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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. damn, I forgot about that haha. I intended on using callil just for that :P

  2. hmm

    in the end I think I'm doing like

    all royals (including giffca) + Stefan + Shinon + Boyd + Elincia and I might be missing a slot

  3. Eh I waited until Level 20, sometimes 21 and I still got like 6 units promoted. I think I gave Mist an early promotion though. I dunno, I played that part of my HM run like three months ago; I still have to finish it but I'm at 4-5 and I'm too lazy to continue the chapter since no one I'm going to use in the final chapter (save Elincia and Tibarn) were brought with me. I'll solo...

  4. well my HM run was very loosely planned out. I kinda improvised the Callil bit (I decided not to use Soren -- my first HM run was a complete disaster when I used Soren AND Rolf so I ended up quitting midway).

  5. Brom clears a space in front of him at best every other time, though.
  6. yeah

    I was like "I may as well make them meatshields and help them weaken enemies for Callil -- they won't be of any use to me later anyway" so my plan was set in motion

    and I won

    so the game can suck me

  7. btw the CK map took like 15-20 turns doing a Callil solo, at like Level 15 she could hold her own somewhat well

  8. I'd rather keep this off the tier thread.

    I got Callil to Tier 3 because I had her solo the CK map with Paragon haha..

    btw it's easier to reply to me if you post on my comment wall because then I'm more likely to see it :E

  9. I'm speaking frontline defense; Elincia rapes offense and healing.
  10. At best it'd be a minor point off. 1 chapter more > 0 chapters more. I think it'd be better off with Haar if you're a bit more aggressive in Chapter 2-E, but if you want to use it on Titania (who is... 3-4 levels away from reaching her third tier and also has a good speed growth that'll help her catch up) to make her life easier, then by all means go for it. It's one of those things that still feels subjective, but I think it's better overall for Haar to rampage 2-E with it -- arguably harder than what all your GMs will have to go through in any of the coming chapters.
  11. Narga_Rocks: Congrats, you owned me. I'm speaking much of my arguments from my personal experience though, I've yet to fully settle back into debating; though I trained like 6 units and they were all in their third tiers right when 3-E started during my HM run. Boyd, Shinon, Ike, Titania, Haar, Callil, Gatrie. And that felt like the only way I could do it, so that's why I'm hammering Mia so much and praising Stefan; I thought Mia's needing of extra levels would be a bit more detrimental early on as a result, because I severely underestimate the amount of EXP you may truly need to get by. Though, personally, I don't see their parameters as all that much different enough that Stefan can't completely replace her in the event that Mia cannot be used. I kinda think this is the point I'm trying to make now. Maybe Stefan is inferior to her, but a +3 Defense and +4 attack advantage vs a bunch of EXP; whichever one is more important seems more player dependent than logic dependent, because even if GM chapters are easy it's still tough to get EXP. Stefan by no means is > Mia, once again, but Stefan can make a good enough Swordmaster for the endgame if you want one and didn't bother with Mia. And that's why I think he should more or less stay. Volke with Baselard is kinda the same except he's offensively better than Sothe at this point (note; offensively, not overall) except Baselard probably has like 4 less might. :| When your only consistent forms of defense, really, are like Haar and Brom taking on many enemies (depending on where you position them; Haar can take the right pretty damn well because he can take more hits than Brom, and Brom can take the left because he'll be getting attacked less and the Archer or Sniper there can help pick people off) whereas everyone else is either too frail (Neph), too weak to Crossbows (Elincia), or too inconsistent (Mordecai) to do things. Haar makes this process easier, in my opinion, especially with a Speedwing to kill whatever he needs killed. oic
  12. Aran has SOME potential to get BEXP Speed because his stats cap super fast due to super huge growths. It's a moderately difficult chapter vs a piss easy chapter. Which would you rather have the Speedwing used in?
  13. It's so easy to get it to Haar in time for 2-E though, if you put enough useless items on Geof or something. And Haar makes PLENTY of use of it during 2-E, and it saves BEXP it'll take to get those extra speed boosts. And you want to use it on the Greil Mercs when their chapters are piss easy anyway?Using it on Haar = more use for more chapters for more bearability during the tougher parts.
  14. Giving him the Speedwing isn't a bad idea either. Who else is gonna use it? Brom?
  15. Lyre doesn't have herpes in part 2. because she doesn't exist in part 2
  16. A Thunder with who? Shinon? Then she gets +8 Avoid and +2 Defense and +2 Strength. Except that Shinon's pretty much the only Thunder affinity and there are many other pairs he can go with that will arguably make them more useful as well; Ike/Shinon comes to mind. What chapter is this and what level is she? If this is by Chapter 4-3 then I see it as pretty unlikely. Maybe Level 20/8-9 by the start of the endgame compared to Level 20/8-9 for Stefan is a viable comparison, but that seems like you're favoring Mia too much. Wrong.Mia starts out pretty mediocre damage wise. Until you get Steel Blades. But at the start, guess who's beating her? Oscar is tying, Titania, Shinon, Ike, Gatrie, and eventually Haar when you get him. Mia tends to 2-3 round, sometimes 4 round things early on. Yeah, she does get better over time, but the fact is that Stefan is still comparable to her. I'm not arguing Stefan > Mia by any means, I'm arguing that they're comparable on equal levels near the end, and she doesn't blow Stefan out of the water enough for Stefan to suck or be unusable or whatever. Zihark might with an Earth support, but definitely not Mia. Helping lots? Not necessarily. Especially since she doesn't gain much more EXP than your higher leveled units and she's farther from promotion. That's what I mean by "work," because Stefan doesn't really compete for any of that early on; he comes in with pretty good stats from the get-go.
  17. No, only Zihark ends up beating him pretty badly by endgame. This barely grants Mia much of an attack bonus over Stefan; at best it's a +1 or +2. Stefan, in turn, has more HP for about even durability and offense (more AS, though). And guess which of these two require less work?
  18. Volke's crit is amazing and he can immediately rape with the Beast Killer in the chapter he comes in.Stefan's bases are more or less comparable to a 20/4-5 Mia; in fact I do recall them being better. And guess what level Mia's likely to be at this time? Same with comparable to Zihark, but Zihark's likely to be underleveled although his Earth affinity would kinda make up for it I suppose. Still if you want an end-game Vague Katti user ready from the getgo, Stefan is definitely your man.
  19. Yeah, that's actually about right.
  20. Twice I had to restart 4-4 because 2-3 Snipers in a row killed Boyd. :(
  21. Oh, I distinctly remember one coming from the south and I'm somehow thinking of that. Whoops.
  22. People in FE5 don't need stats to fuck you over, though. : [
  23. When does the Dracoknight even appear? I finished the chapter as of last week btw. A LOT of moving around, I think Vika even helped me against a mage somewhere. I forget what I did, but Muarim got a good 3-4 level-ups and everyone else got to like 20/12. Except Mist who's now like 20/5.
  24. I should mention it's what I did and not part of my argument. btw there's definitely a restore staff in 1-8 too. (20/3 Mist, 20/8 Ike A Shinon, who is also 20/9, Boyd 20/5, Nailah, Muarim were my main attackers. Heather/Rafiel for utility, Vika/Tormod were being protected). There's something about this argument here that irks me. I'm not sure at all whether or not the tier list counts perfect availability or not, in which case, doesn't it show how poor Vika is by the endgame if you have to kill her to make a chapter easier? In fact, you almost make it sound like "well Vika's pretty good if you kill her because her death makes the chapter easier." oic. And where's untransformed Muarim?
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