ike, Gatrie, Titania, Soren, Shinon, Mist, Rhys, Zihark, Aran Hawk: Boyd, Edward, Nolan, Kieran, Oscar, Mia, Rolf, Nephenee, Elincia Endgame: Boyd, Ike, whoever else I take to endgame *Micaiah, Laura, Mist, Rhys & Elincia only for healing if needed I can run through part 3 with just Ike, Boyd and Haar but I like having a full team on the field.
  9. This. 30 speed growth, 32 speed cap, horrible resistance. I consider him a flying marshall. Same pros and cons except with better mobility. He's awesome and a little overrated.
  10. I'm a mix of a few characters: Nephenee - I'm shy and sometimes have trouble talking to people Boyd - I'd do anything to protect my family, plus I'm not motivated to get better unless someone motivates me Rhys - I'm kindhearted and I usually have a slight cold (Rhys is usually sick in one way or another) Ike - I'm not much into politics and I'm not prejudiced to anyone Elincia - I don't think I could take a life unless there's no other choice Dheginsea - I like to stay out of conflicts
  11. Green just cause I like it more than red but I like the red paladins too. I like both Sain/Kent and Kieran/Oscar. Red is more of my playstyle even though I like green more.
  12. Yeah, there was no point to part 2. It's only 5 chapters and it's so random and you can't even properly equip your characters until 2-3. And none of the characters gain a significant amount of exp for killing so many enemies cause they face a lot of unpromoted enemies. If it weren't for bexp and paragon, a lot of these units would be useless in endgame.
  13. Most of this is from RD: How can the three teams in part 4 share the same convoy when they're miles apart? Why can you only take 10 units plus a heron into the tower (in addition to the six forced) when Ashera's best followers are in there? How can the BK be defeated so easily by a HAMMER? Why aren't Tormod, Muarim and Vika in the laguz alliance? How did wyverns get resistance to bows and wind magic and weakness to thunder magic? Why is thunder the weakest (tied with light) AND least accurate magic in the game? Why is Stefan only recruitable when you land on a random space in the desert? Why do most enemies only have one weapon and only a few carry vulneraries? Why do the enemies attack even though they'll die on their phase? Why are the ally and other units so stupid? Why doesn't Micaiah gain authority stars when she promotes? Why do Nailah, Naesala and Sanaki have authority stars when they're never the commanders? Why can Double Bow counter direct attacks but Urvan can't counter ranged attacks? Why are there unpromoted units as enemies when the whole team is promoted (part 2 and 3-E)? Why Elincia has no problem killing her fellow Crimeans but refuses to kill the Disciples of Order and Feral Ones (with Mercy)
  14. Wow, your Edward got screwed so bad and that definately counts. Going by average stats, he's supposed to cap speed at level 18. He's also got a 60 speed growth. Going by that, his speed should be rarely screwed but you and I have both gotten speed screwed Edwards. Mine wasn't nearly as bad as yours was but he still had trouble doubling things.
  15. I haven't played FE8 in a long time. I don't really care about the characters in that game and it's way too easy. I don't think I'm going back to that. I also haven't played FE7 in a while. Maybe one day I'll play it again. I'm alternating between FE9 and FE10 (9 for the support convos, 10 cause I really like the gameplay).
  16. On my current PT, my Jill didn't get a single level up in HP until after she promoted. I've also gotten a speed screwed Edward once and a strength screwed Ike in PoR. Soren, Mia, and Nephenee usually don't turn out that good for me in RD. And Zihark sucks at dodging without a support.
  17. I do like a lot of the songs so its no problem for me but I understand where you're coming from. Sometimes the battle themes get a bit repetitive but most of them have grown on me so I don't mind them that much anymore. I like a lot of the map themes so no complaints there. I like how they continued the battle theme in FE10 instead of restarting the track for every battle, they should do that in future FEs.
  18. You wanna share a little strategy about that? I always have trouble training Mia cause she never kills anything even though she doubles almost everything. She almost never gets criticals in my game until she reaches the higher levels but it's so hard for me to get her there fast that it makes me not want to play as her (I still do but she's far from my favourite). Even if I give her adept, sometimes it doesn't activate and she doesn't kill the enemy. A lot of people say she's good but I don't see that in my game and I think its cause I'm not using her properly.
  19. I took her to endgame and she sucked TONS of ass. She couldn't kill anything. I had to feed her kills cause I felt sorry for her and she ended up being #3 on my most kills list cause of that. She's not worth getting to the level where she can steal a bolting. That bexp and energy drop will be wasted on her. For an all mage playthrough, I can understand getting it. Otherwise, I'll pass.
  20. I also hate the desert chapter. It forces me to use a lot of characters that I don't like or don't care about and most of them aren't at high levels. The only characters I actually like who are good on that chapter are Haar, Jill, Marcia, and Calill. Plus, you're basically forced to use Naesala if you want to clear the chapter fast (I don't like using broken units cause they take away all the fun and challenge).
  21. Yeah, that sounds REALLY hard to pull off. I think it's more trouble than it's worth. Bolting would be a big help but the dragon chapter isn't that hard that. You shouldn't have to go to all that trouble just to get one.
  22. Yeah, I don't include the royals with the other laguz cause they're just broken.
  23. I don't really play as laguz (except the royals when I need to) and if I did, I wouldn't put them up against anything while untransformed. They're so weak and will die pretty easily. Though there are some people who use Volug untransformed + resolve in 3-6. It would take way too long just to get an untransformed laguz to be MVP.
  24. That sounds pretty cool, but is it possible without royals? I imagine it'd be pretty hard to do. I'm guessing your friend got lucky that the bishop in the back didn't put anyone to sleep. That must've been cool to watch your friend steal a bolting.
  25. Part 2 was alright. Story-wise, it was pretty pointless. The only part of part 2 that I see is to reintroduce characters from PoR cause there would be way too many in part 3. I also don't like a lot of the characters in part 2. Part 3, even though it's pretty easy, is probably my fave. I love the GMs and I'd rather play as characters I actually like than characters I have to play as cause there's no other options. Part 4 is fun for me. I don't know what I'm missing but a lot of my characters aren't promoted by the time I reach part 4 (I don't bexp abuse a lot, maybe I need to more). So I've got a lot of 2nd tier units (and a few 3rd tier) kicking the Disciples of Order's asses. It's really satisfying for me. Endgame was good, the only downside is that there weren't enough units you could bring. 6 characters are forced into endgame and out of those 6, Ike is the only one I'd actually take if given the choice. Honestly, I wish that no one was forced into endgame and they let you use 16 of your best units. Cause most of your units are probably better than Sothe, Micaiah, Sanaki, Kurthnaga, and Ena. I personally don't like any of those characters and I want to play as characters I actually like, not ones I'm forced to use. So most of the time, I have those 5 doing nothing in endgame (except Micaiah for healing).
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