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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. *shrug* I mean I didn't know how easy it was to promote Oscar in like Chapter 8 but I still never did it anyway.Though, the thing is I remember having slightly more trouble in FE9 EM even with a ton of units promoted, whereas all my units in FE7 ENM weren't even promoted (if not that then they were just freshly promoted) and they didn't have all that much trouble.
  2. She probably meant 20/20 as in second tier level 20... so its still an Axe Paladin.
  3. It's also possible to boss abuse Dorcas and Sain/Kent, and promote the latter two before starting Eliwood's quest... I ranked FE7 NM (got an A, my 755K in assets didn't quite cut a 5* Funds but everything else was 5*) and I had a bit of an easier time than playing through FE9 EM. To each their own though.They're both easy/simple/whatnot but aside from some random super bosses in FE7 (fuck Linus, Lloyd, and Uhai, but FE9 had The Black Knight and Ashnard in compensation) I thought FE9 EM could be generally harder. Then again last time i played FE9 em was literally years ago...
  4. I played through FE7 Eliwood Normal today (my old harddrive crashed so i have to restart my files from scratch) and i beat it in like 11 hrs or so. I thought it was way easier than any experiences i had with FE9, personally, even compared to easy mode of FE9. For one, I actually was able to use like 25 units (i stopped leveling like half of those units around Chapter 26 though) and get them to mid-teens, I only promoted units around Chapter 27, etc and it was still way easier than any experience I had with FE9... Dorcas had 9 Spd and he wasn't even getting doubled in Chapter 30 (whereas even in FE9 HM ~CH22 9 speed gets doubled). Oswin had around 7-8 and he didn't have many doubling problems either. Though, to be perfectly fair, if it weren't for Raven being such a powerhouse (got him from Level 3 to 17 in 2 chapters) I probably wouldn't have beat the morph bosses in the first half of the chapter. Still, I had way less difficulty on one playthrough of FE7 NM than FE9 EM.
  5. I thought Critical in FE4 only doubled damage (whereas FE5 doubled attack).
  6. final fantasy isn't nintendo, but welcome anyway!
  7. If it's only unreleased media, then it's fine to some extent. 5 years is fucking ridiculous.
  8. Plotwise: incest is a plot point. Incest is also a game mechanic. Expect lots of incest. Oh, and there's weapons that give shit like +20 Res and +20 spd and like +10 skl and like +10 Str... and critical hits only come with 50 kills or more on a weapon. On there's a weapon that gives you an automatic critical skill and boosts your skill by +20. Oh, and you can't attack twice unless you have a pursuit skill ON TOP of speed. And there's negative evade. Finally, Tedius kills Tailto for Linda.
  9. shit ur right and don't forget super muscles and you cast thunder everytime you attack.......
  10. I actually had more trouble in this game on NM than I did in Hector mode in FE7. FE6 normal mode is also pretty easy compared to FE9 (FE9 not being that hard), and obviously FE10 EM is a lot easier than FE9 EM. I thought FE9, HHM and Radiant Dawn NM/HM aside, was relatively hard for the US released FEs.
  11. Super Saiyan 5 Capacity Add 30 to each stat and gain blonde hair. Men only. this will replace resolve and you will get like 20 of these.
  12. I had a Volug/Zihark A support, I put Tauroneo and Sothe on the chokepoints and had Micaiah purge/Physic a lot (and Laura herself used Physic/a bunch of random long distance shit). I also had a bunch of units come into the thing where Micaiah was so those stupid dick Hawks don't get onto there. Sothe and Tauroneo did fine on the chokepoints, though. Volug/Zihark had an A support, Volug himself had Resolve + Beastfoe and I got Zihark to a Lv1 Trueblade by the end of the chapter simply because those two did a shitton of killing. Though, I might've actually had it set so that the allied units did whatever they want at some point, but when Hawks showed up I did some odd things to make sure they didnt touch the fort... I might've actually had some extra units at the edge of the fort to do that. Oh, this was Hard Mode. I had to restart quite a bit but generally this strategy worked out while well.
  13. i chose fe10 ike's simply because of how smooth and awesome it is
  14. welcome yea its the tier discourse that caused me to leave now. I try to avoid that shit though, it's stupid
  15. Or... you people don't have to be tools and explain to people who obviously aren't debaters why they shouldn't post in threads on the Fire Emblem board in the fire emblem forum. (Since you guys are hardcore debaters, you probably pick apart every little point and take it literally -- I'm being perfectly sarcastic in my first sentence). Grow up past this "factually incorrect," you don't need to prove everyone wrong in terms of Fire Emblem. Do you guys seriously try to scare non-debaters off the boards? It's people like that which got me off FE debating. You can't say anything without being pressured to back your shit up regardless of how innocent your point is in a thread which already is quite blatantly made with innocent intent.
  16. caaaaaaaaalm down bro I don't think he's really taking this entire thing as seriously as you, nor is he trying to provoke a debate
  17. this thread is way more popular than it should be 40 posts? christ man
  18. No... it's okay at best... I'm not sure how much strategy is involved with enemies with broken weapons. Doesn't it have a low activation rate?
  19. Lord Raven

    Bianca? (B/W)

    Cheren can be rebattled infinitely.
  20. Never said anything about Tormod. The doubling I might've been referring to was much later in the chapter, but I'm *extremely* sure that early on even the swordmasters had some 40 hit on him. Also could've been a case of high biorhythm vs low biorhythm, but I distinctly remember a lot of this occurring on normal mode anyway.Buttloads easier than using Soren in Normal mode thats for sure. Using Callil in HM was easier for me, though, but I basically gave her an entire CrK chapter's worth of exp since I knew I wouldnt be using many of them after part 3 anyway. It's all up to personal preference anyway >_>
  21. I remember him doubling something... I might've been thinking of a random Lance General after a level up or two. I just remember him being able to evade things in the grass... and such. All I actually remember is that I had a much easier time using him than the other sages. I wager an entire kit-kat bar that the above post will provoke some really philosophical discussion that'll go over a million people's heads and make it sound like we're all stoned.
  22. If you like Leonardo you can afford to use him, personally, I wouldn't recommend it either (both out of personal hatred and whatever) but honestly, after playing through the game like 7 times I would only use Shinon. Rolf is good for some random scratch damage, but that's about it; he's kind of a pain to use long-term. As are the mages unless you really loved Soren, Callil, or Ilyana (I like using Callil because I tend to dedicate an entire Crimean Army chapter to her... it worked for me on HM but shes still not that good). I honestly think Pelleas is the easiest to use of all the mages/sages/archsages because in normal mode i remember him being able to either double or do massive damage to a bunch of enemies in the chapter he entered in.
  23. Personally I like using stat boosters as soon as possible, especially in strength and speed so characters double faster. It's also good if you want to abuse BEXP for characters, that way you can cap ram them on good stats then on bad stats you can BEXP them up (especially if they don't get a full level up each chapter.)
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