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Status Updates posted by Junkhead

  1. Brom is alright

    1. Brom


      Brom is the man!

  2. It's so much more exciting to look when you can't touch~

  3. Everybody so SALTY

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quintessence


      Salty? About what o3o

      Also, thanks!

    3. Junkhead


      Who knows. Check PKL's latest thread. n_N

    4. Quintessence


      Ah yes, I was posting there atm. I didn't get Red Fox's post though.

  4. So much salt

  5. What's that bitch

    1. Junkhead


      You want my foot up yos

    2. Caster


      wanna fight fggt

  6. CREATINE, son

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      I still have that big ol tub I haven't even touched yet. o__o

  7. dont hate me

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Phoenix Wright

      Phoenix Wright

      not putting down his achievements or anything, just saying it's easier to cut fat/build muscle when you're smaller. just like it's easier to life heavy weights when you're shorter (squats, dead lifts, etc).

    3. Phoenix Wright
    4. Junkhead


      I think it's easier for a bigger person to "get" more muscle because they tend to already be big despite their fat. Maybe it's just me, but I think that could be the case for the bigger individuals.

      I think the skinny/fat people have the worst of it...

  8. gr9 avatar

    1. Junkhead
    2. Nobody



      lol @ recalcado

      it means jelly

    3. Nobody


      as in jealous not the thing to eat haha

  9. Bugs Bunny is sad.

  10. Where are your precious carbs now. :smut:

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      spoilers I have been slowly weening myself off my no-carb diet and while I'm making slower gains I am also eating delicious food occasionally. :D

    2. Junkhead



      But seriously, I think low-carb diets are inefficient. If you're excercising, you're going to what them. I've read that they only make a real effect on weight loss if you're a few pounds overweight (because they retain water). Otherwise, no problem. I've managed to lose some nice weight by just lowering my calorie intake.

    3. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      I dunno. I can say with no doubt that after I got through the carb flu, pounds shed off like crazy because I only ate when I needed to rather than when I felt like it.

  11. You bet your ass they're horns!

  12. is that hentai

    1. Naughx
    2. Icarusu


      dunno what you talking about

  13. #FE10

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Junkhead



      I've always found FE10's RNG rather swell.

    3. Quintessence


      lolyeah really, Miccy, Sothe and Leo aren't helping there in 3-6 >_>

    4. Junkhead


      I don't even know!

  14. He's so funny.

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