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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. yes YES nah hmm. you should try taking a few practice tests for math II (best way to study at this point, both for math I and math II); if you consistently break like 600 or so (completely arbitrary benchmark i pulled out of my ass) then go for it.
  2. how much math have you taken? i'm inclined to recommend math I to you since it sounds like you've prepared for it and have some sense of what to expect; math II isn't difficult in the sense that it requires a lot of thinking, but it's possible that you may not have seen some of the stuff covered in math II, which may wind up in a lower math II score than what you predict.
  3. fite me on pokemon showdown
  4. most legendary Pokemon aren't overcentralizing or OP at all
  5. I like caramel in general, especially when it's all warm and gooey. Caramel apples don't sound very appealing, though.
  6. You can cut down file size significantly by pressing start during the EXP-gaining phases as well as during the combat exchanges.
  7. Without SR damage on Mega Lucario, CB Adamant 252 Atk Talonflame has a 50% chance of OHKOing 4 HP / 0 Def MLucario; with SR damage, the odds go up to 68.75%, which is sort of neat. A layer of Spikes guarantees the OHKO.
  8. If by "numerical calculus" you mean numerical analysis applied to calculus problems, then there should be little actual cramming required at the undergraduate level. If you pay attention in class (or read the textbook on your own) and try doing the homework by yourself, you should be able to pass the exams with quite a large room for error.
  9. zomgoodness, Rotom-W is everywhere on the ladders (both PO and PS). I'm hoping Trevenant can do a decent job of sponging it.
  10. Oh, skipped the part where you mentioned that you wouldn't recruit everyone. commonguard found a way of doing C11 with all items without needing to give Jake the forge. The DKs in C9 will have values of HP+Def between 52 and 54; if he gets a +4 Steel Bow, Sirius at base as a Sniper with the RP has 51 Atk after accounting for the Sniper's C rank. He should be able to pull off a OHKO reasonably reliably if he's Lv. 5 or above by then, so I guess you may want to feed him many of your boss-kills before that point.
  11. Just go with the +5. I think it will improve reliability in Chapter 9, and money isn't that big an issue.
  12. most likely SL was about to use a lower-priority move (for example, Counter, but I doubt Greninja learns that specific move) when your Pyroar attacked it
  13. Protean-boosted Water Shuriken is extremely useful in 1 v 1 for checking Adamant Talonflame and Sand Rush Excadrill. I never claimed that Flame Body should be used over Gale Wings, only that Adamant should be used over Jolly.
  14. By "outspeed" I simply meant that +Spe Greninja had higher Speed than +Atk Talonflame. Gale Wings won't help an Adamant Talonflame against a Water Shuriken from a Jolly Greninja.
  15. It shouldn't; Adamant Talonfame gets outsped by Timid/Jolly Greninja, and Jolly Talonflame shouldn't be used.
  16. consider pairing mlucario with landorus; because they're both fast hard-hitters whose checks tend to overlap, sacrificing mlucario (landorus) to take out a check can let landorus (mlucario) sweep if you play it properly. defensive gyarados is a problem for lucario, so bring stealth rocks and a way of repeatedly forcing out gyarados (rotom-w, for example)
  17. I knew someone who dressed up as Gary Oak one Halloween when he was in college. Reportedly, girls had no clue who he was supposed to be, but loved the costume anyway for the attendant Eevee plushie.
  18. In the games, you can construct teams and fight against other humans via Wi-Fi (in the recent games) or link cable (older games). A more efficient method of playing involves simulators like this one, in which you can simply make a team (or play games involving randomly generated teams) without putting in the time to grind out Pokemon.
  19. You can battle people. It takes a fair bit of thinking to play competitive Pokemon at a high level, not unlike FE.
  20. I suggested Sgt. Peppers vs. Revolver as a bonus poll a while ago; I don't think you ever used that.
  21. fe is winning in the thread i started incidentally, my thread is the #truthiest
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