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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. If you go to the ignore preferences, you will find the option to hide all sigs.
  2. Do concrete tiering criteria kill discussion? I personally feel that precise definitions are required to have any meaningful discussion at all. Consider the FE13 tier-list playstyle. In his playlog, bearclaw13 logged 98 turns by the end of Chapter 11. Meanwhile, Interceptor logged 75 turns by that point in his own playlog, and General Horace 65 turns. It seems that based on these playlogs, there exists some confusion as to what constitutes a "brisk pace." This is a problem since, obviously, character rankings can change wildly depending on how quickly we play. If we complete Paralogue 4 in three or four turns, which I would consider standard since the fastest clear is a two-turn completion with very precise Rescue usage, then a growth character like Nowi will have her lunch eaten by a more mobile unit (Sumia, Cordelia, Wyv Panne, Wyv Sully, reclassed Avatar), and will subsequently be of no use in the later chapters. If we complete it in six turns, then Nowi has the opportunity to gain about five levels. Nowi is slow enough that even with a C-ranked Gregor support and a Speed Tonic, she won't be doubling the Paralogue 4 enemies (who have at worst 10 Spd). For this reason, she has at best a minor role in the most efficient clears of P4. With well-defined criteria, one could argue Cherche over Nowi or vice-versa with some confidence. As it stands, it could go either way depending on how "briskly" we play.
  3. When people use strikethrough font, they're usually joking... Agreed. What I found equally ugh was that Cynthia...couldn't recognize her own father. That's just lazy writing.
  4. Ah, OK. Thanks. (I just found out about Crunchyroll. I feel so culturally literate.)
  5. So all this time, Chiki was just some filthy casual? I personally tend to have more fun playing casually.
  6. This shouldn't be as close as it is. Odd Rhythm is in principle superior to Even Rhythm if you think about it, though the difference is minuscule: Odd Rhythm is guaranteed to activate at the start of battle, while Even Rhythm needs a turn to catch up. At best, Even Rhythm "ties" with Odd Rhythm (they each activate k times in a fight lasting 2k turns; meanwhile, in a fight that lasts 2k+1 turns, Odd Rhythm activates k+1 times while Even Rhythm activates k times). If you're clearing a stage in a single turn, then Even Rhythm is useless, while Odd Rhythm has a shot at being useful. The exception would be if you had some stage where the best way of clearing would be to do all the heavy lifting on an even-numbered turn, but I'm not aware of such situations in this game.
  7. My bad, it looks like Randa removed that restriction.
  8. It doesn't look like people are aware that only three of their bias points actually count. Maybe you should lift that restriction.
  9. Usually the hardest or second hardest if its in a genre with which I have a bit of experience (like, say, tactical RPGs). In other genres I'll tone it down a bit since, well, getting my ass constantly handed to me isn't all that fun.
  10. His only real upside is that he can give Morgan (M) both HP+5 and Aptitude (since Morgan (M) will start as a Villager with Aptitude); the problem is that Morgan (M) is untouchable with or without Aptitude. Other than that, he is a real drag on both your turncounts and reliability. 0/10
  11. Unparalleled Kawaii Morgan (F) Gerome Gerome High Brady Lucina Mildly Amusing Owain Inigo Noire Tolerable Kjelle Severa ...Well, At Least He's the Best Combat Unit In LTC Morgan (M) Just Barely Tolerable Cynthia Laurent Yarne Her Paralogue Is Too Shitty To Bother With Nah
  12. With 29 HP and 16 Def, as specified previously, Ricken is 4HKOed regardless of whether the Cavs have 24 or 25 Atk. Although it is preferable to use a video over a wiki, there's no way that anyone here is willing to sit through an hour of watching Turtle Emblem for the sake of winning an argument.
  13. what is this i don't even how are you 15
  14. I'm not gonna argue Nowi under Ricken (mostly because this isn't a LTC tier list), but I am gonna say that Nowi is overrated. Just looking at C12, assuming we've slowed down enough to give Nowi twelve level-ups, she will have: 3 Spd (base) 2 Spd (stone) 5 Spd (Gregor) 2 Spd (tonic) which amounts to 12 Spd before growths. Cavs have 13 Spd, so Nowi needs 6 more points of Spd, which is conveniently what she would get on average. But because we're looking at a very small sample size of levels, the deviations will be large; using averages won't tell us the whole story. The probability of getting exactly 6 Spd levels out of 12 at 50% growth is: C(12,6)*(0.5)^12 = 0.22557 And the probability of getting at least 6 Spd levels out of 12 is then 0.22557 + (1 - 0.22557)/2 = 61.28% But 61.28% is kind of bad; that's like a Hypnosis in Pokemon. Meanwhile, giving Nowi those C12 kills takes them away from better combatants like Sumia and Cordelia, who can contribute to a two-turn clear with no sweat. Meanwhile, Nowi needs more time to clean up.
  15. Don't they all have 13 Spd? Unless my source is wrong, which it probably is. It would seem from the playlogs I've read that Nowi tends to be at a noticeably higher level (~15 or so).
  16. Well, it looks like our token 15-y/o Stoly knows what's happening, and I also knew what cis- and trans- isomers were as a mediocre chemistry student at age 15. But OK, I will grant that gen chem knowledge isn't always that essential or practical.
  17. There's no reason to penalize Sumia for needing "stuff" if feeding her said stuff doesn't decrease efficiency. Seeing as the OP has his own tier list, I suspect he isn't interested in influencing the outcomes in SDS's tier list.
  18. My implication was that a student of organic chemistry can ostensibly figure out that a cis-gendered man is someone who was born with a penis and identified as a man throughout his life, seeing as a cis-stereoisomer is one in which the functional groups are on the same side of the double bond.
  19. I fear for our future, and not just because these folks seem to have failed organic chemistry (ya know, cis- and trans- isomers).
  20. +Def/-Lck or -Skl both allow the Avatar to get off to a really huge level lead with a Fred Pair Up, enough to make any Mag or Spd problems negligible.
  21. A single 70%-reliable Dual Attack is not what I consider "completely in [my] favor." Getting two attempts gives you a 91% of scoring at least one. That's still not completely in my favor, but 91% > 70%, without question.
  22. The double improves the odds of a Dual Strike. With a forged Hammer, you'll have at worst an 84% chance of procuring at least one Dual Strike (S support grants [60 + Skl/4]% chance of a DS).
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