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Everything posted by Fateborn

  1. Jaffar had 25 str cap, is that for all assassins in fe7if or just Jaffar?
  2. Fateborn

    Toa's Sprites

    That's a fast spriting. Is it a trace and pixel?
  3. DO NOT BRING DANCER AND BARD INTO A SAME CHAPTER, there is a reason why IS only give you a dancer or a bard for each game. They can just dance/sing each other for infinite exp. If anything, you should make a route choice with a dancer on one, or bard on another. Also, you shouldn't be trying for dlc, that's just poor marketing for your game.
  4. You should change Seth's class to something more terrifying than Paladin :v
  5. If I remember correctly from what I was told... He has crit chance weapons with lethality activated. :)
  6. Nino* Jaffar and Limstella traded place afaik, at least from what others told me.
  7. it's a dancer ring that enhance crit rate. Also Lunatic... do you think you can rip these battle sprites and map sprites?
  8. Reskinning isn't a bad thing, if anything it's an amply opportunity to learn new things.
  9. All the while they chat, Valerina had found a seat nearby. Here she digs through the pouch on her belt with a childlike curiosity, but all she finds is a small brown bag presumed to be the adventuring essential, vulnerary and a helmet that she had put away during her away time. "Pah!" She moans, before continuing, "She doesn't even pack any snacks." Her gauntlets flicker slightly barely noticeable to people who may have sharp eyesight. Valerina gave it a faint but horrifying leer as if she resented it but she does not seems to pay it much minds. A momentous rustling in a tree nearby, Valerina gave no hesitation in throwing her iron lance at it, as the spear disappears into sight a small creature fall down with the weapon jabbed into its gut. Valerina wanders aimlessly toward the defenseless creature, licking her lips in such creepiness one would presume she to be abnormal. She grabs the shaft and picks it up with the critter sticking on it bringing it close to her face. A pair of small but cute eyes stare back at her, Valerina smiles revealing her teeth and quickly grabs the head with her free hand and yanks the skull clean off the body. "Look like I get to have a snack now," she spoke as red liquid gush out of the headless corpse. She toss away the head into a nearby bush and walks toward the fire pit to cook it without cleaning her lance or removing the carcass from the iron tip. After a brief moment of cooking with her eyes glittering, "Bon Appetite!" She then begins to enjoy the dinner of her life.
  10. I have a fair bit of a hunch that the 'new' weapons are simply a redesigned archetype of weapons using a weapon type that one class can't use but can use the weapon. For example, that fighter use axe right? Using Sword background (or is it lance? Fuzzy memory atm) the weapon is classified as that particular background but can only be equipped by axe users. It could be a form of reaver weapons.
  11. I'll do it in your stead with you as my honorary adviser. (as soon as xna release and after FE8CM that is)
  12. I'd think fe6 would be fairly difficult to do, i means. it's not like Klok can put fe6 in xna and re-randomize, buff legendaries, screw up items pattern, make Gale, Murdock, Zephiel, Brunya, Jahn, and Idoun nearly impossible to fight I'd fall in love with Klok if he makes Idoun playable instead and make Zephiel the last-last boss :v
  14. I should have it completed soon. Just to update you.
  15. Ah! Wait, but what about battle animation? There's female wizard of course but... dark wizard? Edit: Are you slavedriving Mr.Night to make a female version?
  16. Only one thing I have to say... I'd go gay for that mug.
  17. Aw yeahhh Necromancer Vanessa. What's Dark Witch though. . .
  18. There are total of 6 trainees type afaict
  19. Valerina remember the trees from before when she came upon the border, a sound of rocks hitting against each other repeats itself in her mind. "Ahh! Found them~ right where they are! Let's suggest departing from here immediately. It wouldn't do me right if my new found toys... were to simply perish," Valerina mumbles to herself with a grin. She hooks the quiver to her belt and flicks her shoulder hair back to her rear and hasten her movement. "Oh that's right, I should normalize her eyes before they see me," she comments as she blinks once and her eyes change to those of diamond white pupils. She reach the newly created fire pit, greeting them with a single word playfully. A shift in one's demeanor is suspicious but this ego did not understand human's hearts, all she knows is Valerina's memories and experiences, but not the meaning behind them. She then remarks, "Hey~ listen, maybe we should... you know... leave now? They're bound to be nearby now." She raise her right hand and points directly behind her with her thumb, "I scouted it out, it's relevantly safe save for few fallen trees and raised mounds." She grins mischievously.
  20. Lol. Klok. Would next month be too tall a task for the final patch?
  21. A bit conflicted about how often I should post. I always end my post a bit early to offers other chance of choosing how the rp side of Valerina goes. Should I keep that up'
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