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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. I took ALL the GMs to endgame and this is how it all went down: 5. Ike - I thought he'd be higher but oh well 4. Edward - He snuck into the top 5 again 3. Mia - She didn't impress me until she became a trueblade, then she kicked all kinds of ass 2. Rolf - So many kills needed to get him going but he's awesome once he finally has good stats 1. Boyd - There is nothing he can't kill in my game. I was so impressed that he only needed steel poleaxes and a normal hand axe in endgame while everyone else needed silver/forged weapons (at least for the first two parts). Pure domination in my game.
  2. Wow, I didn't know luck mattered so much in this game. Most of the time, my characters get by with ok luck and it doesn't seem like a problem until I fight Ashera. I usually have to use Bliss or Matrona on Ike so he can kill her and even then he still has mediocre hit. I just finished my last playthrough and he had 47 hit (probably at worst but I didn't check) and had to hit Ashera twice to kill her. I said "screw it" and he missed both times. She killed Nasir on her turn with that single target physical attack (poor Nasir). I'll sacrifice Nasir anyday if it means I can beat Ashera on the next turn cause I don't have the patience to restart over every time Ike doesn't kill her.
  3. I usually give Boyd 3 or 4 levels in the first two chapters then I give him a speedwing in 3-2. I set him loose on the field with steel poleaxes and handaxes and just watch him destroy everyone. Boyd is a dominant force in my game. Sometimes I let Haar, Ike, and a few others join in the action but Boyd usually takes out half of the level by himself. I try to use all the GMs, Nephenee and Haar in part 3. After seeing all the destruction he brings, there is no way in hell I'm going to stop using him. He's my star character and leads the team to countless victories. I use BOTH Rhys and Mist in part 3. Even though the GMs don't really need healing, I like having them on the field anyways. I always make sure every character is as close to max HP as possible so I got these two running around healing little scratches.
  4. That happened to me too. It was annoying cause I used up everyone else's turns so that's all I could do to finish the game. I'm surprised that his hit is so low against Ashera when he's got 40 max skill. Maybe his lack of luck balances that out?
  5. Well I didn't put Ike and Micaiah in the poll cause they're the commanders. I'd like to know why they forced us to use so many characters. In past FE games, I think only the main character was forced. But this game has a lot of forced characters and for no reason besides maybe story purposes. Still seems kind of a waste if you don't plan on using them.
  6. But you only get double bow for endgame. Outside of that and it's hard for them to counter direct attacks. Even with crossbows, they're not doing much damage compared to others on the enemy phase. They're really only good on the player phase.
  7. I'd bench all of them cause I rarely use them when they're on the map so they're kinda dead weight to me. The only one I actually use on that list is Tormod on 1-8 to kill the dracoknights. I'd rather swap all the others out for other characters that I actually use.
  8. Stun and Colossus also only take up 25. Marksmen aren't that cheap. Double bow makes them almost broken but they're still only doing damage on the player phase unless a ranged enemy attacks them. Crossbows are weak and there aren't many falconknights/hawks/ravens except for a few chapters. They're good but they're not broken.
  9. Yeah, I don't really like her as a character either. I don't use either of them much but I'll use Fiora from time to time.
  10. Hector. He's got awesome stats and uses axes. Rarely has trouble onerounding. Lyn's good but she relies too much on criticals for my tastes (she doesn't get many in my game). Eliwood's cool if he gets good speed. All three of them usually get the job done (for me) but Hector has an easier time killing than the other two.
  11. Unranked cause its more fun for me. I just play for fun and if I get a good rank, I'll take it. If not, it's no big deal.
  12. Most of the time I use it on Matthew but I don't use assassins much.
  13. You know what you could've done? I know its late for this but you could've taken Savior off of Tibarn in 4-2 and put it in the convoy so you could give it to Nailah. Unless you're rescuing people with Tibarn, he doesn't really need it.
  14. I meant that it didn't even appear as one of the "choices" when I was forging in the base right before endgame. I wanted to know if that was normal or was I really lucky cause I had 0% chance of getting the vine card. By normal, I mean if it's nearly impossible to get the vine card right before endgame.
  15. In FE10 how Yune comes across as the goddess everyone worships and Ashera comes across as the dark god(dess). Ike turns out to be the hero again despite not being on the box art and playing a minor role in the story until 3-11. Finding out that Sanaki wasn't the apostle and Micaiah was. Finding out that Kilvas was also under the control of a blood pact. AstridXMakalov (cause its Makalov), HaarXJill (for the huge age gap), and BoydXMist as couples (I like BoydXMist but I didn't think there was a lot in RD that hinted that they would be a couple) It's possible that Tauroneo is the three brothers' grandfather. In FE7 finding out that Ninian and Nils were dragons and Eliwood killing a dragon that turned out to be Ninian. Finding out that Ephidel, Sonia and Limstella weren't actually human but morphs created by Nergal. Nergal using quintessence to make himself less human Most of the couples Rebecca and Dart are brother and sister, Wil and Dart are childhood friends FE8 where Vigarde has been dead the whole time The demon king being inside Lyon the whole game and slowly taking over him
  16. So something happened to me when I was forging. I forged a bunch of weapons in the base before endgame and the vine wasn't one of the cards that could be picked. During the battle preparation for endgame, I forged a few more weapons and the vine was there as one of the cards. Is that normal or did I just get really lucky not to have the vine as one of the cards?
  17. I've actually had Ike miss after the cutscene played. It was pretty funny, definitely a WTF moment for me. He hit her on the second attack.
  18. In FE10 how Yune comes across as the goddess everyone worships and Ashera comes across as the dark god(dess). Ike turns out to be the hero again despite not being on the box art and playing a minor role in the story until 3-11. Finding out that Sanaki wasn't the apostle and Micaiah was. Finding out that Kilvas was also under the control of a blood pact. AstridXMakalov (cause its Makalov), HaarXJill (for the huge age gap), and BoydXMist as couples (I like BoydXMist but I didn't think there was a lot in RD that hinted that they would be a couple) Tauroneo is the three brothers' grandfather In FE7 finding out that Ninian and Nils were dragons and Eliwood killing a dragon that turned out to be Ninian. Finding out that Ephidel, Sonia and Limstella weren't actually human but morphs created by Nergal. Nergal using quintessence to make himself less human Most of the couples Rebecca and Dart are brother and sister FE8 where Vigarde has been dead the whole time The demon king being inside Lyon the whole game and slowly taking over him
  19. That's why I've never played hard mode cause its hard enough protecting her and the rest of the DB in normal. I'll try out hard someday but I'm not looking forward to it.
  20. I used him once. He turned out alright but I didn't think of giving him any brave weapons so he could've been better. If you've played as any of the other gold/silver knights, he's kinda the same. He's got most of the same strengths and weaknesses as the others do except the others are more likely to be better than he is at base level. He's decent, too bad endgame is the only mission you can use him in cause there are better characters you can bring to endgame. There are way too many playable paladins in this game.
  21. You can also stick a mounted unit right beside Astrid so she can't get attacked, then recruit her on the second turn.
  22. I guess it depends how you play the level. I personally send him to the right side to block that door they destroy with Calill and Mordecai as backup. Everyone else can handle the other side. When the CRKs arrive, they also help out on the right side.
  23. I never said that anyone was better than Haar. He's one of the best for sure but I didn't put out any names to challenge him on that. I just said that he's not the only one that needs the Brave Axe and I even said that he's probably the best one to use it. I didn't say they were better than him.
  24. When I found out Lucius was a guy. When I found out Valtome was a guy (I honestly couldn't tell which gender he was) Black Knight playable in part 1, then returning in 3-6 and finally 4-3 (even though he was an NPC) The first time I played 3-6. My DB was so underleveled (only Edward and Nolan were promoted) and I had to use LOTS of vulneraries. First time playing RD and realizing how much harder it was than the GBA ones. That feeling lasted my whole first PT. Ranulf spoiling BK's identity. They should've saved that till when you fight him in 4-E-2 Half my team being screwed on 4-3 (the desert chapter) on my first PT Finding out how Elena died Ike finishing off Ashera but missing the first of two hits Finding out who was really behind the unleashing of the dark god
  25. I actually hate that part of it. I meant that any character can support with anyone and isn't limited to a few characters, meaning you can create your own pairs that actually benefit each other. I like the system itself but I hate the lack of support convos.
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