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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Maybe it's just my game then. She just sits her ass on the square she starts on and almost never moves or does anything. She'll use an elixer to heal herself but that's it. Why doesn't Geoffrey switch back to his lance after using his bow? Sometimes the enemies attack him and he can't counter cause he's too stupid to switch weapons.
  2. The valkyrie is useless. She rarely heals her allies and heals herself when she gets attacked. She'd rather watch her allies die than risk her life to heal them. What a selfish bitch.
  3. It's been awesome. Everyone on these forums is cool and its not plagued with stupid fads and shit like GameFAQs is. It's an awesome forum.
  4. The snipers go out into the middle of the field just to shoot some swordmasters that they won't even kill. The other units would rather go for the soldiers south of the castle just cause they can double them instead of going for the swordmasters that are right in their faces. If you use Tanith's reinforcements, the peg knights will attack the BK even though can't even hurt him and he just kills them all. It's pretty funny.
  5. Ivysaur's up-smash is full of win. Seriously, what is that? First time I saw it, I was like WTF!? Razor leaf sucks. What's the point of that move again? The rest of his moves are ok. I hate Squirtle's moveset just cause I suck with fast people. His up-smash is really good though. Charizard's too slow. His smashes are good if they hit but they usually don't and his other moves are pretty meh. I suck with Pokemon Trainer but I like the Pokemon he uses, just not that much in this game. I'd say Ivy's my best of the three cause I'm not good with really fast/slow characters.
  6. Meteor's are pretty cool but I'm not that good to pull them off consistently. I'll do them occasionally if I feel like I won't kill myself.
  7. I think it'd be pretty cool. The potential is there, as we saw with the Subspace Emissary. Yeah, SSE could've been better but that's not what Brawl was about. If they made a whole game similar to that with FE style gameplay, I could see it being a must have for all Nintendo fans. And it would introduce more people to strategy-type games. Nintendo would make a huge profit from this.
  8. They should just release downloadable content, patches, whatnot if they really want to improve Brawl. I'd rather they start on SSB4 than remake this game which is already pretty good as it is.
  9. I'll look at tiers but they don't mean much to me. I just use the characters I like and whoever works for me. I'm not going to base my playstyle and the characters I use on tier lists.
  10. Metroid 2 Return of Samus Super Metroid Donkey Kong Country series F-Zero X Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past Some japanese FEs (I haven't played any of them)
  11. Fave games of the year: SSBB Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Mario Kart Wii Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (yeah, I just got it this year, probably doesn't count)
  12. Yep, that's how Aether works but in PoR, he still heals some damage from his Luna attack which is not what should happen. The way it works in RD is how its supposed to be. The description should've been a little different in RD cause Sol and Luna do three times damage plus their usual effects while Aether doesn't multiply damage.
  13. It's possible that he'll speak english but I'd prefer it ONLY if he has a good voice and good lines. If that's not gonna happen, he better stay with his japanese voice. I'd like Ike to stick around cause I had a lot of fun playing as him in SSBB and his voice was decent. It could've been better but it was ok for me.
  14. Muston would probably be a berserker in FE9 and he'd have similar stats to Boyd and Largo (high HP and strength, low defense and resistance, good speed, ok skill and luck, little to no magic). In FE10, he'd be a mix of Boyd and Nolan. Aimee would be a mage and Jorge/Daniel would be myrmidons.
  15. It was hard for me to decide between Marth and Legault. I chose Marth in the end cause I'm not a big fan of thieves.
  16. I think you're right about that. Those three sound better than most of the english VAs so its probably best that they kept them like that.
  17. Defend chapters are pretty fun. I think there are only 3 in this game: 2-E, 3-5, and 3-13 (one for each of the main armies). I like killing as many enemies as I can before the chapter ends. They're some of the easiest and fun chapters in the game. And the ally units are so stupid, it makes it even more fun to watch all their blunders.
  18. I think the ultimate challenge would be to have Reyson get the most kills and I don't see that happening with counter. It's probably possible but it would take a really long time and a lot of patience.
  19. I was wondering about this too. I think its a glitch in the game. Aether works the way it's supposed to in RD though. In this game, when Ike activates Aether, does it use up 2 weapon durability (1 for each strike)? I was surprised to find out it did in RD. I gave Ike a hand axe and he activated Aether but he couldn't do the second strike cause the hand axe broke. Is that how it is in this game?
  20. That is insane. How do you come up with these insane strategies? I would never think of doing something like this. Very impressive. I'm speechless.
  21. Am I the only one whose Haar is ALWAYS put to sleep? It's so frustrating and takes longer for me to beat the chapter but it's funny at the same time cause its his personality to fall asleep anywhere. My first objective of the map is to kill the purge bishop with Naesala cause he'll just rape sleeping Haar in a few turns. As for finding treasure, I usually have Sigrun fly Sothe around the map. Neither of them are going to be doing much on that map so they might as well do something useful instead of being dead weight.
  22. Why do Sigrun's stats suck so much when she's the commander of the Holy Guards? Why is Ike's sword arm completely unprotected while his other arm has way more protection (especially as a vanguard)? Why do marksmen and Vanguard Ike have this huge ass shoulder guard on their left shoulder but nothing on their right? How do the characters (especially the girls) keep their hair from growing over a long period of time while keeping the same hair style?
  23. Why does Sothe have trouble moving in the Grann Desert in RD but not in PoR?
  24. Lyle, your hatred for Sothe is pretty hilarious. I don't think there's a person in the world that hates anything as much as you hate Sothe. That last post was f'ing hilarious. I don't use Sothe to pick up treasure in that chapter either unless the others are busy fighting. Nice counter in the debate topic. You and Fox both have good points. Why can't you guys just call a truce? They're both good in their own ways.
  25. KS: I used to watch wrestling growing up when WWE was WWF. KS are the initials of my favourite wrestler, Ken Shamrock. FF: "Fan Forever". Even though I don't watch wrestling anymore, I still like watching Ken Shamrock matches when he was in WWF. 21: My birthdate is the 21st of September 50: If you convert all the letters into numbers according to their placement in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.) and you add up all the letters in my name, you get 50. My name is Davin but you can call me by whatever you like.
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