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Status Updates posted by Junkhead

  1. Is that imouto about to step on someone?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Djeets


      touhou 7.5: immaterial and missing power, touhou 10.5: Scarlet weather rhapsody, it's touhou's fighting games that had the same character on my avvy (suika ibuki)

    3. Junkhead



      I've played SWR...even if very little, it looked fun. Loved the cute little sprites. x)

    4. Djeets


      lolz-- and one of suika's spell is to be a giant drunk on loose when facing her at patchy's story

  2. Did you get her yet.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mackc2


      I have also attempted to be greedy and get another Katarina, no luck yet.

    3. Junkhead


      yeah but most people would probably

      I literally want two on the same team

      Picture that

    4. Junkhead


      *most people would probably merge

  3. FE10FE10FE10FE10

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ZemZem


      FE13's kinda boring these days.

    3. Junkhead


      Well, I wouldn't really say that. In my case, I'm just getting more into FE10. Reviving the love for the great, unique game it is. But so is FE13, of course...

    4. ZemZem


      I still need to play FE10...

  4. You're a fuckin tomato.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Junkhead


      What makes you think Oboro is? :smug:

    3. Arcanite


      Oboro has decent attack and defense to make a counter killer set

      Subaki's attack is non existent heh

      Unless that one is +Atk

      Then his attack is just garbage :)






      But let's be serious, what was your idea on this?

    4. Junkhead


      He's +Atk and merges make his Atk competent, mixed with an excellent Spd/Def combo.

  5. Do you love Kaz

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nightmare


      You'll find out once you solve the riddle to the fully grown up witches.

    3. Junkhead


      What about them. 9[

    4. Nightmare
  6. That Ike looks a bit weird, lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      Shirtless Ike, woo hoo !

    3. Junkhead


      lawl, you guys

    4. solrocknroll


      It looks kinda like naked Ike to me.

  7. jajajajaa dafuk are you doing

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MacLovin


      first can we shame incels.

    3. Junkhead


      Yes. I was just watching this guy who constantly makes videos on incels.

      Incels are hilarious.

    4. Junkhead


      Am I an incel.

  8. I'm sorry.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. XRay


      Oh, that. I do not think it is anything you need to apologize for. People make social blunders all the time, so I would not worry about it too much.

      I made a similar mistake in the past too, although from the opposite side. I did not really consider free players much when suggesting builds in the past. I practically always recommended Life and Death for Player Phase units back when it was a still a pretty premium skill, and I dismissed Fury a lot since it was not as powerful.

    3. Junkhead


      I learned that from you.

    4. Junkhead


      Refines made the game so much more flexible.

  9. what was that about brave roy being better than brave lyn

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SatsumaFSoysoy


      Ohhh, you changed your name, Soul. Now I know who you are. But I still don't remember saying that.

    3. Junkhead


      oh yeah I just realised I could be confusing you with DragonBoner

      You're talking to the guy who mistook you with Arcnite at one time, go figure.

    4. SatsumaFSoysoy


      I had yet to have a double misunderstanding convo before this one.

  10. chrom initiated divorce

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. XRay


      I am pretty sure Sumia would have more pies coming for Chrom.

      Maybe that is the secret ingredient that gives Sumia's pies an extra kick that so many Shepherds love.

    3. XRay


      Ylissean Shepherd's Pie

      Ingredient List:
      Ground Taguel
      A Hint of Chrom

    4. Junkhead


      that's not nice

  11. Are you P2W.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Quintessence


      I don't know who made that critteria but what I think is that the difference between p2w and f2p is not like do you spend money or not? Because what I spend monthly on the game hasn't guaranteed me a single 5+10 unit

    3. Quintessence


      To me f2p isn't purely "I don't spend a single dollar" player. Actual whales spend a lot on the game as if the game was some sort of lab.

    4. Junkhead


      I mean, yeah, I only literally spent money once (literally for only 16 orbs). But you know.

  12. I might dissapoint you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Junkhead



      Where would I go, though.

    3. Rezzy


      Oh, anywhere would be fine.

    4. Junkhead


      You're right. Anywhere might do.

  13. thats so cute omg

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Junkhead


      youre an animal with clothes

    3. Chen


      One day, a few anthropomorphized liquid water molecules got together for some coffee and started debating the Exceptionality Hypothesis: that liquid water was fundamentally different from other types of water.

      “This is ridiculous,” one exclaimed. “Scientists have shown that water vapor and water ice are made of the same atoms that we are, structured in the same way, and follow the same physical rules that we do. Sure, we stay on the ground but so does water ice! And water vapor may be in the air but it moves around freely – just like us! There’s nothing special about being a liquid water molecule.”

      A second rolled their (fictional) eyes. “I can’t believe we’re talking about this. I don’t feel like a gas or a solid. I suppose I agree that we share some things in common with those other two – but we’re fundamentally different!”

      The first snorted. “Sure. How?”

      Obviously, liquids, gases, and solids behave differently; despite being made of the same molecules following the same rules, if you vary the temperature you get fundamental changes in behavior due to phase transitions. Even if things are made up of the same constituent parts that vary in proportion, you can get fundamentally different behaviors.

      OK, so this is a silly little parable. But there’s an article going around the tweetersphere by Annalee Newitz titled “Yes, Humans Are Animals — So Just Get Over Yourselves, Homo sapiens“. I’m sure you get the point:

      Yet we have many other behaviors that we share with our fellow animals. Darwin wrote about this in one of his lesser-known works, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Today, hundreds of scientific studies have offered solid evidence that animals from chimps to rats share the same kinds of emotions and motivations that we do.

      Many animals also make tools the way humans do too. We’ve long known about tool-making among other primates, but recently scientists have found evidence of tool-use among dolphins, crows, and even sea otters.

      Humans may not use tools and express emotions exactly like other animals, but that doesn’t exempt us from animal status. No two species share exactly the same sets of behavior. But we also share far too much in common to pretend that we are some form of life that transcends animal status.

      Humans are animals, clearly. We are mammals with an evolutionary lineage that can be traced back just like any other animal on Earth. But there’s a double-use of the word going on: animals as biological entities and animals as moral entities.

      It seems what may – may – separate us from other animals is along a moral and cognitive axis. We certainly do have neural structures for decision-making and learning about value that are the same as rats and monkeys, but so do bees and other insects. Yet if you were to tell me that insects are able to master the same cognitive tasks as most mammals I’d wonder about you. You see this implicitly in how we treat other classes of animals: insects are not fish are not mammals. We are fundamentally different.

      So we should think about what makes us distinct from other animals. Let’s take a few of the examples in the article. Ants build massive cities, milk (and raise!) aphids for food, and tend fungus gardens. But besides us, ants are unique in this; and as far as I’m aware, these were most likely done on a longer evolutionary timescale and was not done consciously. Yes other animals use tools, but prodding something with a stick is a little different from a using jackhammer or even a mass-produced screwdriver (let alone building and designing these tools to begin with). Other animals may share the same kind of motivations and decision-making, but I have yet to see another animal read a mass-produced text on the other side of a planet in order to guide their decisions. More, there is no other animal that has consciously launched itself into space with dreams of living there.

      Even if the biological and neurological components required to, say, design and build a computer are present in bits and pieces of other animals, it is their confluence that is found in us. Perhaps every animal is different in its own way, but let’s be clear: as a species, we can do things that other animals could never even dream of. We have the ability to liberate ourselves from our biology and change our environment in conscious ways that all other animals cannot. We may be animals, but we’re not animals.

    4. Junkhead


      im not fucking reading that

  14. I'm trying to finish my first draft but I can't because I'm trying to not lose to Marciaxrolf by too much.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      Tharja and Libra? Not the best of ideas... I managed 5 turns with both of them and Tharja wasn't that good.

      How was your Tharja?

    3. Junkhead


      I 4-turned it and got both of them as well.

      My Tharja was alright, and now she's fantastic.

    4. Da Bear

      Da Bear

      My problem was my team included the MU, An underleveled Gaius, Gregor and Sumia...

      MU was severely screwed so I had to work with Sumia and a little MU for like the entire map...

  15. Yuri is overrated and sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Caster


      You are silly.

      But care to deny the fact?

    3. Junkhead
    4. Caster


      Really now?

  16. I herd you liek FE10

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Junkhead



      Well, like I said. The draft isn't my first priority.

      See, I want to do a playthrough.

    3. Quintessence


      oh, then yeah go ahead.

    4. Junkhead


      What if they don't like me. 8,(

  17. Is that Alice?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Soledai


      That actually was what tipped me off, I had kept noting the similarities between her eyes and those of Melty Blood chars

    3. Junkhead
    4. Soledai


      Ahh, Archetype Earth...

      Coincidentally, this is who her eyes reminded me of:


      *not much of a surprise with her name right in the link*

  18. zomg yes

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Junkhead


      Alright, I updated. :D

    3. singularity


      I've posted in the topic.

      Things just got real. :KnollRoll:

    4. Junkhead


      Awwww yeah. I don't know if you're a fan of the units I'm about to train, but they will also take an important part in this along with LIBRA.

  19. So, uh...I didn't know something like that was worth such a high penalty. Now I'm goig to take some precautions.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Junkhead


      But you're a mod. That's what mods do.

    3. Florete


      I can't change people's names.

    4. Junkhead
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