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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. That's hard too (maybe even more hard) cause of Hetzel and the bishop putting your guys to sleep. How are you going to get Sothe up there without him falling asleep and before Silence wears off on the Bolting sage? Not to mention that there are quite a number of enemies between the thunder sage and your starting postition, I don't see Sothe making it up there for a while. Anyways, bolting's only useful for one chapter and if you've beaten the game several times, you probably already have a strategy for 4-E-3. It's not worth the effort imo.
  2. You could've restarted after Rhys died if you battle saved. I guess you can use Mist in 4-4 but she'll probably die. Whatever you decide to do for that chapter, just remember to take out ALL the sages before the bishops put you to sleep.
  3. That's gonna be REALLY hard. Strength is Heather's second lowest growth (25, only magic is lower). You're gonna have to restart A LOT and I don't think it's worth the effort. An all magic team can already beat the dragon chapter easily with Thoron/Arcthunder and most of them can heal each other if they need to. It would make that chapter a lot easier but it's only one chapter and it's not that hard to beat if you use the right strategies. I don't think its worth all that trouble to try and get Heather's strength to 20.
  4. Lol, that is hilarious. I think you spent a little too much time training just the one's you're taking to endgame and not enough time on the rest of the characters that help get you there. You're not fielding a lot of units cause most of them are underleveled, is this correct? I always go max deployment on most of the maps cause the game gives you more than enough units to beat the enemies while protecting the ones that need protection (healers, mages, snipers, etc). It would be unwise of you to solo 4-4 with just Ike, Nailah & Rhys cause of the hundreds of reinforcements.
  5. Lol, you're talking about me right? That crush has actually payed off big time in my game. I came up with a strategy to fix Boyd's speed as early as 3-2 and now he's one of my best characters. I'll make a topic about that later. If I didn't think he was so hot, I might not have realized how to get him going so early. I agree that Sothe's face is fugly. It's mostly the face instead of the shirt that keeps him from being hot in my eyes. Does he ever smile in RD?
  6. I think Sothe's voice was a little too deep. Boyd's would've been awesome, he sounds so badass killing all those soldiers. Tibarn's was ruined by "To wings brothers!. Keep up with me if you can!" Ranulf's was ok but it was a little low when he was talking to Skrimir during the river crossing. Rolf's sounded like he hasn't grown up at all. Mist's was WAY too high. Mia's didn't fit her well. Skrimir's was alright. Shinon's is the best by far. Overall, the VA sucked in this game.
  7. Part 1 by far. It's impossible to have a well balanced team (everyone being around the same level and kicking ass at the same time) without tons of boss abuse. There's only enough experience to make 3-4 characters really good and they give you so many prepromotes to make it slightly easier. Except most of them leave after part 1 and Sothe, Zihark and Volug gain little to no exp so there's no point in using them in part 1. You're stuck playing part 1 with only 3-4 characters, Micaiah (cause she's forced), Sothe & Volug (forced but you don't want to use them cause they take exp away from the rest of the team), and Laura (the only healer).
  8. That's awesome! You're not very good at protecting your healers, are you. Don't the ballistae usually take out the hawks? Unless they were used up on tigers and cats. I hate the ally units in this game. They're so stupid and have no strategy at all.
  9. Boyd's so awesome. He's like the only one onerounding anything early game and he can usually do it with an iron axe. Even after everyone's promoted, Boyd has no trouble onerounding as long as his speed is high enough. He's just badass and my fave character.
  10. Hmm, if Heather's the only one that can get it then I'll probably never get it. She needs 20 strength to steal it?! Are there even enough energy drops to raise her strength that high? The bexp isn't worth using on her imo. I'll pass since I don't use Heather. She's only good for stealing but I don't steal (never needed to) so she's useless to me.
  11. They have to be in a certain number of chapters together to be able to support. It doesn't matter where they are on the field as long as they're in the same chapter. For Ike and Soren, they need to be in 5 chapters to get C support, 12 to get B, and 19 to get A (that's total number of chapters).
  12. I think your just good at leveling up Laura. You know what to do to get her to a high level. You must do a lot of boss abuse/staff abuse to get her high or you dump a lot of bexp into her. Whenever I use Laura, she never makes it to 2nd tier at the end of part 1. And I think you're right about that last sentence. I personally only use healers for healing and rarely make them fight. I don't boss abuse cause that gets boring and I don't dump bexp into them cause I only need them for healing. I'll make them heal anyone who isn't at max hp but that's it.
  13. I'd actually put him lower for wearing that. How many guys do you see walking around showing off their belly button? That's a definate turnoff.
  14. Lol, yeah, but it wasn't immediate. It took about 2 or 3 playthroughs to build up. Now I can't stop looking at him. Yeah, that crush is currently running strong but I get obssessed about a lot of things and they pass over time. Who knows how long this will last.
  15. Yeah, just try them all out and see which ones work for you. Be prepared to use A LOT of olivi grass.
  16. I think Boyd is the hottest guy on Tellius. I was in the middle about him until I saw his artwork. He's so hot in his artwork, after seeing that, I saw Boyd in a whole new light. I love everything about him, especially his hair and his muscles. He'd be even hotter if they showed more of him in that cutscene or if Mist stopped fixing his shirts. He kicks tons of ass and looks so hot doing it. Boyd could make me go gay in an instant. Yeah, I'm weird. I think Rhys is in his 20s. He seems close to Oscar's age but maybe a little younger. There are so many guys in this game that everyone should be able to find at least one guy that turns them on. I know they're video game characters but imagine if they were real.
  17. Dude, your sig is hilarious!

  18. I think they all suck but I'm biased against laguz. Not saying that all laguz suck cause there are some good ones but I'd rather use beorc units cause they're more versatile.
  19. Lol, my Rhys never dies (maybe only once per playthrough for the whole game). He's easy to protect. Looks like you're having fun with your uber units but when endgame comes along, some of them won't seem so uber anymore (looks at Haar and anyone else with low speed caps).
  20. Just finished another playthrough, here's my new top 5: 5. Danved - Took him to endgame, wasn't very impressed. So inferior to Aran and Nephenee. 4. Edward - This surprised me cause he wasn't brought to endgame and he was only a lv. 13 swordmaster. I must've used him a lot in his chapters. 3. Meg - Took her to endgame, didn't like her. Her avg STR is supposed to be 34, mine was 28. Yeah, she got strength screwed and couldn't oneround anything except bishops and sages. 2. Ike - First time he's this close to #1 since my 3rd PT and even then he wasn't very close at all. 1. Boyd - I don't think I'll ever stop using him. He always turns out awesome for me and just destroys anything he faces. The grim reaper of Tellius in my game.
  21. Well, he's one of the richest men in Tellius if that means anything (he doesn't even deserve all that gold). But yeah, he fails at everything else.
  22. I actually played RD before PoR so I knew most of what happened in this game. If I had played PoR first, I probably wouldn't have noticed.
  23. Don't worry about it. It's your list and you're free to think however you like. Especially in a topic like this, everyone has different opinions and there are going to be disagreements but remember that no one's opinion is more important than another's.
  24. I think a lot of people are obsessed about how "beautiful" he is. I'm not one of those people, I actually can't stand the guy. I agree that Oliver fails as a saint.
  25. Just keep posting on a topic until someone closes it I guess or until people stop posting on that topic. I'm not so sure myself. Just let your voice be heard.

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